- Layout window commands and window-less commands
- Netlist window commands
- 3D window commands
- Color window commands
- “Wizard” (developer) layout commands
- “Wizard” (developer) window commands
- User’s Guide Development
- addcommandentry
- addpath
- antennacheck
- array
- box
- gds, calma
- caption
- cellmanager
- cellname
- cellsearch
- center
- tool
- channels
- cif
- clockwise
- closewindow
- closewrapper
- Layout window commands and window-less commands
- Netlist window commands
- 3D window commands
- Color window commands
- “Wizard” (developer) layout commands
- “Wizard” (developer) window commands
- User’s Guide Development
- contact
- copy
- corner
- crash
- crashbackups
- crosshair
- cursor
- def
- delete
- deletecommandentry
- direction
- display
- distance
- down
- drc
- drop
- dump
- edit
- element
- erase
- expand
- ext, extract
- ext2sim, exttosim
- ext2spice, exttospice
- ext, extract
- extresist
- ext2sim, exttosim
- ext2spice, exttospice
- feedback
- fill
- findbox
- findlabel
- flatten
- flush
- garoute
- gds, calma
- get, getcell
- get, getcell
- getnode
- goto
- grid
- help
- identify
- imacro
- initialize
- instance
- Magic version 7.3 Usage
- iroute
- irsim
- label
- lef
- load
- locking
- logcommands
- macro
- maketoolbar
- measure
- move
- netlist
- openwindow
- openwrapper
- orient
- paint
- path
- peekbox
- plot
- plow
- polygon
- popbox
- popstack
- port
- promptload
- promptsave
- property
- pushbox
- pushbutton
- pushstack
- quit
- random
- readspice
- redo
- redraw
- render3d
- resumeall
- rotate
- route
- ruler
- save
- scalegrid
- scroll
- search
- see
- select
- setlabel
- setpoint
- shell
- sideways
- sleep
- snap
- specialopen
- spliterase
- splitpaint
- startup
- straighten
- stretch
- suspendall
- tag
- tech
- techmanager
- command_name
- tk_path_name
- tool
- undo
- unexpand
- unmeasure
- updatedisplay
- upsidedown
- version
- view
- what
- windowborder
- windowcaption
- windownames
- windowscrollbars
- wire
- writeall
- xload
- xor
- xview
- zoom
Table of Contents
Command-line invocation (usage)
Script Invocation
Magic command summary
Obligatory Screenshot
This screenshot, from Magic version 7.2, shows off a number of features of the Tcl version, including the cell manager window, the tech manager window, the toolbar, the console command-line entry window, and popup dialog boxes. Also shows off the version 7.1+ features of the OpenGL display and the non-Manhattan geometry extension.
Magic version 7.4 Usage (command-line invocation)
Basic usage:
(Tcl version only) Uses the calling terminal for terminal-based command-line input. Otherwise, a Tk console window is used.
(Tcl version only) Magic layout windows use the GUI wrapper, including cell and technology manager windows, layer toolbar, and file menu.
-d devType
(all versions) Select the graphics interface at runtime. Specifying an invalid devType will result in a list of known types. The possible values of devType are determined at compile time, but the usual ones are NULL (no graphics), X11, and OpenGL. X11 is the usual default.
-T technology
(all versions) Select the appropriate technology (.tech) file. At present (this is on the to-do list), magic cannot change technology after startup. So the technology file corresponding to the layout to be loaded must be supplied to the command line at startup. The default technology is scmos, which is included with the magic source distribution. The complete list of available technology files depends on what has been installed on the system (see the technology file page for details).
(all versions) Load the layout (.mag) file file into the layout window on startup.
Other standard usage:
magic [-dnull] [file]
magic [-r[ecover]]
where options are as follows:
This option recovers a layout after a crash. Note that crash recovery files are only automatically created and updated by the Tcl/Tk version of magic. A single file containing multiple layouts is placed in the /tmp directory. Upon normal program exit, it is removed. However, if magic terminates abnormally due to a program bug, reception of a termination signal from the operating system, or a system crash or shutdown, the file will remain and can be recovered. It is very important that you recover the file from the same directory where it was initially created; otherwise, if startup conditions are different (such as a different technology specified), layout may be lost.
-dnull file
This option starts magic without graphics. It is appropriate for running magic in batch mode from a script. Note that there is a subtle difference between options “-d null” and “-dnull”. The former starts magic without the ability to create a layout window, but still invokes the graphics initialization routines (in the Tcl/Tk version, a Tk window may briefly appear). The latter form specifically ignores all graphics and therefore runs with less overhead on startup.
Complete usage information:
where the additional options not covered above are:
(Tcl version only) Run without displaying an initial layout window. This is used mainly for GUI wrapper scripts which like to generate and handle their own windows.
-m monType
(obscure) monType names a monitor type. This is used in the search for the colomap file name, which is designated <tech>.<planes>.<mon>.cmap1. The default is “std” (corresponding to colormap file “mos.7bit.std.cmap1”. The only other monitor type for which colormaps exist in the distribution is “mraster”. This provides a way for users to override the system color assignments.
(all versions) Run in Debug mode.
Obsolete usage information:
magic [-g gPort] [-i tabletPort] [-F objFile saveFile] …
where the additional options not covered above are:
-g gPort
(largely obsolete) gPort names a device to use for the display. This was generally used in the past with dual-monitor systems, especially Sun systems in which the layout display might go to /dev/fb.
-i tabletPort
(largely obsolete) tabletPort names a device to use for graphics input. This has not been tested with modern graphics tablet devices. It is ignored by the X11 and OpenGL display interfaces.
-F objFile saveFile
(largely obsolete) Create an executable file of the current magic process, a core image snapshot taken after all initialization. objFile is the name of the original executable, and the image will be saved in saveFile. This only works on VAXen and SUNs running an old SunOS (using a.out executables).
Script invocation
Often it is helpful to have a shell script invoke magic with specific options to perform tasks such as generating a GDS file for tapeout. The following example code clip imports GDS into magic as a “vendor cell”:
General window commands (for all windows)
Layout window commands and window-less commands
Netlist window commands
3D window commands
Color window commands
“Wizard” (developer) layout commands
“Wizard” (developer) window commands
User’s Guide Development
To be done:
- Add some general topics, not command-specific.
- Incorporate a lot of the currently text-only material into HTML format.
- Run latex2html on all of the LaTeX distribution documentation.
- More information on the routers and netlists
- Subject index.
Generate a new frame for command-line entry.
addcommandentry framename
where framename is the Tk pathname of a frame.
The addcommandentry command is used with the GUI wrapper in magic version 7.3. It adds a narrow text entry frame to the bottom of the window. This frame duplicates the output of the Tk console, and can be used as an alternative console from which to enter command-line commands. The framename is the Tk path name of the frame holding the layout window. By default these are named .layout1, .layout2, etc., for each call to openwrapper.
The command entry window has a prompt with the name of the Tk frame, e.g., “layout1>”, and all window commands entered into this area will be relative to the associated layout window.
Implementation Notes:
addcommandentry is implemented as a Tcl procedure defined in the GUI wrapper script. It is only available when the wrapper is used, that is, when magic is invoked with argument -w.
See Also:
Append to current search path
addpath [path]
where path is the path of a directory to add to the list of directories searched for layout cells, relative to the current working directory.
The addpath command is used to control which directories magic searches when attempting to read an undefined cell. It can only be used to append new directories to the existing search path (see below). This command is most often used when groups of subcells such as a standard-cell library or padframe library is kept in a separate place from the rest of the layout. In such cases it is convenient to put this command in the .magic file in the layout directory to ensure that all cells required by the layout are accessible at runtime.
Implementation Notes:
addpath is a magic built-in command. It is retained for backwards compatibility, but is superceded by the path command, which allows complete control over the layout search path contents, as well as other search paths used by magic.
See Also:
Run antenna violation checks on the current edit cell.
antennacheck [option]
where option may be one of the following:
“antennacheck run” is equivalent to “antennacheck” with no
arguments, and causes an antenna violation check to be run.
Sets up debug mode for the next antenna run. In addition to feedback
entries, additional information will be printed to the terminal
about each error encountered.
The antennacheck command runs a full check for antenna violations on the entire area of the cell being edited. Antenna violations are defined in the technology file as the ratios of metal area to sensitive MOSFET transistor gate areas to which the metal is attached. The antenna effect is a manufacturing problem caused by charge buildup on gates during metal etching. The metal being etched forms an antenna that gathers charge on the net connected to the gate. If the area of metal is large enough the gate can be destroyed by the process of etching. The foundry specifies what the area ratio limit must be. The check is done progressively from the lowest metal layer to the highest. If violations are found, then feedback entries are created covering the area of both the gate and the metal layer at which the violation occurred.
The extract command must be run prior to antennacheck to obtain the extracted characteristics of the design, so that all sensitive transistor gates can be identified and enumerated.
Implementation Notes:
antennacheck is implemented as a built-in magic command. The antennacheck command was introduced in magic version 8.2.150 along with technology file extensions to support the antenna rule violations (see the online Maintainer’s Manual #2).
See Also:
Array everything in the current selection
array option
where option is one of the following:
xsize ysize
Array the selection with xsize copies in the x (horizontal)
direction and ysize copies in the y (vertical) direction.
Array pitch is determined by the current cursor box.
xlo xhi ylo yhi
Array the selection with indices xlo, xhi, ylo, and yhi
inclusive. Thus, (xhi - xlo + 1) copies will be created in the
x direction and (yhi - ylo + 1) copies will be created in
the y direction. Arrayed cell uses will be numbered according to
the indices. Array pitch is determined by the current cursor box.
count [[xlo] xhi [ylo] yhi]
With no arguments, returns the array indices of the currently
selected cell. With arguments, is equivalent to the first two
options (see above).
width [value]
With no arguments, returns the array spacing in x of the
currently selected cell. With arguments, redefines the spacing in
x between cells in the array.
height [value]
With no arguments, returns the array spacing in y of the
currently selected cell. With arguments, redefines the spacing in
y between cells in the array.
pitch [x y]
With no arguments, returns the array spacing in x and y of
the currently selected cell. With arguments, redefines the spacing
in x and y between cells in the array.
position [x y]
With no arguments, returns the position of the array origin. With
arguments, redefines the array origin.
Print help information
The array command creates multiple copies of the current paint selection. In the case of selected paint, only the first two options are available, and the function makes multiple copies of the selected paint in the x and/or y direction(s). In the case of selected cells, the cell is copied multiple times but is maintained in the database as an array type, rather than multiple individual uses. As an array type, certain functions such as move or copy operate on the array as a single unit, and subsequent calles to the array command may resize the array.
The cursor box defines the pitch between cells or paint copies in the array. The height of the box is the pitch in y, and the width of the box is the pitch in x.
The Tcl version allows useful constructs on the command line such as:
array width [expr {1 + [array width]}]
move s [array height]
The first example expands the pitch of the array by 1 unit in the x direction without requiring explicitly sizing the cursor box to match the array pitch. The second example moves the array down by the y
Implementation Notes:
array is implemented as a magic built-in command. Command options which return values from a selected array generate Tcl results in the Tcl version of magic.
Move box dist units in direction or (with no arguments) show box size.
Key macro b implements the command box (with no arguments), which prints information about the box to the console (terminal stdout).
box [option]
where option is one of the following:
[direction [distance]]
Move the box in the indicated direction by the indicated distance.
width [width]
Set or return box width
height [height]
Set or return box height
size [width height]
Set or return box size
position [llx lly] [-edit]
Set or return box position
values [llx lly urx ury] [-edit]
Set or return box coordinates.
move direction distance|cursor
Move box position
grow direction distance
Expand box size
shrink direction distance
Shrink box size
corner direction distance|cursor
Reposition a box corner
Is the cursor box present?
Make the cursor box disappear from the window
Print help information
The box command, with no arguments, prints information about the current position and size of the cursor box to the console (terminal stdout). The output shows the lower-left and upper-right coordinates of the box, plus the box width, height, and area. These coordinates and dimensions are shown both in microns and in lambda units. If the internal grid has been subdivided to a finer grid than lambda, then internal units will also be reported.
With arguments, the box command adjusts the position and dimensions of the cursor box as outlined in the Usage section (see above). The -edit switch causes coordinate values to be reported relative to the origin of the current edit cell, if the edit cell is not the topmost cell in the layout window.
NOTE: Prior to magic 8.1.43, the “-edit” switch did not work with “position”. Starting from magic 8.1.43, “-edit” works with any box option and returns values in the coordinate system of the child cell, if the current edit cell is not the topmost cell in the window.
For a discussion of valid distances, see the page distance. This includes dimensional values such as width and height, e.g.,
box width 1.2um
Note that because metric dimensions do not always match lambda dimensions, the dimension may be rounded down to the nearest lambda. This is important in case this use of box is intended to meet some DRC requirement. For the options move and corner, the distance may be the keyword “cursor”, indicating that the box should be moved or the corner repositioned to the position of the cursor. These versions of the command implement the standard mouse button bindings for the “box tool” in layout windows.
For a discussion of valid directions, see the page direction. Note that special cases box grow center and box shrink center will cause the box to expand or shrink on all sides, whereas box move center is nonfunctional. Also, the box corner command expects the direction to be a nonmanhattan direction (ur, bl, etc.), indicating the corner to be repositioned.
Implementation Notes:
box is implemented as a magic built-in command. Command options with keywords and no arguments return Tcl results in the Tcl version of magic. However, to be backwardly compatible with versions of magic prior to 7.3, the box command with no arguments prints information directly to stdout (the command-line console). The separate option box values is provided to return the two box coordinates (lower-left and upper-right) as a Tcl list.
The use of returned Tcl values allows various useful constructs on the command-line, such as:
box move e [box width] box height [box width]
The first example moves the box to the right by the width of the box, while the second example makes the box square by adjusting the height to match the width.
See Also:
gds, calma
Read GDSII input or generate GDSII output.
gds [option]
calma [option]
where option is one of the following:
Primary options:
Print usage information
read file
Read GDSII format from file file into the edit cell. If file
does not have a file extension, then magic searches for a file
named file, file.gds, file.gds2, or file.strm.
warning [option]
Set warning information level. “option” may be one of the
The default setting is equivalent to all the other options
(align, limit, redirect, and none) being disabled.
Generate warnings during a “cif see” command if the alignment of
geometry is on fractional lambda. Normally, magic allows contacts to
be drawn at half-lambda positions. If this violates DRC requirements
for the minimum output grid, this warning setting can be used to
detect such violations.
Limit warnings to the first 100 warnings or errors only.
redirect [file]
Redirect all warnings to an output file named file. If file is
not given, then redirection is disabled.
Do not produce any warning messages on GDS input.
write file
Output GDSII format to “file” for the window’s root cell.
Options for gds read:
datestamp [yes|no|value]
When reading a GDS file, the resulting layout views in magic will be
timestamped according to the declared datestamp action. If yes
(the default), then the creation date timestamp from the GDS file is
transferred to the layout cell. If no, then the datestamp is set
to zero and will be created when the cell is saved to disk. If
value, then the specified value (in UNIX format of seconds since
the epoch) will be used for the layout timestamp.
drccheck [yes|no]
If set to no, then do not mark cells read from GDS as requiring
DRC checks (default yes).
flatglob [none|string]
Flatten cells by name pattern on input. This is the more exacting
version of flatten, as it allows specific cells to be flattened.
Each call with an argument string adds string to the list of
name patterns to be checked. A call with the option none will
remove all patterns. A call with no options will return the list of
string patterns that will be applied to inputs. The strings may use
standard shell-type glob patterns, with * for any length string
match, ? for any single character match, \ for special
characters, and [] for matching character sets or ranges
(introduced in version 8.3.102).
flatten [yes|no|number]
Flatten simple cells (e.g., contacts) on input. This helps magic to
use its contact-area representation of contacts, and can also avoid
situations where contacts are lost or translated to “generic” types
because the arrayed part of the contacts is missing one or more
residue layers. The default number of shapes in an input to be
considered “simple” is 10, but this can be set with the number
argument. A number of zero implies flatten no, and a non-zero
number implies flatten yes. Otherwise, the use of yes and
no toggles the flattening behavior without affecting any value
previously set by flatten number.
maskhints [yes|no|layers]
When set to yes, then after reading each cell definition from
the GDS file, magic will re-generate the GDS output data from its
internal representation of the cell. Where the output data does not
match the input data, and where the technology file defines mask
hints in the cifoutput section for a GDS layer, magic will
automatically generate the mask hint property for the cell such that
writing GDS of the cell will produce exactly the same mask data as
was in the original GDS file. Alternatively to specifying “yes”,
a comma-separated list layers of GDS layers to create mask hints
for can be specified (default no).
noduplicates [yes|no]
When reading a GDS file, this option forces magic to ignore cell
definitions in the GDS file that are already present in the database
(that is, for which a cell of the same name already exists). This
can be used, for example, to pre-load an abstract view of a cell
before reading a GDS file containing that cell. This option should
be used with extreme caution, since there is no check as to whether
the existing view is compatible with the one in the GDS file.
ordering [yes|no]
Forces post-ordering of subcells read from a GDS file; that is, if a
cell use is encountered before it is defined, magic will read
through the remainder of the file until it finds the definition,
read it, and then return to the original file position to continue
reading. This option is always enabled when using gds flatten.
Otherwise, the default behavior is ordering no to avoid lengthy
searches through the GDS stream file.
polygon subcells [yes|no]
Put non-Manhattan polygons into subcells. Default is “no”. Normally
this option is not needed. However, input layout that defines a
number of angled wires, particularly those that are closely spaced,
can cause magic to generate literally millions of internal
tiles. This tends to be true in particular for corner cells in
padframes for deep submicron feature sizes, where the angled corners
are required to meet the DRC specification. When set to “yes”, each
polygon encountered in the GDS input is placed in its own
uniquely-named subcell. This prevents interations with other
polygons on the same plane and so reduces tile splitting.
readonly [yes|no]
Set cell as “read-only”. This has the effect of marking each cell
definition (using the property method) with the start and end
positions of the cell definition in the input file. In subsequent
output, the cell definition will be transferred verbatim from the
input to the output file. This is useful for 3rd-party standard
cells or pad cells where the original GDS is trusted and it is
desirable to bypass the boolean operators of magic’s GDS reader
and writer to prevent the layout from being altered. Note that
“read-only” layout can be written to a .mag file, but the contents
of this file are representational only. It can be useful to keep a
simplified respresentation in the case of pad cells or digital
standard cells, for example, by reading them using a GDS input style
that defines only metal layers.
rescale [yes|no]
Allow or disallow internal grid subdivision while reading GDS input.
Default is “yes”. Normally, one wants to allow rescaling to ensure
that the GDS is displayed exactly as it is in the input file.
Occasionally, however, the GDS input is on a very fine scale, such
as nanometers, and it is preferable to snap the input to lambda
boundaries rather than to subsplit the internal grid to such a fine
value. The “cif limit” function may also be used to limit grid
subdivision to a minimum value.
unique [yes|no]
When reading a GDS file, this option forces magic to rename cell
definitions in the database when a cell of the same name is
encountered in the GDS file. The default behavior is to overwrite
the cell with the new definition. The existing cell is renamed by
adding a suffix with an underscore and a number. The number is
incremented until the name fails to match any known cell name in the
Options for gds write:
abstract [allow|disallow]
Define the behavior for abstract cells (e.g., cells derived from LEF
views). If allowed, then these cells will be written to GDS even if
the abstraction layers (e.g., metal obstructions) have no defined
GDS layers. If disallowed, the GDS file will not be written if
abstract cells exist. The default behavior is disallow.
addendum [yes|no]
Do not output vendor (readonly) cell definitions. Only the
references will be output. This makes the output file an addendum to
any existing vendor GDS libraries.
arrays [yes|no]
Output arrays as individual subuses (like in CIF). Default is “no”.
Normally there is no reason to do this.
compress [value]
For non-zero value, apply gzip-style compression to the output
stream. Per the gzip compression algorithm, value represents a
level of compression effort, and ranges from 1 to 9. When value is
zero, no compression is applied and the output is standard GDS
format, and the output file extension is “.gds”. When value is
non-zero, compression is applied, and the output file extension is
“.gds.gz”. With no argument, return the current compression setting.
The default compression setting is zero (no compression applied;
output is plain GDS).
contacts [yes|no]
Causes contacts to be written to the GDS file as subcell arrays
(experimental, introduced in version 7.3.55). This method can
produce very efficient output compared to writing each contact cut
square separately.
datestamp [yes|no|value]
When writing a GDS file, each cell definition is given a header
containing two date stamps, one for the creation date, and one for
the modification date. By default, magic writes the cell’s internal
timestamp as the creation date, and sets the modification date stamp
to zero. The datestamp option, if set to no, will also set
the creation date stamp to zero. If set to value, then the
specified stamp value will be output for the creation date. The
stamp value should be an integer in the format used by the UNIX
time() system call, which is the number of seconds since January 1,
1970, or equivalently the Tcl command “clock seconds”. Note that
very few tools make use of the GDS date stamps. But having a valid
date stamp means that a GDS file cannot be written twice with the
exact same contents, which has implications for repositories like
git. When writing libraries, it is useful to set a date stamp tied
to a version number and apply that date stamp to all files written
for the library.
labels [yes|no]
Cause labels to be output when writing GDSII. Default is “yes”.
Normally there is no reason not to do this.
library [yes|no]
Do not write the top level cell into the output GDS file, but write
only the subcells of the top level cell. Default is “no”.
lower [yes|no]
Allow both upper and lower case in labels. Default is “yes”.
merge [yes|no]
Concatenate connected tiles into polygons when generating output.
Depending on the tile geometry, this may make the output file up to
four times smaller, at the cost of speed in generating the output
file. Some programs like the field equation solver HFSS won’t work
properly with layout broken into many tiles; other programs like
Calibre will complain about acute angles when non-Manhattan geometry
is broken into triangles. GDS output limits polygon boundaries to a
maximum of 200 points, which limits the efficiency of the merge
method. The default value if “no”; e.g., all GDS output is a direct
conversion of tiles to rectangle and triangle boundary records.
nodatestamp [yes|no]
Backwardly compatible alternative to the datestamp option.
Setting nodatestamp yes is equivalent to setting datestamp
no (see above).
undefined [allow|disallow]
Define the behavior for undefined cells (e.g., cells whose layout
contents could not be found). If allowed, then the calls to these
cells will be written to GDS even if the cell itself is not defined
in the GDS (see the addendum option, above). If disallowed, the
GDS file will not be written if undefined references exist. The
default behavior is disallow.
The gds command reads or produces GDSII output (also known as “stream” output, or “calma” output after the name of the company that invented the format), or sets various parameters affecting the GDS input and output. In magic, the GDS read and write routines are a subset of the CIF read and write routines, and so it is important to note that certain cif command options (q.v.) also affect GDS input and output. In particular, cif istyle and cif ostyle set the input and output styles from the technology file, respectively.
If no option is given, a CALMA GDS-II stream file is produced for the root cell, with the default name of the root cell definition and the filename extension “.gds”.
gds read will read both (gzip-)compressed and uncompressed GDS files. gds write will only write compressed files as indicated by the gds compress setting.
Implementation Notes:
gds is implemented as a built-in function in magic. The calma command is an alias for gds and is exactly equivalent.
- The cif command options that affect GDS input and output should really be duplicates as options of the GDS command.
- GDS input is “interpreted” through boolean operations in the technology file definition, and so it is not guaranteed that all input will be read correctly.
- Not all non-Manhattan geometry is read correctly.
- The input can be fouled up if the magic grid is rescaled during input. This error can be avoided by scaling the grid prior to GDS read-in.
- “polygon subcells” in GDS creates a duplicate image of the layout read into the subcells; this needs to be fixed.
See Also:
Configures the titlebar of the GUI wrapper on a layout window
caption layoutwindow
where layoutwindow is the Tk pathname of the layout window (not the top-level frame).
The caption command is used by the GUI wrapper script and is normally not a user command. It configures the titlebar of the wrapper frame in a way that is similar to the titlebar in the original (non-Tcl, non-GUI) versions of magic. The style and contents of the titlebar may be changed by redefining this procedure in Tcl.
Implementation Notes:
caption is implemented as a Tcl script in the GUI wrapper.
See Also:
Invoke the cell manager GUI window
Menu option Options->Cell Manager implements the command cellmanager create in the GUI layout window. This menu item has a checkbox and is used both to open and to close the Cell Manager window.
cellmanager [option]
where option is optional and may be one of the following:
The default option if no option is given. Update the cell manager to
reflect the current state of the layout.
Create the cell manager window. This option is normally called only
from the “Cell Manager” button in the magic GUI layout window.
The cellmanager command is normally invoked automatically from inside the GUI wrapper procedures and tag callbacks, and normally should not be called directly from the command line.
Figure 1. The Cell Manager Window
The Cell Manager window (see above) is a separate top-level window with Tk pathname “.cellmgr”. It consists of a tree widget (defined in the Tcl package “BLT”) display in the center, a message window and button on the bottom, and a row of menu buttons at the top.
The Cell Manager displays cells for everything stored in the layout database. As such, it is only necessary to have a single cell manager for all layout windows. However, commands such as “Load”, “Edit”, etc., apply to a specific window. When a new layout window is created, rather than generate a new Cell Manager window, the new window is added to the list of “target windows”. The currently selected target window is displayed at the bottom of the Cell Manager. This is also a button that can be used to select a new target window. If only one layout window is present, the target is declared “default” and may be left alone.
The hierarchical tree view shows all of the instances (cell uses) in a layout. When first invoked, the top-level cell only is shown, with a “folder” icon showing that this cell contains uses. By clicking on the “+” symbol next to the folder icon, the tree view is expanded to show the cell instances used by the top-level layout cell. This expansion may continue until a cell instance is found that does not contain any descendents. Note that the name displayed is the name of the cell definition, with the instance number given in parentheses after the name. If the instance name is non-default (e.g., because it came from a 3rd party vendor database or was altered with the identify command), the full name of the instance is shown in the parentheses. If the instance is arrayed, the array indices are shown in brackets (“[]”) after the instance number or name.
The use of tag callbacks on commands allows the cell manager to be updated in response to certain commands entered on the command line. The cell manager will be updated in response to a “load” or “getcell” command.
The menu buttons perform certain functions based on the selection made in the tree window. These functions are as follows:
load the selected cell into the window. The load command is
invoked and passed the cell definition name of the selected cell
instance. Note that this menu function operates on the cell
definition of the selected cell instance.
edit the selected cell instance. The cell instance selected becomes
the current edit cell.
expand (or unexpand, if already expanded) the selected cell
change the current view of the layout so that it is centered on the
selected cell instance, and scaled so that the cell instance fills
the screen.
Implementation Notes:
cellmanager is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the GUI wrapper script. Because layouts with complicated hierarchy can cause magic to run very slowly due to processing in the cell manager window, this window does not exist on startup and is deleted entirely when turned off in the “Options” menu of the GUI wrapper layout window.
cellmanager uses the tree display widget from the tcl package “BLT”. Therefore, in order to see the Cell Manager window, it is necessary to have BLT installed on the system. If BLT is not installed, no option for “Cell Manager” will appear in the “Options” menu of the GUI wrapper window.
cellmanager depends on the GUI wrapper window, as it is defined in the wrapper script. Therefore, to use the cell manager, it is necessary to invoke magic with the option “-w”.
The “Expand” function should expand everything above the selected cell. Otherwise, if something higher up in the hierarchy is unexpanded, the selected cell will not be expanded.
See Also:
Operations on cell definitions.
cellname option
where option is one of the following:
[list] children [name]
List all of the children definitions of cell name, or the children
of the currently selected cell instance.
[list] childinst [name]
List all of the children instances of cell name, or the children
of the currently selected cell instance.
[list] parent [name]
List the parent cell definition of cell name, or the parent of the
currently selected cell instance.
[list] exists|self [name]
Returns the name of the cell if the cell exists, or false (0) if the
cell does not exist (is not loaded into the database; the cell may
still exist on disk). If name is not present, returns the name of
the currently selected cell.
[list] allcells
List all of the cells in the database. Note that expansion is not
automatic, so cells that are not expanded are not searched.
[list] topcells
List the name of the top-level cell or cells. Note that the cells
are searched in the whole database, so multiple cells may be
returned, regardless of what cell is the topmost cell in the layout
window. For that, use cellname window (see below).
[list] window
List the name of the topmost cell in the window. If only one window
exists, it is implicit. If more than one window exists, the command
operates on the window from which the command was called if the “:”
macro was used to invoke the command. Otherwise, the window can be
specified as the command (q.v. tk_path_name).
create name
Create a new cell definition with name name. This is most often
used with scripts, where it is not necessary or desirable to load
the cell into the window. Note that this command does not search the
layout search path for a cell named name.mag, so it can be used to
replace a cell which exists on disk but is not currently loaded.
rename name newname
Change the name of the cell definition name to newname.
delete name
Delete the cell definition with name name. If cell name is a
descendent of another cell, the command will be prohibited. If the
cell name is currently the topmost cell in the window, the window
will be loaded with default cell “(UNNAMED)”.
dereference name
Perform a flush of the cell (per the “flush” command), first
removing any file path associated with the cell, so that the cell
will be reloaded from the first valid location found using the
search paths.
Reports flag settings for the cell. Flags which are reported are
“available”, “modified”, and “readonly”. Flag “available” is true if
the cell has been loaded into the database. Flag “modified” is true
if layout changes have been made to the cell. Flag “readonly” is
true if the cell has been locked to prevent edits.
timestamp name [value]
Reports or sets the cell timestamp value. Note that timestamps
should be handled automatically, so setting the timestamp is
discouraged outside of limited functions like creating cell
libraries. The timestamp is in the usual integer format and can be
printed as a human-readable date using the Tcl clock command,
e.g., “clock format [cellname timestamp]”.
filepath name [default|pathname]
With no option, this command returns the path to the file for the
cell name, or the keyword “default” if the cell is not
associated with a specific file path. With option “default”, if
the cell is associated with a specific file path, that association
is removed. With option “pathname”, the cell is associated with
the given file path. Note that this is meant to be used to resolve
issues with database libraries being moved from one location or
another. More typically, the “save” command should be used to
create a copy of the (possibly modified) cell in a new location.
Changing the filepath will not perform any disk reads or writes.
writeable name [true|false]
Option writeable false makes the current cell read-only and
therefore prevents any edits from being written to disk. If magic is
compiled with file-locking, then any advisory lock on the file is
released. Option writeable true makes the current cell
read-write. If magic is compiled with file-locking, then magic
attempts to grab an advisory lock on the file. If a lock is already
held on the file, then the command cannot be executed, and the cell
remains read-only. Option writeable with no other arguments
returns the state of the cell (roughly equivalent to cellname
flags readonly).
The cellname command performs various operations on cell definitions. For the first four options listed above, cellname lists cells by their relationship to cell name, or to the current selection if no name is given. The optional argument list returns the result as a list. In particular, in the Tcl version of magic, this list is a Tcl result that may be operated on by Tcl procedures.
Implementation Notes:
cellname is implemented as a built-in function in magic The Tcl version of magic returns Tcl results when the “list” option is present. instance is essentially an alias for the cellname command, and takes the same options, but references are to cell instances rather that cell definitions (q.v.).
The command option cellname list exists is nonsensical from the standpoint of the end-user (if the cell is selected, of course it exists). However, it is a very useful function for Tcl scripts to determine the name of the cell that is currently selected.
The cellname command replaces a number of commands that briefly appeared in version 7.1, such as parent, child, and top. These commands are now options of the cellname and instance commands.
See Also:
Execute a TCL procedure on each cell definition or instance in the hierarchy
cellsearch [instances] procedure
where procedure is the name of a predefined Tcl procedure (see Summary, below).
The cellsearch command is a method for user access to the magic database search routines. It searches the hierarchical database for all cell definitions and applies the callback procedure to each. If the instances keyword is present, it searches the database for all cell instances and applies the callback procedure to each. The callback procedure must be defined as described below. Note that the callback method into Tcl is inherently slow and should only be used for non-compute-intensive tasks.
The Tcl callback procedure for the instances version of the cellsearch command is passed six values, the bounding box coordinates of the instance, the instance use name (id), and the name of the parent cell definition. The procedure must be defined to accept these six arguments, as in the following example:
proc inst_callback {llx lly urx ury usename defname} { puts stdout “Instance $usename of $defname bbox $llx $lly $urx $ury” }
The Tcl callback procedure for the cell definition search is passed one value, the name of the cell definition. The procedure must be defined to accept this single argument, as in the following example:
proc def_callback {defname} { puts stdout “Cell $defname” }
Implementation Notes:
cellsearch is implemented as an internal magic command that links to an external Tcl procedure as a callback function. This routine is experimental and subject to change without notice.
As currently implemented, there is no protection against calling a magic command from the callback procedure that will alter the internal cell hash table while it is being traversed, causing a crash. The implementation should be changed to a 2-step procedure that traverses the cell hash table first, creating an internal list of function arguments to pass for each cell, and then executes the callback function on each.
There are more efficient ways of executing the callback function than Tcl_EvalEx(). In particular, the procedure should be cast as a Tcl object and Tcl_EvalObjEx() used.
The callback function should allow in-line Tcl procedures and use the standard Tcl/Tk method of “%” escape sequences used as arguments to the callback function that allow the user to specify what arguments are passed to the callback function (as is done for the tag command).
See Also:
Center the layout window view on the cursor lower-left coordinate, or the indicated coordinate if present.
center [x y]
where x y is a coordinate in default magic units
Without arguments, the center command centers the layout window on the lower-left corner of the cursor box. When values x and y are given, the view is centered on that coordinate. Coordinate values must be in (integer) units of the magic internal grid. This command is similar to the “view llx lly urx ury” command, which centers on a box instead of a point.
Implementation Notes:
center is implemented as a magic built-in command.
Coordinate values should be any acceptable value, including lambda, grid, and metric values, as they are for the box command.
See Also:
Change the layout “tool” (button bindings). This page describes the version of the command used by the Tcl version of magic.
Key macro space implements the command tool.
Key macro shift-space implements the command tool box.
tool [name | info] |
where name may be one of box, wiring, netlist, or pick.
The tool command selects or queries the mode of operation of the mouse buttons in the layout window. Each tool type has a unique set of button bindings.
Without arguments, the tool command selects the next tool type in round-robin fashion. With a tool type as argument, the button bindings switch to those for the indicated tool. With the info option, a summary of the commands bound to each mouse button is given for the current tool.
The default mouse bindings for each of the three tools is as follows:
- Box Tool
Move the box so its lower-left corner is at cursor position
Resize box by moving upper-right corner to cursor position
Paint box area with material underneath cursor
In addition, you can move or resize the box by different corners by pressing left or right, holding it down, moving the cursor near a different corner and clicking the other (left or right) button down then up without releasing the initial button.
- Wiring Tool
Pick wire material and size from under the cursor and begin interactive wire placement.
Cancel interactive wire placement.
Place a wire at the position shown by the interactive wire tool
highlight box, and continue interactive wire placement.
Change the type of wire to the next plane (e.g., metal1 to metal2)
Change the type of wire to the previous plane (e.g., metal2 to
Place a contact at the current location and switch to the wire
type on the next plane.
**scrollwheel up **
Increase the wire size by one unit
**scrollwheel down **
Decrease the wire size by one unit
Note that the methods for the wire tool differ significantly between Tcl-based magic, with its interactive capabilities, and non-Tcl-based magic.
- Netlist Tool
Select the net containing the terminal nearest the cursor
Toggle the terminal nearest the cursor into/out of current net
Join current net and net containing terminal nearest the cursor
- Pick Tool
Remove the current selection from the layout, place it in the pick buffer, and follow the cursor.
Cancel the current pick buffer and stop following the cursor.
Place a copy of the pick buffer at the current location, and
continue following the cursor.
Make a copy of the current selection from the layout, place it in
the pick buffer, and follow the cursor.
The pick tool is an interactive feature only available in the Tcl-based version of magic.
Implementation Notes:
tool is implemented as a Tcl script in the Tcl-based version of magic. The command duplicates the function of the original tool command, which remains for the non-Tcl based version of magic, and which performs the function of changing the cursor style in the window.
Button functions for each “tool” may be added to or modified in the startup scripts. The Tcl variable Opts(tool) contains the current tool name, and may be used by a user tool procedure overriding the default one in “tools.tcl”.
See Also:
See channels (as feedback) without doing routing.
channels [netlist_file]
where netlist_file is the name of a .net file containing a routing netlist.
The channels command is part of the routing module in magic. It shows available routing channels in the current layout using the feedback layer mechanism.
Implementation Notes:
channesl is implemented as a built-in command in magic when the router modules are compiled in (which currently they are, in the default compilation configuration).
See Also:
Read CIF input or generate CIF output.
cif [option]
where option is one of the following:
Print usage information
arealabels [yes|no]
Enable/disable use of the CIF area label extension. The default is
“yes”. Normally there is no reason not to do this.
[list] coverage layer [box]
Report the coverage of the indicated CIF layer within the bounds of
the current edit cell. This is useful for fabrication processes that
require a minimum amount of coverage for specific layers (usually
the metal routing layers). With option list in front, return
only the coverage value, as a decimal. Otherwise, the value is
returned as a percentage, with additional diagnostic information
about the area analyzed.
With option “box”, report the density inside the cursor box area only.
idcell [yes|no]
Enable/disable use of the CIF cell ID extension. The default is
“yes”. Normally there is no reason not to do this.
scale in|out
Report the number of microns per internal unit for the current
style. If “in” is specified, the value is reported for the
current CIF/GDS input style. If “out” is specified, the value is
reported for the current CIF/GDS output style.
Warning: For a long time (prior to magic 8.0.180), this function was “cif lambda in|out” and claimed to return the number of microns per lambda. For backwards compatibility, this syntax is retained, but its use is discouraged.
limit [value]
Limit the amount of internal grid subdivision to the indicated value
(which is dimensionless, the ratio of the maximum subdivision to the
current lambda value). If no value is given, the current limit is
reported. By default, the value is set to 100, as grid subdivision
smaller than this amount can result in integer overflow on
subsequent CIF or GDS output.
rescale [yes|no]
Allow or disallow internal grid subdivision while reading CIF input.
Default is “yes”. Normally, one wants to allow rescaling to ensure
that the CIF is displayed exactly as it is in the input file.
Occasionally, however, the CIF input is on a very fine scale, such
as nanometers, and it is preferable to snap the input to lambda
boundaries rather than to subsplit the internal grid to such a fine
value. The limit option may also be used to limit grid
subdivision to a minimum value (see above).
drccheck [yes|no]
(Introduced in Magic version 8.0.176) Set to “yes” by default,
causing all cells in the input file to be marked as not checked by
DRC as they are input. Set this to “no” to force magic to treat the
CIF cells as “known DRC clean”.
warning [option]
Set warning information level. “option” may be one of the
The default setting is equivalent to all the other options
(align, limit, redirect, and none) being disabled.
Generate warnings during a “cif see” command if the alignment of
geometry is on fractional lambda. Normally, magic allows contacts to
be drawn at half-lambda positions. If this violates DRC requirements
for the minimum output grid, this warning setting can be used to
detect such violations.
Limit warnings to the first 100 warnings or errors only.
redirect [file]
Redirect all warnings to an output file named file. If file is
not given, then redirection is disabled.
Do not produce any warning messages on CIF input.
polygon subcells [yes|no]
Put non-Manhattan polygons into subcells. Default is “no”. Normally
this option is not needed. However, input layout that defines a
number of angled wires, particularly those that are closely spaced,
can cause magic to generate literally millions of internal
tiles. This tends to be true in particular for corner cells in
padframes for deep submicron feature sizes, where the angled corners
are required to meet the DRC specification. When set to “yes”, each
polygon encountered in the CIF input is placed in its own
uniquely-named subcell. This prevents interations with other
polygons on the same plane and so reduces tile splitting.
paint cif_layers magic_layer [cellname]
Generate the CIF layer(s) specified by cif_layers, then import
them into the Magic database as layer magic_layer. If cellname
is specified, then the paint is generated in that cell (which will
be created, if it does not already exist). Otherwise, paint is
generated directly in the edit cell. This is a very useful function,
as it allows the automatic generation of layout from boolean
operations. Principal uses are to auto-generate fill patterns,
auto-generate obstruction geometry in a standard cell, to
automatically place substrate and well contacts into a standard-cell
array, and so forth.
see layers
View the CIF/GDS output layers in the comma-separated list layers
as feedback entries on the layout. This is useful for determining
what the actual foundry layer types are doing as a result of the
boolean operations in the CIF/GDS output style. Most useful for
debugging technology file CIF/GDS output style sections, or tracing
DRC error reports from sources other than magic. CIF output is
computed and feedback is shown only inside the cursor box area.
Figure 1. Command cif see CSP shows the P+ implant layer
surrounding the P diffusion regions within the cursor box area.
Print statistics from the CIF generator, including tile operations,
rectangles output, and interactions between cells. Not especially
useful to the typical end-user.
prefix [path]
Prepend the path name path to cell names in the CIF output. If no
path is specified, reports the existing path name.
[list|listall] istyle [style]
Set the current input style to style. If no style is specified,
returns the current input style. To get a list of all available
input styles in the current technology, use the listall istyle
option. The list istyle option returns the current style name as
a Tcl result.
[list|listall] ostyle [style]
Set the current output style to style. If no style is specified,
returns the current output style. To get a list of all available
output styles in the current technology, use the listall ostyle
option. The list ostyle option returns the current style name as
a Tcl result.
flat file
Output CIF format to “file” for the window’s root cell, flattening
the hierarchy prior to output.
read file
Read CIF format from file file into the edit cell. If file does
not have a file extension, then magic searches for a file named
file or file.cif.
write file
Output CIF format to “file” for the window’s root cell.
“Wizard” options: Where option is one of the following:
*hier layer
This option is like “cif see” but shows the layers that are
generated as the result of hierarchical interactions between
subcells (not including interactions between components of a subcell
array; see below).
*array layer
This option is like “cif see” but shows the layers that are
generated as the result of hierarchical interactions between
components of subcell arrays.
*hier write [ enable | disable ]
This sets a global option that enables (default) or disables the
generation of output CIF or GDS layers due to interaction between
subcells (not including inter-array interactions; see below). For
large standard cell layouts where the standard cells are known to
abut properly without causing spacing or overlap errors, disabling
hierarchical generation can greatly reduce the amount of time needed
to generate output. Defining the property CIFhier inside a cell
will override the use of *hier write disable and force
hierarchical output for that cell and its descendents.
*array write [ enable | disable ]
This sets a global option that enables (default) or disables the
generation of output CIF or GDS layers due to interaction between
components of subcell arrays. If cells are known to abut properly
without generating spacing errors between them, disabling
hierarchical generation can greatly reduce the amount of time needed
to generate output. Defining the property CIFhier inside a cell
will override the use of *array write disable and force
hierarchical output for that cell and its descendents.
The cif command reads CIF input or produces CIF input/output (“Caltech Intermediate Format”, as described in Mead & Conway), or sets various parameters affecting the CIF (and GDS) input and output. Certain cif command options also affect GDS input and output.
If no option is given, a CIF file is produced for the root cell, with the default name of the root cell definition and the filename extension “.cif”.
Implementation Notes:
cif is implemented as a built-in function in magic. Options list and listall cause output to be returned as a Tcl result, rather than printed to stdout (the console).
See Also:
gds (#calma)
property (#property “CIFhier”)
Rotate the selection and box clockwise
Key macro r implements the command clockwise (or rotate
Key macro R implements the command clockwise 270 (or rotate
Key macro Control-R implements the command clockwise 180
clockwise [degrees] [-origin]
where degrees is the number of degrees to rotate, and must be a manhattan amount (90, 180, 270).
The clockwise command rotates the current selection by the specified amount, in degrees. The default rotation is by 90 degrees. The amount of rotation must be one of 90, 180, or 270.
If -origin is specified, the rotation is around the origin of the selection, not around the lower left-hand corner.
Implementation Notes:
clockwise is implemented as a built-in magic command. Because a “standard abbreviation” is clock and conflicts with the Tcl command clock, this case is handled specially. The command clock is deprecated in favor of the more general command rotate, but is maintained for backward compatibility.
See Also:
Close a (non-GUI) window
Key macro O implements the command closewindow. This macro is disabled when using the GUI wrapper.
closewindow [name]
where name is the name of a window.
The closewindow command closes a window. Without arguments, if only one window is present, that window will be closed. Otherwise, if multiple windows are present, the window to be closed must be specified by name.
closewindow closes both layout windows created with the openwindow command or windows created with the specialopen command.
Implementation Notes:
closewindow is implemented as a built-in magic window command. It should not be used with the GUI wrapper (invoked with magic -w); instead, the closewrapper function should be used.
See Also:
Close a GUI layout window and all of its associated frames.
Menu option File->Close implements the command closewrapper tk_path_name in the GUI layout window.
closewrapper frame_name
where frame_name is the Tk path name of the top-level layout GUI window frame. By default, this name is .layout1, .layout2, etc., for successive windows created with the openwrapper command.
The closewrapper command removes a layout window in the Tcl version of magic. It is only applicable when magic is invoked with the GUI wrapper, using magic -w, and supercedes the built-in command closewindow.
Implementation Notes:
closewrapper is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the GUI wrapper script.
See Also:
Table of Contents
Command-line invocation (usage)
Script Invocation
Magic command summary
Obligatory Screenshot
This screenshot, from Magic version 7.2, shows off a number of features of the Tcl version, including the cell manager window, the tech manager window, the toolbar, the console command-line entry window, and popup dialog boxes. Also shows off the version 7.1+ features of the OpenGL display and the non-Manhattan geometry extension.
Magic version 7.4 Usage (command-line invocation)
Basic usage:
(Tcl version only) Uses the calling terminal for terminal-based command-line input. Otherwise, a Tk console window is used.
(Tcl version only) Magic layout windows use the GUI wrapper, including cell and technology manager windows, layer toolbar, and file menu.
-d devType
(all versions) Select the graphics interface at runtime. Specifying an invalid devType will result in a list of known types. The possible values of devType are determined at compile time, but the usual ones are NULL (no graphics), X11, and OpenGL. X11 is the usual default.
-T technology
(all versions) Select the appropriate technology (.tech) file. At present (this is on the to-do list), magic cannot change technology after startup. So the technology file corresponding to the layout to be loaded must be supplied to the command line at startup. The default technology is scmos, which is included with the magic source distribution. The complete list of available technology files depends on what has been installed on the system (see the technology file page for details).
(all versions) Load the layout (.mag) file file into the layout window on startup.
Other standard usage:
magic [-dnull] [file]
magic [-r[ecover]]
where options are as follows:
This option recovers a layout after a crash. Note that crash recovery files are only automatically created and updated by the Tcl/Tk version of magic. A single file containing multiple layouts is placed in the /tmp directory. Upon normal program exit, it is removed. However, if magic terminates abnormally due to a program bug, reception of a termination signal from the operating system, or a system crash or shutdown, the file will remain and can be recovered. It is very important that you recover the file from the same directory where it was initially created; otherwise, if startup conditions are different (such as a different technology specified), layout may be lost.
-dnull file
This option starts magic without graphics. It is appropriate for running magic in batch mode from a script. Note that there is a subtle difference between options “-d null” and “-dnull”. The former starts magic without the ability to create a layout window, but still invokes the graphics initialization routines (in the Tcl/Tk version, a Tk window may briefly appear). The latter form specifically ignores all graphics and therefore runs with less overhead on startup.
Complete usage information:
where the additional options not covered above are:
(Tcl version only) Run without displaying an initial layout window. This is used mainly for GUI wrapper scripts which like to generate and handle their own windows.
-m monType
(obscure) monType names a monitor type. This is used in the search for the colomap file name, which is designated <tech>.<planes>.<mon>.cmap1. The default is “std” (corresponding to colormap file “mos.7bit.std.cmap1”. The only other monitor type for which colormaps exist in the distribution is “mraster”. This provides a way for users to override the system color assignments.
(all versions) Run in Debug mode.
Obsolete usage information:
magic [-g gPort] [-i tabletPort] [-F objFile saveFile] …
where the additional options not covered above are:
-g gPort
(largely obsolete) gPort names a device to use for the display. This was generally used in the past with dual-monitor systems, especially Sun systems in which the layout display might go to /dev/fb.
-i tabletPort
(largely obsolete) tabletPort names a device to use for graphics input. This has not been tested with modern graphics tablet devices. It is ignored by the X11 and OpenGL display interfaces.
-F objFile saveFile
(largely obsolete) Create an executable file of the current magic process, a core image snapshot taken after all initialization. objFile is the name of the original executable, and the image will be saved in saveFile. This only works on VAXen and SUNs running an old SunOS (using a.out executables).
Script invocation
Often it is helpful to have a shell script invoke magic with specific options to perform tasks such as generating a GDS file for tapeout. The following example code clip imports GDS into magic as a “vendor cell”:
General window commands (for all windows)
Layout window commands and window-less commands
Netlist window commands
3D window commands
Color window commands
“Wizard” (developer) layout commands
“Wizard” (developer) window commands
User’s Guide Development
To be done:
- Add some general topics, not command-specific.
- Incorporate a lot of the currently text-only material into HTML format.
- Run latex2html on all of the LaTeX distribution documentation.
- More information on the routers and netlists
- Subject index.
Paint a contact at the intersection of two layers.
contact [erase] type
The contact command computes the intersection area (inside the cursor box) of the two (or more) residue types that make up the contact type type, and paints the contact type type on top of the area of intersection.
Option contact erase erases contacts from the area of the cursor box without affecting the metal layers (or stacked contacts) surrounding the contact being erased. (Note that the erase command will remove both the contact type and the surrounding metal layers.)
Implementation Notes:
contact is implemented as a built-in layout command in magic.
See Also:
Make a copy of the selection.
Key macro c implements the command copy.
copy [option]
where option is one of the following:
direction [distance]
Copy the selection relative to the original in the direction
direction by an amount distance.
to x y
Copy the selection to the coordinate location specified by the
coordinate pair x y.
The copy command creates a copy of the current selection. Without arguments, the lower-left hand corner of the copied selection is placed at the current cursor position (the X11 cursor, not the magic “cursor box”). With arguments direction and distance, the new copy is placed relative to the original in the indicated direction by the indicated amount. The default distance is 1 unit (#usually lambda; see distance for further explication).
Note that usage copy center is useful to make a copy in the current edit cell of a selection of paint and/or subcells in a non-edit cell. With this use, the copy will be generated directly on top of the original.
Implementation Notes:
copy is implemented as a built-in magic command.
See Also:
Make L-shaped wires inside the cursor box.
corner d1 d2 [layers]
where d1 and d2 are valid manhattan directions, and layers is an optional comma-separated list of valid paint layers.
The corner command makes L-shaped wires inside the cursor box, filling first in direction d1, then in direction d2. If no layers are specified, then the cornering algorithm is applied to all layers crossing the cursor box boundary opposite to direction d1. If layers is specified, the cornering algorithm is applied only to those layers specified. The usage of corner is similar to that for the command fill (q.v.).
Below is an example showing how the cornering algorithm responds to the command corner n e. First it finds layers crossing the cursor box boundary to the south (opposite to the first specified direction, north), and then extends these layers as wires first to the north, then to the east. The position of the layers leaving the box to the east is such that the same distance is maintained from each layer to the north side of the box at the exit point as it was from each layer to the east side of the box at the entrance point.
Figure 1: The cornering operation in response to the layout shown,
given magic command corner n e.
Implementation Notes:
corner is implemented as a built-in magic command.
If the area in the box is not large enough for the cornering algorithm to produce the cornered wires, unpredictable results often result.
See Also:
Handle crash backup files
crash save | recover [filename] |
The crash command handles crash backup files. The exact operation depends on the options, and are outlined below:
crash save
creates and writes to a single file a copy of the contents of all
modified cells. If crash save has been called previously, then the
filename specified or generated will be used again. If this is the
first call to crash save, or if the previous call was crash save
““, then a new, unique filename of a file in the system temporary
directory (normally “/tmp”) is created and remembered for subsequent
calls to crash save.
crash save filename
creates and writes to the file filename a copy of the contents of
all modified cells. filename is retained as the crash filename, so
subsequent uses of crash save without a filename specified will
also write to this file.
crash save ““
causes magic to forget the name of the crash file. The next use of
crash save without a filename will revert to the behavior of
generating a unique filename in the system temporary directory.
crash recover
searches the system temporary directory for magic crash recovery
files. If one or more such files is found, then the user is prompted
for the action of either recovering or ignoring the most recent file
found. If the chosen action is to recover the file, then the contents
of the saved crash file are loaded into the database, and the file is
crash recover filename
recovers the database from the contents of the saved crash file
filename upon successful read-in, the file filename is removed.
If a crash file has been generated during a layout editing session, and magic is exited normally with the “quit” command, then the crash backup file is removed.
For backward-compatibility, crash backup files are always generated when magic receives a SIGTERM signal. In the non-Tcl version of magic, periodic backups are not made.
Implementation Notes:
crash is implemented as a built-in command in magic. The Tcl/Tk version defines various scripts in “tools.tcl” that implement a periodic backup using the crash command. Invoking magic on the command-line using “magic -r” is equivalent to starting magic followed by the command “crash recover”.
See Also:
Handle periodic backups during a layout editing session.
crashbackups [start | stop | resume | disable] |
The crashbackups procedure enables or disables the periodic saving of crash recovery backup files. crashbackups or crashbackups start sets the timer for the first periodic save. After the timer times out, backup file is generated and written in the system temporary directory, and the timer is reset. By default, the backup interval is 10 minutes (600000 msec). The interval can be changed by setting the value of Tcl variable $Opts(backupinterval) to the interval value in msec.
crashbackups stop removes the timer callback and thus prevents further writing of backup files. Note that if crash recovery is stopped or started multiple times during a session, the same filename is used to save the data.
crashbackups resume resumes running interval backups if stopped using crashbackups stop. If the interval backups have never been started, or have been disabled, this command does nothing.
crashbackups disable stops running interval backups and resets to the state of never having started interval backups. resume will have no effect in this state, and start must be issued to start the interval backups again.
Implementation Notes:
crashbackups is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “tools.tcl” script file. It calls the magic command “crash save”.
The crash backup interval is handled by the itimer system subroutine. There is only one timer per process. A timer is also used by some long-running commands such as extract to track progress, so the crash backups must necessarily be suspended when those commands are using the process timer.
See Also:
Implements a crosshair highlight on top of the layout.
crosshair x y
crosshair off
The crosshair command generates, moves, or removes a crosshair highlight in the layout window. Option off removes the crosshair, while coordinates x y place the crosshair at a specific layout location, creating the crosshair if it has been previously disabled. The crosshair is disabled by default upon startup.
Implementation Notes:
crosshair is implemented as a built-in window command in magic. The crosshair is available as an interactive feature in the Tcl/Tk version of magic from the “Options” menu. The commands above are executed in response to pointer motion events.
Return magic internal coordinates of the cursor (X11 pointer)
cursor glyphnum
cursor [internal | lambda | user] |
cursor [microns | window | screen] |
The cursor command has two distinct uses. When followed by an
integer value, the cursor glyph is changed to the indicated glyph, as
defined internally to Magic.
When used without an option, or when followed by a measurement metric
“internal”, “lambda”, or “user”, the cursor command returns the
current position of the cursor (the X11 pointer, not the magic
cursor box) in layout coordinates. The coordinates are given in the
indicated metric, or in internal units by default.
Magic version 8.1 defines the additional option “microns”, which is like the metrics mentioned above bug returns the current position of the cursor in micron units, where the scalefactor for determining micron units is defined by the current CIF/GDS output style.
Magic version 8.1 also defines two options for returning pixel coordinates: Option “window” returns the pointer coordinate in pixels from the bottom left-hand corner of the layout window. Option “screen” returns the pointer coordinate in pixels relative to the root screen. In X11, this is defined as the top left-hand corner of the screen. This second form is useful for interacting with the window manager, for example, to open up a new window or drop-down menu next to the pointer position.
Implementation Notes:
cursor is implemented as a built-in window command in magic. In the Tcl version of magic, it returns a Tcl result (list of two elements, x and y coordinates).
Like all window commands, it reports relative to the existing window if only one window is present, or the active window if called with the “:” macro. Otherwise, it must be called using the tk_path_name command to specify relative to which layout window the cursor coordinates will be given.
The value returned by cursor may be modified according to the state set by the snap command. cursor user reports units relative to the grid set by the grid command, which may differ in aspect between the X and Y axes.
Note, as stated above, which versions of magic support which options.
See Also:
Read or write DEF format files.
def option
where option is one of the following:
read filename [-labels] [-annotate] [-noblockage]
Read a DEF file filename[.def]
write [cell] [-units value]
Write DEF for current or indicated cell named cell
Print help information (command summary)
The def command reads and writes DEF format files. These files are generally assumed to be digital standard-cell based layouts. The DEF format has no real concept of hierarchy. To generate a valid DEF file that may be recognized by other software, it is necessary to have a layout with standard cells using the port method to declare input and output ports. In particular, the port class and port use are designed to work with the DEF read and write routines.
The technology file should have a lef section describing how LEF and DEF files should be written. However, if an appropriate LEF file exists and is read prior to writing a DEF format file, the technology will be initialized from the file if it is not declared in the technology file.
Normally the DEF file is written in units of nanometers according to the active GDS output scale (UNITS DISTANCE MICRONS 1000). If option “-units value” is used, then the units indicated by value are used instead of 1000. This option can be used, for example, to preserve units when re-writing a DEF file that was read with “def read”. There is no guarantee that values can be accurately represented at the specified scale. The -units option was introduced in magic version 8.2.113.
The “-labels” option to the “def read” command causes each net in the NETS and SPECIALNETS sections of the DEF file to be annotated with a label having the net name as the label text.
The “-annotate” option will add labels to a layout from a DEF file, but will not add layer geometry or subcells. This is useful for labeling all of the regular nets if the DEF file was previously read without the -labels option.
The “-noblockage” option will ignore all BLOCKAGES sections in the DEF file, in effect producing only mask layer geometry. If not specified, then layer BLOCKAGES in the DEF file are treated like obstructions in LEF files, and translated into obstruction layers in magic (per the definition of obstruction layers in either the “lef” section of the magic technology file, or in a technology LEF file read prior to reading the DEF file).
Implementation Notes:
def is implemented as a built-in magic command. Only the critical part of the DEF definition has been implemented. Some uncommon forms of syntax such as wire extensions are not implemented. This is largely due to the incomplete nature of the LEF/DEF spec. It is unlikely that such forms will be encountered in third-party input.
See Also:
Delete everything in selection
Key macro d implements the command delete.
The delete command deletes whatever cells and paint are in the current selection.
Implementation Notes:
delete is implemented as a built-in magic command.
Remove the GUI window frame for additional command-line entry.
deletecommandentry framename
where framename is the Tk pathname of a frame.
The deletecommandentry command is used with the GUI wrapper in magic version 7.3. It removes the text entry frame at the bottom of the window that duplicates the output of the Tk console. The framename is the Tk path name of the frame holding the layout window. By default these are named .layout1, .layout2, etc., for each call to openwrapper.
Implementation Notes:
deletecommandentry is implemented as a Tcl procedure defined in the GUI wrapper script. It is only available when the wrapper is used, that is, when magic is invoked with argument -w.
See Also:
Valid direction options in magic
Directions may be any valid known direction known to magic, including the following standard directions:
- north, up, top
- south, down, bottom
- east, right
- west, left
- center
Directions may also be one of the combinations:
- northeast
- northwest
- southeast
- southwest
Directions may also be abbreviated. The following abbreviations are explicitly defined in magic, and all other abbreviations are accepted as long as the abbreviation can be uniquely identified (such as r for right and l for left).
- n, u
- s, d
- e
- w
- ne, ur, tr
- se, dr, br
- sw, dl, bl
- nw, ul, tl
See Also:
Print graphics mode information
The display command prints the type of graphics being used. The returned value is a string which may be one of the following: “NULL”, “X11”, “OPENGL”, “CAIRO”, or some typographical variant thereof. The returned string will be equal to the string passed to the “-d” command-line option. If no such option was given on the command line, then the value reflects the default graphics mode in effect.
Implementation Notes:
display is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Valid distance specifications in magic.
Distances are normally interpreted as lambda values. However, this depends on the last use of the snap command; snap internal changes the interpretation of units to the internal grid, while snap user changes the interpretation of units to the user grid. Distances may always be explicitly called out by appending one of the following to the distance value (with no intervening whitespace):
internal units
lambda units
In any case where the internal grid is finer than the declared distance measure, fractional distances may be specified; e.g.,
box move e 1.25um
See Also:
Load selected cell into a window
The down command loads the currently selected cell into the window. If more than one cell is selected, the one closest to the cursor (pointer) position will be used, or at worst, one will be selected arbitrarily.
Implementation Notes:
down is implemented as a built-in window command in magic. In the Tcl version of magic, it is generally deprecated in favor of the scripted Tcl procedure pushstack, and the “tools” script implementation of the “>” macro to invoke pushstack on a selected cell.
See Also:
Background design rule checker control and status.
drc option
where option is one of the following:
Run checker and wait for it to complete
Recheck area under box in all cells
Count and report error tiles in the edit cell.
euclidean on|off
Enable/disable Euclidean geometry checking
find [nth]
Locate next (or nth) error in current cell
Print help information
Turn off background checker
Reenable background checker
Report whether the background checker is on or off.
printrules [file]
Print out design rules in file or to stdout
Print out statistics about design rule database
Print out statistics gathered by checker
Print out reasons for errors under box
*halo [value]
Without option value, prints out the DRC halo distance, which is
the largest distance at which a DRC interaction can occur outside of
any area to be checked. Becuase large DRC haloes can cause very long
delays in the interactive DRC checks, it can be helpful to use
value to force a smaller halo. This causes certain DRC errors to
be missed, but allows all the basic short-distance design rules to
be checked without undue processing delays.
*stepsize [value]
The step size is the length of a side of the area into which the DRC
checker routine breaks up larger areas for more efficient
processing. Changing this value can greatly effect the speed of the
DRC checker, although it is difficult to predict what step size is
“optimal”. Without option value, returns the current value of the
step size.
The Tcl/Tk version of magic defines additional handling with the “list” and “listall” keyword before the option name, indicating that the information be passed back to the interpreter as a list instead of being printed to the terminal window as text.
drc list option
where option is one of the following:
Return the currently active DRC style name to the interpreter.
count [total]
Return the DRC error count as a list pair comprising the edit cell
name and the total number of errors found. With total, returns
just the count as an integer.
find [nth]
Return the error description of the next, or nth, error to the
Return the error description of all errors intersecting the cursor
box to the interpreter, as a list
drc listall option
where option is one of the following:
Return a list of all available DRC styles to the interpreter.
count [total]
Return the DRC error count as a nested list, where each list item is
a pair comprising the cell name of the cell containing the errors,
and the total number of errors found. With total, returns only
the sum of all the values (probably not very useful).
Return a nested list containing a detailed description of all errors
intersecting the cursor box to the interpreter. In the topmost list,
every other entry is the text description of a DRC error class. The
list item following the DRC error description is a list of all
errors of that type. Each error is presented as a list of four
values indicating the bounding box of the error, as {llx lly urx
ury} values in internal database units.
The drc command controls the behavior of magic’s “background” design rule checker. Normally the design rule checker is invoked whenever the design is changed and checks all parts of the design close to the changed area that might have been affected by the change. The design rule checker flags areas that have been checked as it runs. It starts whenever a layout change has been made or after any command has been executed if areas of the layout still need to be checked. Any macro keystroke in the layout window or command executed on the command line will interrupt the design rule checker pending completion of the action, at which time the design rule checker will be reactivated.
The drc on and drc off options are the main controls for starting and stopping the design rule checker. drc status returns the status of the background checker, either “on” or “off”. The Tcl version of magic returns a boolean value (0 or 1).
The drc check option marks all areas of the layout under the box as requiring a check and restarts the design rule checker.
The drc why and drc find commands can be used to query errors in the layout discovered by the design rule checker. drc why reports the reason for all error regions found inside the magic cursor box. The drc find command can be used to find errors that may not be visible inside the current window view, or that may be difficult to find on a large layout.
The drc euclidean on command can be useful in cases where vendor design rules intend a Euclidean distance metric (minimum linear distance) rather than a Manhattan distance metric (minimum distance in either the x or y direction, evaluated separately). The default option is “off”, as most vendor rules and design rule checkers assume Manhattan distances when checking rules.
The remaining options are relativly obscure and unlikely to be useful to the typical end-user.
Implementation Notes:
drc is implemented as a built-in magic command.
Paint into descendents of the current edit cell coincident with a selection.
drop layers
where layers is a comma-separated list of types to paint.
The drop command paints layer types into descendents of the current edit cell where selected paint is found. Normally, paint and erase operations will only change the current edit cell. Selections can copy paint out of descendents of the current edit cell, but the descendent cells are not themselves affected. This specialized command scans an existing selection and determines from which subcell each bit of paint in the selection was copied from. Then, it paints layers back into those subcells in an area coincident with the selected paint.
The primary reason this command was created was to deal with regions such as a pwell region inside a deep nwell. The pwell is often not a layer in the GDS but is defined by the absence of nwell, over a deep nwell layer. A drawn pwell is needed for magic to properly extract the bulk terminal of any transistor in the pwell. But the pwell must exist in the same cell as the transistor. After reading GDS, a command sequence such as the following: “select area dnwell ; select intersect ~nwell ; drop pwell” will ensure that the pwell layer exists over the area inside a deep nwell p-region.
Be aware that because other instances of a cell may exist outside of the selection area, that all instances of a cell modified by drop will be likewise modified.
Implementation Notes:
drop is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Copy contents of the indicated cell into the current edit cell.
dump cell [orientation] [child child_refpoint] [parent parent_refpoint]
where cell is the name of the cell whose contents are to be copied, and optional child_refpoint and parent_refpoint are coordinate pairs of x y values, or keywords ll, lr, ul, or ur. The optional orientation may be any valid orientation (flip or rotation), such as h, v, 90, 180, or 270. The syntax and use of the orientation and reference points is the same as for the getcell command.
The dump command copies contents of the indicated cell cell into the current edit cell. Without arguments, the contents are placed such that the lower left coordinate of cell is at the cursor box lower left corner. With the child argument, the indicated coordinate position child_refpoint is used instead of the lower-left corner. With the parent argument, the indicated coordinate position parent_refpoint is used instead of the lower-left corner of the cursor box.
Implementation Notes:
dump is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Use selected cell as new edit cell
Key macro e implements the command edit.
The edit command makes the selected cell the new edit cell.
Implementation Notes:
edit is implemented as a built-in magic command.
Handle generic drawing elements (line, box, text) in the layout.
element option
where option is one of the following:
add type name parameters
Create a new element. The name is a unique name to be assigned to
the new element. The parameters depend on the type, and are as
line name style x1 y1 x2 y2
Create a new line element, with position starting at coordinate x1
y1 and ending at x2 y2. The line does not need to be on a
Manhattan grid. Initial coordinates must be on internal magic grid
points (that is, must be integer). However, half-grid units can be
generated with the configure option (see below).
rectangle name style llx lly urx ury
Create a new box element, with lower left corner at coordinate llx
lly and upper right corner at coordinate urx ury.
text name style cx cy label_text
Create a new text label at coordinate position cx cy with text
string “label_text”.
For an explanation of the style parameter, see the configure option, below.
delete name
Delete an existing element by name.
configure name config_option
Configure or query an existing element named name.
config_option may be one of the following:
text [new_label_text]
style [add|remove [style_type]]
With no arguments, return the list of styles used to draw the
element. With option add or remove, add or remove,
respectively, a style from the list of styles for an element. Styles
are the same as styles for tile types in magic, and are defined in
the “dstyle” file in the magic install directory. The “dstyle”
file declares a “long name” for each style type. This “long name” is
what is expected for parameter style_type. The most useful values
are the colors defined in the “dstyle” file, such as black,
white, red, etc.
Like tile types, elements may be drawn in multiple styles. So, styles are maintained as a list and the element configure style option takes the keyword add or remove to add or remove specific styles from the list. Removing the last remaining style for an element is prohibited. Changing styles requires first adding the new style type, then removing the original.
position [x y [x2 y2]]
With no arguments, returns the position of the element. For text
elements, this is the label position (a single coordinate). For
lines, both endpoint coordinates are returned, and for rectangles,
the lower-left and upper-right coordinates are returned. With one or
two coordinate specified, the position of the element is changed.
For text, a single coordinate indicates the new position of the
text. For lines and rectangles, the two coordinates completely
describe the line or box.
flags flag_type
Add or change flags of an element. The specific flag indicated is
set. Valid flags are as follows. All elements have these flags:
Indicates an element that is not saved to the database with a save or writeall command (the default flag).persistent
Indicates an element that is saved to the database with a save or writeall command, and can be recovered with a load command.
Text elements have the following additional flags:
small, medium, large, xlarge
One of four text sizes.direction
Any valid direction specification in magic will be translated to a text justification; that is, the text will be printed relative to its position in the indicated direction.
Line elements have the following additional flags:
halfx, halfy
Adjust the position of the line endpoints by one-half unit (postive, that is, right or up). This allows lines to be drawn on, for example, wire centerlines. There is no allowance for having only one endpoint on the half-integer grid.exactx, exacty
Set line endpoints on the exact coordinates of the line position (the default flag).arrowleft, arrowbottom arrowtop, arrowright
Add arrows to the line endpoints at the indicated end. Note that four possible positions are allowed, although only two will be relevant for any given line. Arrowheads are of fixed size and may not be visible at large zoom factors.plainleft, plainbottom plaintop, plaintright
Draw plain lines, with no arrowheads (the default flags).
Rectangle elements have no additional flags.
Print names of all elements
Print name of element in (or nearest) the box
Print help information
The element command creates and manipulates general-purpose “elements”, which are lines, rectangles, and text that have no inherent meaning to the database. They are positioned in units of the layout and so scale and move with zooms and pans. They are intended to be used for layout annotation, measurement rulers, user-defined feedback, flylines, wire paths, and so forth.
Implementation Notes:
element is implemented as a built-in magic command. The syntax is complicated and is expected to be driven by Tcl scripts with simpler syntax for specific purposes such as annotation or measurement rulers.
Erase paint from the layout inside the bounds of the cursor box.
Key macro Control-D implements the command “erase $”, which
indicates to erase all paint and labels in the cursor box.
Key e typed while the cursor is in a layer box in the GUI toolbar
implements the command “erase layer”, passing the layer type in
the toolbar.
Key Shift plus Mouse button 2 implements the command erase cursor
when using the “box tool” in a layout window.
erase [layers | cursor] |
where layers is a comma-separated list of layer types to be erased, or * to indicate all paint but not labels, or $ to indicate both paint and labels.
The erase command erases paint inside the cursor box in the current edit cell. Without arguments, everything inside the box is erased. With argument layers, only the indicated layers are erased.
Note that some layer types, such as DRC paint, cannot be erased. Feedback areas are not considered paint and should be erased using the feedback clear command.
The option “erase cursor” picks the layers at the position of the (X11) cursor and erases these from the area of the cursor box.
Note that when applied to contact types, “erase” will erase the entire contact, including the top and bottom metal types comprising the contact. To remove the contact cuts without affecting the surrounding material, use the “contact erase” command.
Implementation Notes:
erase is implemented as a built-in magic command.
See Also:
Expand everything inside or touching the cursor box, or toggle expanded/unexpanded cells in the current selection.
expand [toggle]
Key macro x implements the command expand.
Key macro Control-X implements the command expand toggle.
The expand command expands the view of subcells to display the contents of the subcells. Without arguments, the expand command expands all unexpanded subcells that touch or intersect the cursor box in the layout window.
Option expand toggle operates on the current selection, not relative to the cursor box, and will expand a selected cell that is unexpanded, or unexpand a cell that is already expanded.
Implementation Notes:
expand is implemented as a built-in magic command.
See Also:
ext, extract
Circuit netlist extractor
extract option
where option may be one of the following:
Extract the root cell and all its children. This bypasses the
incremental extraction and ensures that a new .ext file is written
for every cell definition.
cell name
Extract the indicated cell into file name
do|no [option]
Enable or disable an extractor option, where option may be one of
the following:
length [option]
Control pathlength extraction information, where option may be one
of the following:
driver termname
receiver termname
Print help information
Extract the selected cell and all its parents
List the cell and all parents of selected cell. Note that this is
not really an extract option and is superceded by the cellname
[list|listall] style [stylename]
Set the current extraction style to stylename. Without arguments,
print the current extraction style. With keyword list, return
the current extraction style as a Tcl result. With keyword
listall, return all valid extraction styles for the technology
as a Tcl list.
unique [#]
Generate unique names when different nodes have the same name
warn [[no] option]
Enable/disable reporting of non-fatal errors, where option may be
one of the following:
With no options given, the extract command incrementally extracts the root cell and all its children into separate .ext files. With options, the effect is as described in the Usage section above.
Implementation Notes:
extract is implemented as a built-in magic command.
ext is an alias for command extract (allowed abbreviation where the usage would otherwise be ambiguous).
See Also:
ext2sim, exttosim
Convert extracted file(s) to a “.sim” format file.
ext2sim [option]
where option is one of the following:
[run] [runtime_options]
Run exttosim on current cell, with command-line options (see
Summary, below).
alias on|off
Enable/disable alias (.al) file. This file contains all of the node
aliases (different node names that correspond to the same node). If
“off”, the statements are output directly to the .sim file. If “on”,
the statements are moved to the “.al” file.
labels on|off
Enable/disable labels (.nodes) file. The labels file is used by the
extresist command.
Reset to default values
format MIT|SU|LBL
Set output format
rthresh [value]
Set resistance threshold value. Lumped resistances below this value
will not be written to the output. The value is in ohms, or may be
the keyword infinite to prohibit writing any lumped resistances
to the output.
cthresh [value]
Set capacitance threshold value. The value is in femtofarads, or may
be the keyword infinite to prohibit writing any parasitic
capacitances to the output.
merge [merge_option]
Merge parallel devices/transistors. The valid merge options are:
Merge transistors and capacitors having the same device type and node connections and having the same width and length. Widths are summed in the final output for transistors. Capacitor values are summed in the final output.aggressive
Merge transistors having the same node connections and having the same length. Widths are summed in the final output. Merge any capacitors having the same device type and node connections. Capacitance is summed in the final output.none
Do not merge any devices.
extresist on|off
Incorporate output from the command extresist into the final
.sim file.
Print help information
Without options, or with the option run, the ext2sim command converts the hierarchical extracted netlist information produced by the extract command in a series of .ext files into a flattened representation in the .sim format, used for switch-level simulation.
runtime_options may be passed on the command line, and represent the original command-line options passed to the standalone version of ext2sim. A number of the original command-line options have been deprecated in the Tcl-based version, and some are duplicated by other ext2sim options. Valid runtime_options are:
Don’t output transistor or node attributes in the .sim file. This
option will also disable the output of information such as the area
and perimeter of source and drain diffusion and the FET substrate.
Don’t output nodes that aren’t connected to devices (floating
Trim characters from node names when writing the output file. char
should be either “#” or “!”. The option may be used twice
if both characters require trimming.
-y num
Select the precision for outputting capacitors. The default is 1
which means that the capacitors will be printed to a precision of
0.1 fF.
-J hier|flat
Select the source/drain area and perimeter extraction algorithm. If
hier is selected then the areas and perimeters are extracted
only within each subcell. For each device in a subcell the area and
perimeter of its source and drain within this subcell are output. If
two or more devices share a source/drain node then the total area
and perimeter will be output in only one of them and the other will
have 0. If flat is selected the same rules apply, only the scope
of search for area and perimeter is the whole netlist. In general,
flat (which is the default) will give accurate results (it will
take into account shared sources/drains).
With options, the command sets various parameters affecting the output format and content.
Implementation Notes:
ext2sim is implemented as a separate loadable Tcl package, but one which depends on the presence of the standard “tclmagic” package. magic is set up with a placeholder command for ext2sim, and will automatically load the Tcl package when this command is invoked.
exttosim is an alias for ext2sim, to satisfy the grammatically anal retentive. ext2sim is also implemented as a script to be run from the shell command line, where it executes magic in batch mode (i.e., using the -dnull option) and runs the ext2sim command automatically. With this usage, the syntax is:
ext2sim [ magic_options – ] ext2sim_runtime_options ext_file
The double-dash separates command options passed to magic on startup (such as “-T technology” to specify the technology) from those runtime options (see above) passed to the ext2sim command.
See Also:
ext2spice, exttospice
Convert extracted file(s) to a SPICE format file.
ext2spice [option] [cellname]
where option is one of the following:
[run] [runtime_options]
Run ext2spice on current cell, with command-line options (see
Summary, below).
Reset to default values
format hspice|spice2|spice3|ngspice
Set output format. spice3 is the default, for compatibility with
tclspice. This is a change from previous versions of magic,
where the default was hspice.
rthresh [value]
Set resistance threshold value. Lumped resistances below this value
will not be written to the output. The value is in ohms, or may be
the keyword infinite to prohibit writing any lumped resistances
to the output.
cthresh [value]
Set capacitance threshold value. The value is in femtofarads, or may
be the keyword infinite to prohibit writing any parasitic
capacitances to the output.
merge [merge_option]
Merge parallel devices/transistors. The valid merge options are:
Merge transistors and capacitors having the same device type and node connections and having the same width and length. Device multipliers (“M=”) are output for each set of merged devices.aggressive
Merge transistors having the same node connections and having the same length. Widths are summed in the final output. Merge any capacitors having the same device type and node connections. Capacitance is summed in the final output.none
Do not merge any devices.
extresist on|off
Incorporate output from the command extresist into the final
SPICE file.
resistor tee [on|off]
Model resistor capacitance as a T-network. Each resistor device is
split into two, with all substrate and overlap capacitance placed on
the node between the two half-length devices. Without this option,
resistor devices lose all parasitic capacitance information, and
ext2spice may produce warnings about unknown nodes. However, use
of this option may conflict with LVS (layout-vs.-schematic), when
only one resistor is expected per drawn device.
subcircuit [on|off]
When set to on (the default), and if the cell selected for SPICE
output has defined ports on the top level, then the cell becomes a
subcircuit definition in the output, and the output has no top-level
calls to any devices. This format is appropriate for including in a
testbench netlist, for example. If the top-level cell does not have
defined ports, then there is no way for magic to determine what the
ports might be, or what order they may be in, making it impossible
to generate a consistent subcircuit, so in the absence of ports,
this option has no function. Ports are defined by the use of the
port method for labeling input and output ports. When option
subcircuit is set to off, the top-level circuit will be the
top level of the netlist, and it will have no associated subcircuit
subcircuit top [on|off]
This variant of the subcircuit option controls whether or not
ext2spice generates a .subckt wrapper around the top-level circuit.
If the top-level circuit does not have defined ports, then no
.subckt wrapper will ever be generated, because ext2spice will not
be able to know which nets are the ports.
subcircuit descend [on|off]
When set to off, the subcircuit descend option will not
descend into any subcells below the top level, writing only the
top-level circuit to the output. The default is on. This option
can be useful for writing out digital circuits made from standard
cells, since the digital subcircuits can usually be included from a
vendor library.
scale [on|off]
When set to on, the scale value is set by the SPICE “.scale”
card, recognized by some SPICE parsers. All device lengths, widths,
and areas are then given in integer units (internal database units).
When set to off, all device widths, lengths, and areas are given
in unscaled, physical dimensions.
short [voltage|resistor|none]
Determines behavior with respect to ports with different names
connected to the same net. SPICE does not have a universal method
for describing a net with more than one name. A common way of
handling this is by separating differently-named parts of a net with
a zero-ohm ideal resistor or a zero-volt DC source. “ext2spice
short” uses one of these methods to preserve duplicate port names.
“ext2spice short resistor” uses the zero-ohm resistor method,
which “ext2spice short voltage” uses the zero-volt source
method. “ext2spice short none” reverts to the default behavior,
which is to remove all port names except for one from the netlist.
hierarchy [on|off]
When set to on, magic will extract a hierarchical representation
of the circuit, in which the cell hierarchy of the layout is
represented in SPICE by “.subckt” macros. “ext2spice hierarchy”
does not require that subcircuits have port labels. Each subcircuit
will be analyzed for port connections, and port connections will be
consistent in the SPICE output between the subcircuit definition
(“.subckt”) and instantiated calls (“X”) to that subcircuit.
blackbox [on|off]
When set to “on”, views marked as abstract will be output as
subcircuit calls (“X”) but there will be no associated subcircuit
definition output. A circuit is considered “abstract” if at the time
of extraction it has a property named “LEFview”. A cell will
automatically be given this property if it is read from a LEF input
file. It may also be given this property using the “property”
command. In order for the blackbox view to be meaningful, the
subcell must declare ports (see the “port” command).
renumber [on|off]
When set to on, subcircuit calls (see above; only used for
certain options such as “subcircuit”, “hierarchy”, or with extracted
device types “subcircuit” or “rsubcircuit”) are numbered
sequentially “X1”, “X2”, etc., as encountered by the extractor. When
set to off, subcircuit calls (when used with options
“subcircuit” or “hierarchy”, but not applying to low-level extracted
subcircuit devices) will be rendered in the SPICE output file as “X”
followed by the ID (name) of the cell instance.
global [on|off]
When set to on or default, unconnected global nets of the same
name in subcells are merged in the output. When set to off, such
nets are left unconnected.
Name of the cell to generate output for. This item is optional; if
not specified, then ext2spice generates output for the current edit
Apply settings appropriate for running LVS (layout vs. schematic).
These settings are as follows:
- hierarchy on
- format ngspice
- cthresh infinite
- rthresh infinite
- renumber off
- scale off
- blackbox on
- subcircuit top auto
- global off
This command applies the settings but does not generate output
(i.e., does not run ext2spice), so that settings can be
overridden if necessary.
(The lvs option was introduced in version 8.2.79).
Print help information.
Without options, or with the option run, the ext2spice command converts the hierarchical extracted netlist information produced by the extract command in a series of .ext files into a flattened representation in SPICE format, used for detailed analog simulation.
runtime_options may be passed on the command line, and represent the original command-line options passed to the standalone version of ext2spice. A number of the original command-line options have been deprecated in the Tcl-based version, and some are duplicated by other ext2spice options. Valid runtime_options are:
Aggressive merging of devices. If the lengths of FET devices
connected in parallel are equal, then add their widths together to
form a single device. Overrides any value specified by the
“ext2spice merge” command option.
Conservative merging of devices. If the lengths and widths of FET
devices connected in parallel are equal, then add their widths
together to form a single device. Overrides any value specified by
the “ext2spice merge” command option.
-o filename
Save the output as file filename (filename must include any file
extension, as there is no standard extension for SPICE files).
-j device:class [/subclass] /subsnode
Override values of resistance class, substrate resistance class, and
substrate node name for device type device. Resistance classes are
indexed by number and must match the definition in the technology
file’s extract section.
-f spice2|spice3|hspice|ngspice
Choose the output SPICE format for compatibility with different
versions of SPICE.
Distribute junction areas and perimeters. The Magic extractor
computes area and perimter values per node, not per device. For
devices that share a node, Magic cannot distinguish between the
devices (for parasitic calculations, it’s not necessary to
distinguish between the devices). Normally, when generating device
output, Magic writes the lumped area and perimeter values along with
the first device attached to a node, and sets the area and perimeter
values for all remaining devices on that node to zero. The -d
option causes Magic to distribute the node area and perimeter evenly
among all devices attached to that node.
Don’t output transistor or node attributes in the SPICE file. This
option will also disable the output of information such as the area
and perimeter of source and drain diffusion and the FET substrate.
Don’t output nodes that aren’t connected to devices (floating
Trim characters from node names when writing the output file. char
should be either “#” or “!”. The option may be used twice
if both characters require trimming.
-y num
Select the precision for outputting capacitors. The default is 1
which means that the capacitors will be printed to a precision of
0.1 fF.
-J hier|flat
Select the source/drain area and perimeter extraction algorithm. If
hier is selected then the areas and perimeters are extracted
only within each subcell. For each device in a subcell the area and
perimeter of its source and drain within this subcell are output. If
two or more devices share a source/drain node then the total area
and perimeter will be output in only one of them and the other will
have 0. If flat is selected the same rules apply, only the scope
of search for area and perimeter is the whole netlist. In general,
flat (which is the default) will give accurate results (it will
take into account shared sources/drains).
With options, the command sets various parameters affecting the output format and content.
Implementation Notes:
ext2spice is implemented as a separate loadable Tcl package, but one which depends on the presence of the standard “tclmagic” package. magic is set up with a placeholder command for ext2spice, and will automatically load the Tcl package when this command is invoked.
exttospice is an alias for ext2spice, to satisfy the grammatically anal retentive. ext2spice is also implemented as a script to be run from the shell command line, where it executes magic in batch mode (i.e., using the -dnull option) and runs the ext2spice command automatically. With this usage, the syntax is:
ext2spice [ magic_options – ] ext2spice_runtime_options ext_file
The double-dash separates command options passed to magic on startup (such as “-T technology” to specify the technology) from those runtime options (see above) passed to the ext2spice command.
See Also:
ext, extract
Circuit netlist extractor
extract option
where option may be one of the following:
Extract the root cell and all its children. This bypasses the
incremental extraction and ensures that a new .ext file is written
for every cell definition.
cell name
Extract the currently selected cell into file name
do|no [option]
Enable or disable an extractor option, where option may be one of
the following:
Extract local parasitic capacitance values to substrateresistance
Extract lumped resistance values. Note that this is not the same as full parasitic resistance. The values extracted are “lumped” resistance and indicate the value for which the delay through the net can be computed with R times C, where R is the lumped resistance and C is the parasitic capacitance. This is a very coarse approximation, as it assumes equal delay from the driver to any receiver. For full R-C extraction, see the extresist command. Lumped resistances have no meaning in SPICE netlists and will only be used when running ext2sim to generate a .sim netlist.coupling
Extract the parasitic coupling capacitance between nodes.length
Extract the length of the shortest path from a driver to a receiver, for computing more accurate parasitic resistances.adjust
Adjust all capacitances for overlap between a parent cell and child instance, or between instances in an array. Parasitic capacitance is removed to account for the amount of overlap. Note that this method can produce negative capacitors in the parent. When the netlist is flattened for simulation, the total of all capacitances in parent and child, or between array instances, is guaranteed to be strictly positive.all
Apply all standard options (does not include options “local”, “labelcheck”, or “aliases”).local
Write all .ext files to the current working directory. If not specified, each .ext file will be placed in the same directory as the .mag file from which it is derived, unless the .mag file is in a directory which is not writable. In that case, the .ext file will also be written to the current working directory.labelcheck
Check for labels which have zero area and connect to a subcell on the edge; this case is rare but is computationally expensive to check for, so the feature is disabled by default.aliases
By default (starting with version 8.3.217), magic only extracts a single name for a net, unless the net connects to a port, in which case the port name is extracted as well. With the aliases option enabled, all names for a net are extracted; this can be useful for debugging but will usually just slow down processing by commands like “ext2spice” that use the .ext file contents, so it is disabled by default.
These options (except for “local”) determine how much information is written to the output file. By default, all options are selected. Normally, the options in ext2spice or ext2sim are used to select which information from the .ext file is used in the resulting netlist. There is no need to restrict the information being extracted. All options add relatively little overhead to the extraction time. The output file size can be reduced by not generating some extraction information.
length [option]
Control pathlength extraction information, where option may be one
of the following:
driver termname
receiver termname
Print help information
Extract the selected cell and all its parents
List the cell and all parents of selected cell. Note that this is
not really an extract option and is superceded by the cellname
[list|listall] style [stylename]
Set the current extraction style to stylename. Without arguments,
print the current extraction style. With keyword list, return
the current extraction style as a Tcl result. With keyword
listall, return all valid extraction styles for the technology
as a Tcl list.
unique [#]
Generate unique names when different nodes have the same name. When
option “#” is present, only make unique names for labels tagged
by ending with the “#” character.
Warning: This operation immediately modifies the existing layout
in preparation for extraction. Label modifications are permanent,
and cannot be undone. All cells in the hierarchy may potentially be
unique [option]
(From Magic 8.1.24) With no option, generate unique names when
different nodes have the same name. option may be one of the
Equivalent to no option; all labels with the same name on different nets are given unique names.#
Labels that are tagged by ending with the character “#” are made unique for each instance on an electrically unique node.noports
Labels that are not ports are made unique when on different nets. Ports, however, are ignored. This option is useful for standard cells which may be hiding internal connectivity.notopports
This option behaves like extract unique noports on the topmost cell in the hierarchy, and otherwise behaves like extract unique all on all cells below the top (available from magic 8.3.205).
Warning: This operation immediately modifies the existing layout in preparation for extraction. Label modifications are permanent, and cannot be undone. All cells in the hierarchy may potentially be modified.
warn [[no] option]
Enable/disable reporting of non-fatal errors, where option may be
one of the following:
With no options given, the extract command incrementally extracts the root cell and all its children into separate .ext files. With options, the effect is as described in the Usage section above.
Implementation Notes:
extract is implemented as a built-in magic command.
ext is an alias for command extract (allowed abbreviation where the usage would otherwise be ambiguous).
See Also:
Patch the extraction .ext files with detailed route resistance information.
extresist option
where option may be one of the following:
tolerance value
Set the ratio between resistor and transistor tolerance for
determining when to insert resistance into a network route.
Extract all the nets.
simplify [on|off]
Turn on/off simplification of resistor nets.
extout [on|off]
Turn on/off writing of the .res.ext file.
lumped [on|off]
Turn on/off writing of updated lumped resistances.
silent [on|off]
Turn off/on printing of net statistics.
skip mask
Don’t extract types indicated in the comma-separated list mask
ignore [netname|none]
Don’t extract the net named netname. The list of ignored nets is
global, cumulative, and persistent; it will only be cleared when the
extresist ignore none command is issued (option available from
version 8.3.207).
include [netname|all]
Extract the net named netname. When this option is called at least
once, the behavior of the extraction changes to extract only the
nets that have been specified by extresist include commands. The
list of included nets is global, cumulative, and persistent; it will
only be cleared when the extresist include all command is issued
(option available from version 8.3.213).
box type
Extract the signal under the cursor box on layer type
cell cellname
Extract the network for the cell named cellname
Extract network geometry and present as a collection of line
elements on the layout.
fasthenry [freq]
Extract subcircuit network geometry into a fasthenry-format .fh
file. If freq is specified, the file will be customized for
fasthenry analysis at the indicated frequency (in Hz).
Print help information
The normal flow through layout extraction into a simulation file treats routes as nonphysical entities, that is, with infinitesimal impedence through the wires. Extraction for digital simulation using irsim generates “lumped resistances”, a single resistance per network node that, along with the node capacitance to substrate, provides an RC time constant to approximately model the delay from point to point in the network node. The lumped resistance model is inappropriate for analog (i.e., SPICE) simulation, and for digital simulation, is a poor approximation for branching networks, where the delay between endpoints is different for each pair of endpoints in the network node.
The extresist command provides a method for generating a more detailed model of resistance, in which long network routes and branching routes are replaced with resistor devices and device networks.
Using extresist is a multi-step process. It is first necessary to run both extract and ext2sim to get the initial netlist (with lumped, not detailed, resistances). After a .sim file has been generated, the extresist all command may be run. The output is a file .res.ext for each cell in the hierarchy. Finally, with the option extresist on set, ext2sim or ext2spice will generate the final, detailed simulation file.
More details on using extresist can be found in magic Tutorial number 8.
Implementation Notes:
extresist is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
ext2sim, exttosim
Convert extracted file(s) to a “.sim” format file.
ext2sim [option]
where option is one of the following:
[run] [runtime_options]
Run exttosim on current cell, with command-line options (see
Summary, below).
alias on|off
Enable/disable alias (.al) file
labels on|off
Enable/disable labels (.nodes) file
Reset to default values
format MIT|SU|LBL
Set output format
rthresh [value]
Set resistance threshold value. Lumped resistances below this value
will not be written to the output. The value is in ohms, or may be
the keyword infinite to prohibit writing any lumped resistances
to the output.
cthresh [value]
Set capacitance threshold value. The value is in femtofarads, or may
be the keyword infinite to prohibit writing any parasitic
capacitances to the output.
merge [merge_option]
Merge parallel devices/transistors. The valid merge options are:
Merge transistors and capacitors having the same device type and node connections and having the same width and length. Widths are summed in the final output for transistors. Capacitor values are summed in the final output.aggressive
Merge transistors having the same node connections and having the same length. Widths are summed in the final output. Merge any capacitors having the same device type and node connections. Capacitance is summed in the final output.none
Do not merge any devices.
extresist on|off
Incorporate output from the command extresist into the final
.sim file.
Print help information
Without options, or with the option run, the ext2sim command converts the hierarchical extracted netlist information produced by the extract command in a series of .ext files into a flattened representation in the .sim format, used for switch-level simulation.
runtime_options may be passed on the command line, and represent the original command-line options passed to the standalone version of ext2sim. A number of the original command-line options have been deprecated in the Tcl-based version, and some are duplicated by other ext2sim options. Valid runtime_options are:
Don’t output transistor or node attributes in the .sim file. This
option will also disable the output of information such as the area
and perimeter of source and drain diffusion and the FET substrate.
Don’t output nodes that aren’t connected to devices (floating
Trim characters from node names when writing the output file. char
should be either “#” or “!”. The option may be used twice
if both characters require trimming.
-y num
Select the precision for outputting capacitors. The default is 1
which means that the capacitors will be printed to a precision of
0.1 fF.
-J hier|flat
Select the source/drain area and perimeter extraction algorithm. If
hier is selected then the areas and perimeters are extracted
only within each subcell. For each device in a subcell the area and
perimeter of its source and drain within this subcell are output. If
two or more devices share a source/drain node then the total area
and perimeter will be output in only one of them and the other will
have 0. If flat is selected the same rules apply, only the scope
of search for area and perimeter is the whole netlist. In general,
flat (which is the default) will give accurate results (it will
take into account shared sources/drains).
With options, the command sets various parameters affecting the output format and content.
Implementation Notes:
ext2sim is implemented as a separate loadable Tcl package, but one which depends on the presence of the standard “tclmagic” package. magic is set up with a placeholder command for ext2sim, and will automatically load the Tcl package when this command is invoked.
exttosim is an alias for ext2sim, to satisfy the grammatically anal retentive.
See Also:
ext2spice, exttospice
Convert extracted file(s) to a SPICE format file.
ext2spice [option]
where option is one of the following:
[run] [runtime_options]
Run ext2spice on current cell, with command-line options (see
Summary, below).
Reset to default values
format hspice|spice2|spice3
Set output format. spice3 is the default, for compatibility with
tclspice. This is a change from previous versions of magic,
where the default was hspice.
rthresh [value]
Set resistance threshold value. Lumped resistances below this value
will not be written to the output. The value is in ohms, or may be
the keyword infinite to prohibit writing any lumped resistances
to the output.
cthresh [value]
Set capacitance threshold value. The value is in femtofarads, or may
be the keyword infinite to prohibit writing any parasitic
capacitances to the output.
merge [merge_option]
Merge parallel devices/transistors. The valid merge options are:
Merge transistors and capacitors having the same device type and node connections and having the same width and length. Widths are summed in the final output for transistors. Capacitor values are summed in the final output.aggressive
Merge transistors having the same node connections and having the same length. Widths are summed in the final output. Merge any capacitors having the same device type and node connections. Capacitance is summed in the final output.none
Do not merge any devices.
extresist on|off
Incorporate output from the command extresist into the final
SPICE file.
resistor tee [on|off]
Model resistor capacitance as a T-network. Each resistor device is
split into two, with all substrate and overlap capacitance placed on
the node between the two half-length devices. Without this option,
resistor devices lose all parasitic capacitance information, and
ext2spice may produce warnings about unknown nodes. However, use
of this option may conflict with LVS (layout-vs.-schematic), when
only one resistor is expected per drawn device.
subcircuits [on|off]
When set to on (the default), standard cells become subcircuit
calls (“X”) in the SPICE output. The contents of the standard cells
are not output, and it is assumed that a pre-characterized SPICE
deck exists modeling the behavior of each standard cell definition.
Standard cells are defined by the use of the port method for
labeling input and output ports. When set to off, ports are
ignored, and the entire circuit hierarchy is flattened down to the
device level.
Print help information.
Without options, or with the option run, the ext2spice command converts the hierarchical extracted netlist information produced by the extract command in a series of .ext files into a flattened representation in SPICE format, used for detailed analog simulation.
runtime_options may be passed on the command line, and represent the original command-line options passed to the standalone version of ext2spice. A number of the original command-line options have been deprecated in the Tcl-based version, and some are duplicated by other ext2spice options. Valid runtime_options are:
Don’t output transistor or node attributes in the SPICE file. This
option will also disable the output of information such as the area
and perimeter of source and drain diffusion and the FET substrate.
Don’t output nodes that aren’t connected to devices (floating
Trim characters from node names when writing the output file. char
should be either “#” or “!”. The option may be used twice
if both characters require trimming.
-y num
Select the precision for outputting capacitors. The default is 1
which means that the capacitors will be printed to a precision of
0.1 fF.
-J hier|flat
Select the source/drain area and perimeter extraction algorithm. If
hier is selected then the areas and perimeters are extracted
only within each subcell. For each device in a subcell the area and
perimeter of its source and drain within this subcell are output. If
two or more devices share a source/drain node then the total area
and perimeter will be output in only one of them and the other will
have 0. If flat is selected the same rules apply, only the scope
of search for area and perimeter is the whole netlist. In general,
flat (which is the default) will give accurate results (it will
take into account shared sources/drains).
With options, the command sets various parameters affecting the output format and content.
Implementation Notes:
ext2spice is implemented as a separate loadable Tcl package, but one which depends on the presence of the standard “tclmagic” package. magic is set up with a placeholder command for ext2spice, and will automatically load the Tcl package when this command is invoked.
exttospice is an alias for ext2spice, to satisfy the grammatically anal retentive.
See Also:
Query or manipulate feedback entry areas.
feedback option
where option may be one of the following:
add text [style] [x1 y1 …]
Create a new feedback area. If positions x1 y1 … are not
specified, then the feedback area created corresponds to the area of
the cursor box. The feedback entry will be associated with the text
text, which will be reported on execution of a feedback why
query. The feedback area will be drawn in style style, which may
be one of the following:
- dotted
- medium
- outline
- pale
- solid
From magic version 7.3.110, any style from the “.dstyle” file may be specified (e.g., “yellow1”). If points x1 y1 … are specified, then they represent a polygonal area for the feedback entry. This area may be a point, line, or polygon, and may be specified in internal units or metric units. If the feedback area is a point, line, or degenerate polygon (polygon with zero internal area), then the style must be an outlined style; otherwise, the style is changed to style outline so that the feedback area is ensured to be visible.
clear [substring]
Without the argument substring, clears all feedback info. When
substring is specified, only feedback entries containing the text
substring will be removed. For example, if “cif see CMF” is
followed by “cif see CCC”, the contact cuts will not be seen due to
being overlapped by the feedback for metal1. However, if this is
followed by “feedback clear CMF”, the feedback area for metal1 will
be removed, leaving the contact cuts visible.
Count the number of feedback entries
find [nth]
Put the cursor box over next (or nth) entry
Print help information
save file
Save feedback area information into file file
Print text associated with all feedback areas under the cursor box.
The feedback command queries or manipulates feedback areas, which are areas drawn on top of the layout and may be used for annotations and markers. Internally, magic uses feedback areas to report CIF/GDS layers (cif see command), and errors generated by the extract command. CIF/GDS feedback is placed on the output (usually centimicron) grid, which cannot be done with the feedback add command directly from the command-line.
Feedback information and areas are not saved in the layout file.
Implementation Notes:
feedback is implemented as a built-in magic command.
Small feedback areas were previously drawn solid to prevent them from disappearing entirely; however, this created bizarre results in CIF/GDS feedback when several narrow feedback areas are tiled together, so it was removed. This leaves the possibility that feedback areas smaller than the spacing between feedback crosshatch lines might not be drawn; an inconvenience, but not a serious problem.
There should be a mechanism for removing only the feedback entries under the cursor box, or the current feedback entry.
Fill layers from one side of box to other.
fill direction [layers]
where direction is any valid Manhattan direction in magic, and layers is an optional comma-separated list of layers to restrict the operation of the fill command.
The fill command extends paint from one side of the cursor box to the other. It is most often used to fill gaps in wire routes or fill paint between subcells. The algorithm is to select all paint that touches or crosses the cursor box on the side opposite the indicated direction, and extend this paint in the indicated direction to the other side of the cursor box. Paint that is in the cursor box but does not touch the side of entry is not changed.
Implementation Notes:
fill is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Center the window on the box and optionally zoom in.
Key macro B implements the command findbox.
Key macro Control-Z implements the command findbox zoom.
findbox [zoom]
The findbox command centers the window on the cursor box. This is particularly useful in conjunction with other commands such as drc find or feedback find that may move the box to an unknown off-screen location. With the option zoom, the window view will be centered on the cursor box and additionally scaled so that the cursor box fills the window.
Implementation Notes:
findbox is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Set the cursor box to the location of the indicated label
findlabel [-glob] label [occur]
where label is the name of an existing label in magic, and optional argument occur is an integer.
The findlabel command can be used to center the cursor box on a specific named label in the layout.
The -glob option causes findlabel to find all labels containing the text pattern of label. This is the way the findlabel command worked in versions of magic prior to 7.2.
The optional argument occur will center the cursor box on the Nth instance of the label, where N=occur (option introduced in version 8.3.86). If occur is greater than the number of labels in the edit cell, then the result is the same as for a label that is not found.
Implementation Notes:
findlabel is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Flatten edit cell into the indicated destination cell.
flatten [option] cellname
where cellname is the name of a cell definition to be created, and into which the flattened geometry will be placed. option may be one of -nolabels, -nosubcircuits, or -noports, -novendor, -dotoplabels, -doproperty, and -dobox.
The flatten command creates a new cell with the indicated name, then flattens the hierarchy of the current edit cell and copies the result into the new cell.
The options allow selective flattening, as follows:
Prevents magic from copying labels into the flattened cell. Otherwise,
magic flattens labels by prepending the cell hierarchy to each label
as it copies it into the flat cell.
Prevents magic from flattening cells declared to be subcircuits (by
the presence of ports in the cell). These cells are retained as
subcells in the flattened version.
Removes port information from labels when flattening, so that the
flattened view will have only labels and not ports.
Prevents magic from flattening cells that are vendor cells, that is,
cells that are generated by reading GDS using the gds readonly
option, or which have the appropriate property values set.
This option tells magic to preserve in the flattened view only the
labels that are in the top level cell. Labels in subcells will be
This option will only flatten subcells which are marked with the
property string “flatten”. This is useful for flattening an entire
set of cells; for example, flattening subcells with routing before
creating a DEF file of a layout.
When this option is specified, magic flattens only the area of the
circuit that is inside the boundary of the cursor box.
When this option is specified, cellname must be the name of a cell
use (instance), not a cell definition. The cell use cellname is
assumed to exist in the current edit cell. The cell use will be
removed from the edit cell and replaced with its flattened contents.
Note that cellname is a top-level cell but is not displayed or saved subsequent to the flatten command. The usual procedure is to follow the command “flatten cellname” with “load cellname”, to view the new flattened layout.
The target cell cellname must not already exist in the database except when using the -dobox option. With -dobox, using the same target cellname allows a layout to be flattened in pieces.
Implementation Notes:
flatten is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Forget changes to the edit cell (or to the indicated cell) since the last saved version.
flush [cellname] [-dereference]
where cellname is the name of a cell definition to be flushed.
The flush command reverts a cell definition to the last version saved to disk, forgetting all changes made in the interim. Without arguments, the current edit cell is flushed. Otherwise, the named cell is flushed.
The effects of the flush command are irrevocable; the command cannot be undone with an undo command.
With the -dereference option, any file path that has been associated with the cell is discarded, and the cell is reloaded from the first location found in the search path. With search path manipulations, this can be used, for example, to switch between abstract and full views of a cell.
Implementation Notes:
flush is implemented as a built-in command in magic. However, it conflicts with the Tcl flush command that flushes an output pipe. Special processing determines which use is intended.
See Also:
Gate-array router
garoute option
where option may be one of the following:
channel xl yl xh yh [type]
Define a channel, with indicated coordinates.
channel [type]
Define a channel
generate h|h [file]
Generate channel definition for a horizontal (h) or vertical
(v) routing channel.
Print help information
Only warn if all locations of a terminal are unreachable.
route [netlist]
Route the current cell
Clear all channel definitions
Leave feedback for each location of a terminal that is unreachable.
The garoute command controls the gate-array router. There is currently practically no documentation for the gate-array router. This section shall be expanded.
Implementation Notes:
garoute is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
gds, calma
Read GDSII input or generate GDSII output.
gds [option]
calma [option]
where option is one of the following:
Primary options:
Print usage information
read file
Read GDSII format from file file into the edit cell. If file
does not have a file extension, then magic searches for a file
named file, file.gds, file.gds2, or file.strm.
warning [option]
Set warning information level. “option” may be one of the
The default setting is equivalent to all the other options
(align, limit, redirect, and none) being disabled.
Generate warnings during a “cif see” command if the alignment of
geometry is on fractional lambda. Normally, magic allows contacts to
be drawn at half-lambda positions. If this violates DRC requirements
for the minimum output grid, this warning setting can be used to
detect such violations.
Limit warnings to the first 100 warnings or errors only.
redirect [file]
Redirect all warnings to an output file named file. If file is
not given, then redirection is disabled.
Do not produce any warning messages on GDS input.
write file
Output GDSII format to “file” for the window’s root cell.
Options for gds read:
datestamp [yes|no|value]
When reading a GDS file, the resulting layout views in magic will be
timestamped according to the declared datestamp action. If yes
(the default), then the creation date timestamp from the GDS file is
transferred to the layout cell. If no, then the datestamp is set
to zero and will be created when the cell is saved to disk. If
value, then the specified value (in UNIX format of seconds since
the epoch) will be used for the layout timestamp.
drccheck [yes|no]
If set to no, then do not mark cells read from GDS as requiring
DRC checks (default yes).
flatglob [none|string]
Flatten cells by name pattern on input. This is the more exacting
version of flatten, as it allows specific cells to be flattened.
Each call with an argument string adds string to the list of
name patterns to be checked. A call with the option none will
remove all patterns. A call with no options will return the list of
string patterns that will be applied to inputs. The strings may use
standard shell-type glob patterns, with * for any length string
match, ? for any single character match, \ for special
characters, and [] for matching character sets or ranges
(introduced in version 8.3.102).
flatten [yes|no|number]
Flatten simple cells (e.g., contacts) on input. This helps magic to
use its contact-area representation of contacts, and can also avoid
situations where contacts are lost or translated to “generic” types
because the arrayed part of the contacts is missing one or more
residue layers. The default number of shapes in an input to be
considered “simple” is 10, but this can be set with the number
argument. A number of zero implies flatten no, and a non-zero
number implies flatten yes. Otherwise, the use of yes and
no toggles the flattening behavior without affecting any value
previously set by flatten number.
maskhints [yes|no|layers]
When set to yes, then after reading each cell definition from
the GDS file, magic will re-generate the GDS output data from its
internal representation of the cell. Where the output data does not
match the input data, and where the technology file defines mask
hints in the cifoutput section for a GDS layer, magic will
automatically generate the mask hint property for the cell such that
writing GDS of the cell will produce exactly the same mask data as
was in the original GDS file. Alternatively to specifying “yes”,
a comma-separated list layers of GDS layers to create mask hints
for can be specified (default no).
noduplicates [yes|no]
When reading a GDS file, this option forces magic to ignore cell
definitions in the GDS file that are already present in the database
(that is, for which a cell of the same name already exists). This
can be used, for example, to pre-load an abstract view of a cell
before reading a GDS file containing that cell. This option should
be used with extreme caution, since there is no check as to whether
the existing view is compatible with the one in the GDS file.
ordering [yes|no]
Forces post-ordering of subcells read from a GDS file; that is, if a
cell use is encountered before it is defined, magic will read
through the remainder of the file until it finds the definition,
read it, and then return to the original file position to continue
reading. This option is always enabled when using gds flatten.
Otherwise, the default behavior is ordering no to avoid lengthy
searches through the GDS stream file.
polygon subcells [yes|no]
Put non-Manhattan polygons into subcells. Default is “no”. Normally
this option is not needed. However, input layout that defines a
number of angled wires, particularly those that are closely spaced,
can cause magic to generate literally millions of internal
tiles. This tends to be true in particular for corner cells in
padframes for deep submicron feature sizes, where the angled corners
are required to meet the DRC specification. When set to “yes”, each
polygon encountered in the GDS input is placed in its own
uniquely-named subcell. This prevents interations with other
polygons on the same plane and so reduces tile splitting.
readonly [yes|no]
Set cell as “read-only”. This has the effect of marking each cell
definition (using the property method) with the start and end
positions of the cell definition in the input file. In subsequent
output, the cell definition will be transferred verbatim from the
input to the output file. This is useful for 3rd-party standard
cells or pad cells where the original GDS is trusted and it is
desirable to bypass the boolean operators of magic’s GDS reader
and writer to prevent the layout from being altered. Note that
“read-only” layout can be written to a .mag file, but the contents
of this file are representational only. It can be useful to keep a
simplified respresentation in the case of pad cells or digital
standard cells, for example, by reading them using a GDS input style
that defines only metal layers.
rescale [yes|no]
Allow or disallow internal grid subdivision while reading GDS input.
Default is “yes”. Normally, one wants to allow rescaling to ensure
that the GDS is displayed exactly as it is in the input file.
Occasionally, however, the GDS input is on a very fine scale, such
as nanometers, and it is preferable to snap the input to lambda
boundaries rather than to subsplit the internal grid to such a fine
value. The “cif limit” function may also be used to limit grid
subdivision to a minimum value.
unique [yes|no]
When reading a GDS file, this option forces magic to rename cell
definitions in the database when a cell of the same name is
encountered in the GDS file. The default behavior is to overwrite
the cell with the new definition. The existing cell is renamed by
adding a suffix with an underscore and a number. The number is
incremented until the name fails to match any known cell name in the
Options for gds write:
abstract [allow|disallow]
Define the behavior for abstract cells (e.g., cells derived from LEF
views). If allowed, then these cells will be written to GDS even if
the abstraction layers (e.g., metal obstructions) have no defined
GDS layers. If disallowed, the GDS file will not be written if
abstract cells exist. The default behavior is disallow.
addendum [yes|no]
Do not output vendor (readonly) cell definitions. Only the
references will be output. This makes the output file an addendum to
any existing vendor GDS libraries.
arrays [yes|no]
Output arrays as individual subuses (like in CIF). Default is “no”.
Normally there is no reason to do this.
compress [value]
For non-zero value, apply gzip-style compression to the output
stream. Per the gzip compression algorithm, value represents a
level of compression effort, and ranges from 1 to 9. When value is
zero, no compression is applied and the output is standard GDS
format, and the output file extension is “.gds”. When value is
non-zero, compression is applied, and the output file extension is
“.gds.gz”. With no argument, return the current compression setting.
The default compression setting is zero (no compression applied;
output is plain GDS).
contacts [yes|no]
Causes contacts to be written to the GDS file as subcell arrays
(experimental, introduced in version 7.3.55). This method can
produce very efficient output compared to writing each contact cut
square separately.
datestamp [yes|no|value]
When writing a GDS file, each cell definition is given a header
containing two date stamps, one for the creation date, and one for
the modification date. By default, magic writes the cell’s internal
timestamp as the creation date, and sets the modification date stamp
to zero. The datestamp option, if set to no, will also set
the creation date stamp to zero. If set to value, then the
specified stamp value will be output for the creation date. The
stamp value should be an integer in the format used by the UNIX
time() system call, which is the number of seconds since January 1,
1970, or equivalently the Tcl command “clock seconds”. Note that
very few tools make use of the GDS date stamps. But having a valid
date stamp means that a GDS file cannot be written twice with the
exact same contents, which has implications for repositories like
git. When writing libraries, it is useful to set a date stamp tied
to a version number and apply that date stamp to all files written
for the library.
labels [yes|no]
Cause labels to be output when writing GDSII. Default is “yes”.
Normally there is no reason not to do this.
library [yes|no]
Do not write the top level cell into the output GDS file, but write
only the subcells of the top level cell. Default is “no”.
lower [yes|no]
Allow both upper and lower case in labels. Default is “yes”.
merge [yes|no]
Concatenate connected tiles into polygons when generating output.
Depending on the tile geometry, this may make the output file up to
four times smaller, at the cost of speed in generating the output
file. Some programs like the field equation solver HFSS won’t work
properly with layout broken into many tiles; other programs like
Calibre will complain about acute angles when non-Manhattan geometry
is broken into triangles. GDS output limits polygon boundaries to a
maximum of 200 points, which limits the efficiency of the merge
method. The default value if “no”; e.g., all GDS output is a direct
conversion of tiles to rectangle and triangle boundary records.
nodatestamp [yes|no]
Backwardly compatible alternative to the datestamp option.
Setting nodatestamp yes is equivalent to setting datestamp
no (see above).
undefined [allow|disallow]
Define the behavior for undefined cells (e.g., cells whose layout
contents could not be found). If allowed, then the calls to these
cells will be written to GDS even if the cell itself is not defined
in the GDS (see the addendum option, above). If disallowed, the
GDS file will not be written if undefined references exist. The
default behavior is disallow.
The gds command reads or produces GDSII output (also known as “stream” output, or “calma” output after the name of the company that invented the format), or sets various parameters affecting the GDS input and output. In magic, the GDS read and write routines are a subset of the CIF read and write routines, and so it is important to note that certain cif command options (q.v.) also affect GDS input and output. In particular, cif istyle and cif ostyle set the input and output styles from the technology file, respectively.
If no option is given, a CALMA GDS-II stream file is produced for the root cell, with the default name of the root cell definition and the filename extension “.gds”.
gds read will read both (gzip-)compressed and uncompressed GDS files. gds write will only write compressed files as indicated by the gds compress setting.
Implementation Notes:
gds is implemented as a built-in function in magic. The calma command is an alias for gds and is exactly equivalent.
- The cif command options that affect GDS input and output should really be duplicates as options of the GDS command.
- GDS input is “interpreted” through boolean operations in the technology file definition, and so it is not guaranteed that all input will be read correctly.
- Not all non-Manhattan geometry is read correctly.
- The input can be fouled up if the magic grid is rescaled during input. This error can be avoided by scaling the grid prior to GDS read-in.
- “polygon subcells” in GDS creates a duplicate image of the layout read into the subcells; this needs to be fixed.
See Also:
get, getcell
Import a cell as a subcell of the current edit cell.
getcell cellname [orientation]
getcell cellname [child child_refpoint] [parent parent_refpoint]
where orientation may be one of the following:
Load rotated by 90 degrees clockwise
Load rotated by 180 degrees
Load rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise
Load flipped top to bottom
Load flipped left to right
Load rotated 90 degrees clockwise and flipped top to bottom
Load rotated 90 degrees clockwise and flipped left to right
Load rotated 180 degrees and flipped top to bottom
Load rotated 180 degrees and flipped left to right
Load rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise and flipped top to bottom
Load rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise and flipped left to right
and child_refpoint and parent_refpoint may be x y coordinate pairs, or one of the four keywords ll, lr, ul, or ur, indicating one of the four box corners. For the child, coordinate pairs are in the coordinate system of the child, and corners indicate cell bounding box corners. For the parent, coordinate pairs are in the coordinate system of the parent, and corners indicate corners of the cursor box.
The getcell command creates subcell instances within the current edit cell. By default, with only the cellname given, an orientation of zero is assumed, and the cell is placed such that the lower-left corner of the cell’s bounding box is placed at the lower-left corner of the cursor box in the parent cell.
Implementation Notes:
getcell is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
get is an alias for the command getcell (allowed abbreviation where otherwise use would be ambiguous).
Scripts will find it more convenient to place cells according to the cell origin, with the usage “getcell cellname child 0 0”.
See Also:
get, getcell
Import a cell as a subcell of the current edit cell.
getcell cellname [orientation]
getcell cellname [orientation] [child child_refpoint] [parent parent_refpoint]
where orientation may be one of the following:
Load rotated by 90 degrees clockwise
Load rotated by 180 degrees
Load rotated by 90 degrees counterclockwise
Load flipped top to bottom
Load flipped left to right
Load rotated 90 degrees clockwise and flipped top to bottom
Load rotated 90 degrees clockwise and flipped left to right
Load rotated 180 degrees and flipped top to bottom
Load rotated 180 degrees and flipped left to right
Load rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise and flipped top to bottom
Load rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise and flipped left to right
and child_refpoint and parent_refpoint may be x y coordinate pairs, or one of the four keywords ll, lr, ul, or ur, indicating one of the four box corners, or the name of a label in the parent or child cell. For the child, coordinate pairs are in the coordinate system of the child, and corners indicate cell bounding box corners. For the parent, coordinate pairs are in the coordinate system of the parent, and corners indicate corners of the cursor box. If child or parent options are not provided, then the default behavior is the same as “child ll” and “parent ll”, respectively. If a label name is given, then the position (anchor point) of the label will be used as the reference point.
The getcell command creates subcell instances within the current edit cell. By default, with only the cellname given, an orientation of zero is assumed, and the cell is placed such that the lower-left corner of the cell’s bounding box is placed at the lower-left corner of the cursor box in the parent cell.
Implementation Notes:
getcell is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
get is an alias for the command getcell (allowed abbreviation where otherwise use would be ambiguous).
Scripts will find it more convenient to place cells according to the cell origin, with the usage “getcell cellname child 0 0”.
See Also:
Get node names of all selected paint
getnode [option]
where option may be one of the following:
abort [string]
Stop the getnode search when the node name string is
alias [on|off]
If on, reports all names found for the node. If off, only
the canonical name is returned.
globals [on|off]
If on, any global node name (names ending with “!”) will
terminate the search, returning the global name. If off, global
names are treated like local node names.
Return the first name encountered, rather than finding the canonical
node name.
The getnode command queries areas of selected paint for netlist node names. The converse of this command is goto.
Implementation Notes:
getnode is implemented as a built-in command in magic. The node name search uses the same algorithm as the netlist connectivity selection function, and for very large networks, can be quite slow.
See Also:
Goto the named node
goto nodename [-nocomplain]
where nodename is any valid name for a network node.
The goto command moves the cursor box to some position representing the network node named nodename, if it exists in the layout. Because any given area of the layout may contain more than one unconnected network node, a layer type is returned. The area of the cursor box plus the layer type always uniquely identifies the node.
The -nocomplain switch supresses the warning message if the node does not exist. In the Tcl version, an empty list is returned for nodes that cannot be found, and no error condition is reported.
Implementation Notes:
goto is implemented as a built-in command in magic. The Tcl version of magic returns the layer of the node as a Tcl result.
A script may make use of the return value in the following manner:
select box [goto nodename]; select more net
which selects the entire network named nodename.
See Also:
Toggle the grid lines on or off, and set grid parameters
Key macro g implements the command grid (with no arguments). Key macro G implements the command grid 2.
grid [option]
where option may be one of the following:
x_spacing [y_spacing [x_origin y_origin]]
set the grid to the indicated spacing, where all spacing and origin
values are any valid magic distance value.
Set the visibility of the grid on or off, as indicated.
Report the state (on or off) of the grid. In the Tcl version, this
is returned as a boolean value (0 or 1).
Report the box (rectangle) of the unit grid, in magic internal
Print usage information on the grid command.
The grid command has two purposes: to draw a reference grid on the screen as an aid to layout placement, and to define a snap grid of arbitrary (and not necessarily square) units. This second use works in conjunction with the snap command; with the invocation of snap grid (or, equivalently, snap user), standard magic dimensions for commands such as move, copy, box, stretch, and mouse-button movement of the cursor box are parsed as integer divisions of the user grid. The grid does not have to be visible (“grid on”) for the snap function to be enabled.
Note that the grid has both spacing values and an offset; unlike the lambda grid, which is always aligned to the internal coordinate system, the user grid may be any value; for grid spacings that are not a multiple of internal or lambda values, the grid may need to be offset from the origin to get the desired alignment. To do this, specify the x_origin and y_origin values, which describe the offset of the grid origin from the internal coordinate system origin.
Usually there is no reason to have different x_spacing and y_spacing values (only one spacing value is required for both). However, occasionally it may be useful to define something like the following:
grid 150um 3l; snap grid
This example makes it easy to draw a number of horizontal routing lines aligned to a pad cell spacing of 150 microns.
Note that even when the grid is set to visible, at a large enough zoom factor, where the grid lines become dense, the grid will not be drawn.
grid with no arguments toggles the visibility of the grid lines on the screen.
Implementation Notes:
grid is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
See Also:
Print out synopses for all commands valid in the current window (or restrict output to those containing the indicated pattern)
help [pattern]
where pattern is any keyword or text string.
The help command invokes the built-in help function in magic, which lists the summary usage information that has been compiled into magic for each command. The summary help information is usually only a single line of text. Commands that have complicated sets of options have their own help option, which is not part of the help command.
Without arguments, help reports a summary usage for every command in magic. With arguments, magic filters the output to report only those commands matching the indicated text pattern.
The output is divided into general-purpose and window-specific sections. The window-specfic section depends on the active window. For instance, with a single layout window present, help cleanup returns no information. However, the command specialopen netlist followed by help cleanup will report the usage of the command cleanup, which is a command that can only be invoked from the netlist window.
Implementation Notes:
help is implemented as a built-in command in magic. Note that there is no general-purpose command-line-based help method for Tcl commands, so the help command will not provide any information about magic commands written as Tcl procedures, such as openwrapper or pushstack. The general convention is for each Tcl procedure to allow the option help and provide its own usage information.
Set the use identifier of the selected cell
identify use_id
where use_id is a unique name to identify the cell use.
The identify command renames cell uses in magic. By default, magic names cell uses with the name of the cell definition followed by an underscore, followed by a unique index number for the cell use in the parent cell. This is merely a convention, and any unique identifier suffices to name the cell use.
Implementation Notes:
identify is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Define or print an interactive macro.
imacro [window_type] key value
where key is a valid name for a keyboard key and value is the command to be printed to the console, pending completion. If present, window_type must be one of the window types recognized by the specialopen command: layout, color, netlist, or wind3d. If omitted, the layout window type is assumed, unless the command was called from inside a window using the colon or semicolon escape to the command-line, in which case the type of the calling window is assumed.
The imacro command allows a variant of the macro command in which the bound command, rather than being immediately executed, is instead printed to the console as the beginning portion of a command, awaiting completion. It can be used to simplify typing of commands by pre-formatting the command line with the command and possibly some options. For example,
imacro p “paint “
will allow the single keystroke “p” to automatically format the command “paint “ on the command line, waiting for the user to enter the type to paint and execute the command.
Unlike the macro command, commands entered by imacro are ultimately evaluated by the Tcl interpreter, and so may contain Tcl commands as well as magic commands.
Implementation Notes:
imacro is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
See Also:
Initialization of magic from the Tcl interpreter.
initialize [arguments]
where arguments is the list of arguments passed to magic on the UNIX command-line.
The initialize command is part of the procedure for starting magic from inside the Tcl interpreter. It is not a user command. Other Tcl-based packages that wish to use magic directly should follow this procedure:
- Load the object file.
- Call initialize with arguments passed to magic on the command line.
- Call startup
Implementation Notes:
initialize is implemented as a built-in command in magic, but only in the Tcl version.
See Also:
Operations on cell instances (uses).
instance option
where option is one of the following:
[list] children [name]
List all of the children instances of cell use name, or the
children of the currently selected cell instance.
[list] parent [name]
List the parent cell definition of cell use name, or the parent of
the currently selected cell instance.
[list] exists|self [name]
Returns the name of the instance if the cell exists, or false (0) if
the instance does not exist (is not loaded into the database; the
cell may still exist on disk). If name is not present, returns the
name of the currently selected instance.
[list] allcells
List all of the cell instances in the database. Note that expansion
is not automatic, so cells that are not expanded are not searched.
orientation [name] [-def]
Returns the orientation of the instance. By default, returns the
orientation in the naming convention used by the “getcell”
command. If the option “-def” is specified, then the orientation
is given in the naming convention used by the DEF format for
component placement. if name is given, then return the orientation
of the named instance. Otherwise, the orientation of all selected
instances is returned as an unordered list.
[list] abutment
Returns the coordinates of the instance’s abutment box (the bounding
box formed by the coordinates saved in the FIXED_BBOX property in
the cell), translated into the coordinate system of the parent cell
(which must be the edit cell). This should be used, for example,
when replacing an instance of a standard cell with another standard
cell, to move the cursor box to the abutment box position so that
the new cell has the same alignment as the old cell (see also
orientation, above).
lock|unlock [name]
Locking an instance prevents it from being moved, rotated, flipped,
deleted, or copied. This is useful, for example, when part of a
layout is declared “final” and changes to that area are prohibited.
The cell instance’s lock status can be saved to and read from the
layout file, so the lock will remain in effect until the instance is
unlocked. Cells that are locked have the character “*”
prepended to the instance name in the display. With no name given
to the command, the lock will be applied to all selected cell
The instance command performs various operations on cell uses, or instances. For the first four options listed above, instance lists cells by their relationship to cell use name, or to the current selection if no name is given. The optional argument list returns the result as a list. In particular, in the Tcl version of magic, this list is a Tcl result that may be operated on by Tcl procedures.
Implementation Notes:
instance is implemented as a built-in function in magic The Tcl version of magic returns Tcl results when the “list” option is present. instance is essentially an alias for the cellname command, and takes many of the same options, but references are to cell instances rather that cell definitions (q.v.). A number of options to cellname are meaningless for instances.
Warning: Because instance names are arbitrary, looking up an instance name is computationally intensive compared to looking up a cell name. When used inside a loop, such as to search the cell name hierarchy, use command cellname on cell definitions instead of command instance on cell instance names whenever possible.
The command option instance list exists is nonsensical from the standpoint of the end-user (if the cell is selected, of course it exists). However, it is a very useful function for Tcl scripts to determine the name of the cell instance that is currently selected.
Technically, instance rename should be implemented as a replacement for the command identify.
See Also:
Magic version 7.3 Usage
Basic usage:
(Tcl version only) Uses the calling terminal for terminal-based command-line input. Otherwise, a Tk console window is used.
(Tcl version only) Magic layout windows use the GUI wrapper, including cell and technology manager windows, layer toolbar, and file menu.
-d devType
(all versions) Select the graphics interface at runtime. Specifying an invalid devType will result in a list of known types. The possible values of devType are determined at compile time, but the usual ones are NULL (no graphics), X11, and OpenGL. X11 is the usual default.
-T technology
(all versions) Select the appropriate technology (.tech27) file. At present (this is on the to-do list), magic cannot change technology after startup. So the technology file corresponding to the layout to be loaded must be supplied to the command line at startup. The default technology is scmos, which is included with the magic source distribution. The complete list of available technology files depends on what has been installed on the system (#see the technology file page for details).
(all versions) Load the layout (.mag) file file into the layout window on startup.
Complete usage information:
magic [-noc[onsole]] [-w[rapper]] [-nowindow] [-d devType] [-T technology] [-m monType] [-D] [file]
where the additional options not covered above are:
(Tcl version only) Run without displaying an initial layout window. This is used mainly for GUI wrapper scripts which like to generate and handle their own windows.
-m monType
(obscure) monType names a monitor type. This is used in the search for the colomap file name, which is designated <tech>.<planes>.<mon>.cmap1. The default is “std” (corresponding to colormap file “mos.7bit.std.cmap1”. The only other monitor type for which colormaps exist in the distribution is “mraster”. This provides a way for users to override the system color assignments.
(all versions) Run in Debug mode.
Obsolete usage information:
magic [-g gPort] [-i tabletPort] [-F objFile saveFile] …
where the additional options not covered above are:
-g gPort
(largely obsolete) gPort names a device to use for the display. This was generally used in the past with dual-monitor systems, especially Sun systems in which the layout display might go to /dev/fb.
-i tabletPort
(largely obsolete) tabletPort names a device to use for graphics input. This has not been tested with modern graphics tablet devices. It is ignored by the X11 and OpenGL display interfaces.
-F objFile saveFile
(largely obsolete) Create an executable file of the current magic process, a core image snapshot taken after all initialization. objFile is the name of the original executable, and the image will be saved in saveFile. This only works on VAXen and SUNs running an old SunOS (using a.out executables).
Do interactive point-to-point routing from the pointer cursor to the cursor box
iroute option
where option may be one of the following:
contacts [type] [parameter] [value…]
Set route-contact parameters. parameter may be one of the following keywords:
help [option_name]
Summarize iroute subcommands
layers [type] [parameter] [value…]
Set route-layer parameters. parameter may be one of the following keywords:
route node_name…
Connect point to named node(s)
route option…
Connect points as specified in the options. option my be one of the following:
Route to the area of the cursor box.
-dlabel node_name
Route to the destination network named node_name. The name may be
hierarchical, specifying a labeled node in a nested list of subcell
-dlayers layer_list
Force the route to end on of one the layers in the comma-separated
-drect llx lly urx ury
Force the route to end within the designated rectangular area.
Force the route to end on the area of selected paint.
Start the route at the cursor position.
-slabel node_name
Route from the start network named node_name. The name may be
hierarchical, specifying a labeled node in a nested list of subcell
-slayers layer_list
Force the route to start on one of the layers in the comma-separated
-spoint px py
Start the route at the indicated point.
-timeout value
If the maze router is unable to find a valid route, it may wander
off into an indefinitely long search. The search can be interrupted
by typing a control-C into the calling terminal, but one can also
specify a timed break using the timeout option, where value is in
seconds. Typically, 4 or 5 seconds is a useful value.
By far, the most useful and most common invocation is “iroute route -slabel sname -dlabel dname” to route between two named pins.
Write out all irouter parameters. These are written out as command calls so they can be read back with the Tcl source command.
search rate | width |
Set parameters controlling the internal search for routes
spacings type
Set minimum spacing between route-type and arbitrary type
verbosity level
Control the amount of messages printed
Identify irouter version
wizard parameter
Set miscellaneous parameters. parameter may be one of the following keywords:
The iroute command invokes Magic’s maze router algorithm. This is a point-to-point, over-the-cell algorithm based on costs specified in the technology file’s “mzrouter” section, style “iroute”. It is not a channel router, and will select the best path to connect the chosen start and destination nodes, using whatever layers are specified as active in the technology file, switching layers and adding contacts as necessary, and avoiding obstacles. The quality of the route is highly dependent upon both the existing layout and the cost specification.
Special layer types “fence”, “rotate”, and “magnet” are built-in types available in all technologies. Painting the “fence” layer creates a boundary inside of which Magic will not route. Under a block of “rotate” layer paint, Magic will reverse the vertical and horizontal costs of all layers. If the technology file specifies unbalanced horizontal and vertical costs, for example to tend to force horizontal routes in metal2 and vertical routes in metal3, then areas painted with “rotate” will tend to get horizontal routes in metal3 and vertical routes in metal2.
Implementation Notes:
iroute is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Invoke the irsim switch-level digital simulator.
irsim [args]
where args are any arguments to be passed to the irsim program as they would from the command line. See the irsim documentation for an explanation of its valid command-line arguments.
The irsim command starts the irsim simulator. While previous versions of magic did this by forking the irsim process, Tcl-based magic can load the Tcl-based irsim as a package directly into the interpreter. Commands for irsim are added to the Tcl namespace and are available directly from the the magic command line.
As a Tcl script, the irsim command attempts to set up the simulation arguments to ensure proper startup. It also checks for a valid .sim file matching the layout, and generates one if it does not already exist.
A number of commands are available for viewing signal values directly on the layout. For a complete description of these commands and the Tcl-based irsim simulation environment, see the documentation on irsim.
Implementation Notes:
irsim is implemented as a Tcl procedure that loads the Tcl-package based version of irsim, then executes its startup procedure. The irsim Tcl package itself is compiled and installed separately from magic.
See Also:
Place a label in the layout
label string [position [layer]]
where string is the text of the label, position may be any valid direction in magic, and layer may be any valid layer in the technology.
label string [font [size [rotation [offsetx offsety [position [layer]]]]]
where string is the text of the label, font is the name or number of a font, size is the integer size of the font, in standard distance units; rotation is the rotation (in degrees) of the font, offsetx and offsety are the distance of the printed text relative to the reference position (in quarter units of distance); position may be any valid direction in magic, and layer may be any valid layer in the technology. This usage is only available in magic version 8.0 and above. See the setlabel command for details on each of the label options. setlabel -default can be used to set default values for all of the optional properties when they are not present on the label command line.
The label command places a label on the layout. The label is marked by a point, line, or rectangle, depending on the size of the cursor box. If the area under the cursor box contains exactly one type, the label will be “attached” to that type; that is, the label will name the network of the node containing that type. If the area under the cursor box contains multiple layers, one will be chosen for attachment to the label. If there are multiple network nodes under the cursor box, the result may not be what the user intended; in such cases, the user should specify which layer the label should be attached to, so that the appropriate network node will be labeled.
The label text is placed to one side of the marker in the direction indicated by the position argument. For example, “label text north” will draw the label string “text” to the north (above) the marker.
In versions of magic prior to 8.0, labels cannot be directly modified; modifications should be handled by first erasing the label with “erase label” and then redrawing. Versions 8.0 and higher use the setlabel command to modify selected labels.
Versions of magic from 8.0.139 allow the layer name to have a dash (“-”) in front (e.g., “-metal1”) to indicate a “sticky label”, that is, one that is attached to the specified layer type layer, and which cannot be reattached to another layer.
Implementation Notes:
label is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
LEF-format input and output
lef option
where option may be one of the following:
read [filename]
Read a LEF file named filename[.lef]
read [filename] -import
Read a LEF file. Import standard cells from .mag files
read [filename] -annotate
Read a LEF file. Use any macros defined in the LEF file to annotate
existing layouts, and ignore all other macros.
write [cell] [-tech] [-hide [distance]] [-toplayer] [-pinonly [distance]] [-nomaster]
Write LEF for the current or indicated cell.
Option -tech writes the technology information (layer mapping
and rules) to the same file as the cell macro.
Option -hide generates an abstract view that has all interior
detail removed, leaving only pins and obstruction layers covering
the entire cell with cut-out areas for the pins. Option -hide
may take an additional value argument distance which will hide the
central part of a cell starting a distance distance from the edge.
The distance value is in units of lambda by default, but like
other distance measurements changes with respect to the snap
command setting, and can take a suffix such as “um” to specify a
physical distance relative to the current CIF/GDS output scale.
Option -toplayer outputs pin geometry only for the topmost layer
belonging to the pin; all connected layers underneath will be output
as obstructions.
Option -pinonly will mark only areas that are port labels as
pins, while marking the rest of each related net as an obstruction.
Value distance, if given, will extend any pin beyond the marked
port label along the length of the same net, to the specified
distance into the interior of the cell.
Option -nomaster will prevent the generation of output geometry
on layers defined as MASTERSLICE.
writeall [-tech] [-hide [distance]] [-notop] [-toplayer] [-nomaster]
Write all cells including the top-level cell. This might be
appropriate if the top-level cell is a compendium of standard
With option -notop: Write all subcells of the top-level cell,
but not the top-level cell itself. This is appropriate for
generating a LEF library from a layout, for which the layout itself
would be written to a DEF file.
Options -hide, -tech, and -toplayer are the same as for
the lef write command.
datestamp [value|default]
Force all cell definitions generated from LEF macros to have the
datestamp (timestamp) of value. This can be used to ensure that
the timestamps of abstract views match the timestamps of the
equivalent full views, so that switching between abstract and full
views does not cause timestamp mismatch handling. The string
default cancels any fixed timestamps.
Print help information
The lef command writes LEF-format files, which are files containing technology information and information about the content of standard cells. It is used in conjunction with the def command to read databases of routed digital standard-cell layouts. The .lef file shares some information with the technology file in magic. At a minimum, to read .lef files from third-party sources, the technology file should have a lef section that maps magic layers to layer names that are found in the .lef and .def files. Without this information, magic will attempt to make an educated guess about the routing layers, which normally will be named in an obvious manner such as “metal1”, “metal2”, etc. The technology file section may be necessary to handle more complicated input such as obstruction layers. Most other aspects of a technology will be contained within the .lef file. When writing .lef files, magic will use internal layer names for the routing layers if no other information is present in the lef section of the technology file.
Because the lef format allows standard cells to be minimally defined (for purposes of protecting intellectual property), often the .lef file contains no actual layout information for the standard cells. magic provides a command option “-import”. When specified, for each macro cell in the input .lef file, magic will look for a .mag file of the same name. If found, it will be loaded and used in preference to the definition in the lef file.
Magic uses the port mechanism for labels to determine what are the standard cells in a design. All cells containing port labels will be considered standard cells when writing a .lef file. Ports retain various bits of information used by the LEF/DEF definition, including the port use and direction. See the port documentation for more information.
Macro cell properties common to the LEF/DEF definition but that have no corresponding database interpretation in magic are retained using the cell property method in magic. There are specific property names associated with the LEF format. These are as follows:
Corresponds to the value of CLASS for a macro cell in the LEF
Corresponds to the value of SYMMETRY for a macro cell in the LEF
Corresponds to the value of SITE for a macro cell in the LEF
Corresponds to the value of PROPERTY for a macro cell in the LEF
format. LEF properties should be specified in a single cell property,
in key:value pairs and space-separated. Like all properties containing
spaces, the entire property string should be enclosed in quotes. When
writing output, each of the space-separated entries will be output on
its own PROPERTY line in the LEF file.
Normally, when importing a LEF/DEF layout into magic, one will first execute a lef read command followed by a def read command. Likewise, when writing a layout, one will first execute a lef writeall -notop command followed by a def write command.
If a LEF file of macro definitions is read when the same cells as named in the macros already exist in the magic database, then the LEF file macros will be used to annotate the existing layout. This includes setting pin properties (see above), extending the area of labels to cover an entire port, and setting a bounding box on the cell corresponding to the LEF origin and size.
Note that lef write -hide will generate only the minimum amount of obstruction bounding any non-pin geometry inside a layout. To enforce a larger obstruction area, the property “OBS_BBOX” can be created in the cell, a string with four values for the lower left and upper right corners of the bounding box, in magic internal database units.
Implementation Notes:
lef is implemented as a built-in command in magic. Only the critical portion of the LEF syntax has been implemented. In particular, simulation-specific properties of the technology and of macro cells are not implemented.
See Also:
Load a cell into the layout window
load [cellname [scaled n [d]]] [-force] [-dereference] [-quiet] [-silent] [-fail]
where cellname is the name of a cell that presumably exists either in the database memory or on disk as a .mag file. n and d are the numerator and denominator, respectively, of a magnification factor, if it is desired to load the cell at a different scale than it was written. d defaults to 1 if not specified.
The load command loads a cell into the database and displays it in the current layout window (if available). If the cell is not already in the database memory, it is loaded from disk. If it cannot be found on disk, then a new cell definition of name cellname is created and loaded into the window.
By default, magic loads a cell from disk only if the technology name matches the current technology. Historically, this has led to most technologies being named “scmos” which undermines the purpose of having a technology name in the first place. In magic-7.2 and 7.3, this behavior can be overridden with the -force option. magic will read the cell to the extent that layer names match between the current technology and the technology of the file.
The -force option and scaled option can be used together to port layouts from one technology to another. The scaled option implements a scale conversion during input by redefining the ratio of lambda to internal units during the load. This is useful if a cell was written in a lambda-based technology but needs to be read into a vendor-rules-based technology with a fine internal scale such as 0.1 micron per internal unit. The scaled option may also be used simply to resize cell geometry, although this is generally only useful to do for layout such as logos and text lettering drawn in routing layers.
The -silent option prevents magic from generating error messages during loads. This can be used to prevent magic from complaining that a file does not exist when “load” is being used to create a new cell, rather than load one from disk.
The -quiet option prevents magic from generating diagnostic output during a file load. It will only print important warnings and errors.
By default, if a cell cannot be found in the search path, then a new empty layout is created with the name of the specified cell. The -fail option prevents magic from creating a new cell. Instead, if the cell cannot be found in the search path, the load will simply fail.
Since version 8.2.50, magic saves the path to each subcell used in a design in the .mag file, to help with version control. This breaks backwards compatibility with the traditional load command, which would always use the search paths set by the addpath command. The -dereference option restores the traditional behavior by ignoring all path references in the input file and relying only on known search paths to locate the source file for each subcell in the layout.
Note that if it is not desired to have cellname created if not found on disk (e.g., because the path for the cell was missing from the search path), the database can be updated with the flush command or the cellname delete command.
Use of load with no cellname given will result in creating a new cell called “(UNNAMED)”.
Implementation Notes:
load is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Control the behavior of file locking.
locking [enable | disable] |
The locking command controls the behavior of file locking, which is an operating system-level protocol for preventing multiple processes from attempting to write to the same file at the same time. The behavior of the protocol is operating system dependent; for Linux/UNIX systems, this is a feature of the system fcntl() call. When a file is opened, the file descriptor is associated with an exclusive lock that prevents any other process from opening the same file for writing or appending. When using the file locking feature, two processes of magic cannot open the same file in read/write mode. The first process to open the file will have the exclusive right to alter the file contents. The second process may only view the layout in read-only mode.
Any cell that is read-only can be forced editable using the “cellname writeable” command option. Note that this does not make the file writeable if another process has obtained a lock on the file; it merely makes it editable, but to save the modified layout to disk would require that the name of the cell be changed or that the process holding the file lock releases it.
This is not a perfect protection mechanism, since the “cellname writeable” command option can subvert the intent of the file lock by allowing a cell to be read in read-only mode while another process has it locked; then, after the other process has released the lock, the file can be forced writeable and saved to the same file, potentially overwriting modifications made by the other process. In normal use cases, however, the file locking serves to prevent unintended overwriting of file modifications.
The file locking is enabled by default when magic starts up. Generally speaking, there is no reason to disable it. However, some operating systems have strict limits on the allowed number of open file descriptors, and it is possible for a sufficiently complex layout for there to be more files open than available file descriptors. In that case, the locking disable command option will prevent issues with the filesystem at the expense of file lock protection.
With no arguments, locking returns the state of the file locking, either “enabled” or “disabled”.
Implementation Notes:
locking is implemented as a built-in command in magic from version tag 8.3.249.
See Also:
Log all commands into a file
logcommands [file [update]]
where file is the name of the log file to write to.
The logcommands command tells magic to write all command-line commands and button pushes to the log file named file. If update is specified, a screen update is generated after each command executes.
Implementation Notes:
logcommands is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Define or print a macro called char
macro [window_type] [key [value]]
where key is the name of a valid key (see below), and value is a magic command-line command. If present, window_type must be one of the four window types accepted by the specialopen command: layout, color, netlist, and wind3d. If omitted, the layout window is assumed by default, unless the command has been called from inside a window (using the colon or semicolon escape to the command-line), in which case that window type is assumed.
The macro command translates keystrokes typed into a layout window into magic command-line commands. When the key key is pressed in a layout window, the command stored in value is executed relative to that layout window. The default bindings are specified in the system .magic file, read at startup. These macros may be arbitrarily rebound using the macro command.
A key macro may be unbound from a command by passing an empty string (“”) for the value.
key is any valid name for a keyboard keypress event. In its simplest form, this may just be the name of the key, such as “g” or “X”. The space bar key must be quoted in double-quotes; most other characters may be unquoted. Control characters may be specified by the two-character combination of the carat (“^”) key followed by a capital letter, such as “^Z”. The use of embedded control characters is deprecated, as it is incompatible with Tcl syntax.
key may also be specified as any valid X11 name for a key as defined in the include file keysymdef.h on UNIX systems. This allows specification of function keys such as “XK_F8” or keypad keys such as “XK_KP_Right”.
Buttons are treated just like keys for the purpose of defining macros. While the official names for buttons in keysymdef.h are “XK_Pointer_Button_1”, etc., the macro command accepts the abbreviated forms Button1, and so forth.
Finally, key modifiers may be prepended to the key name. Valid key modifiers are Shift_, Control_, Alt_, and Meta_, and may be coupled in any combination. Mouse buttons may also be combined with key modifiers, so, for example, Shift_Button1 is a legal, unique binding.
Implementation Notes:
macro is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
See Also:
Generate the GUI layout window toolbar.
Menu item Options->Toolbar implements the command maketoolbar.
maketoolbar frame_name
where frame_name is the Tk path name of a GUI layout window frame (e.g., “.layout1”, “.layout2”).
The maketoolbar command generates the toolbar for the GUI layout window. The toolbar contains a set of buttons representing each layer type in the technology file. Each toolbar button has bindings for mouse buttons and keys to implement shortcut commands in magic. While the mouse pointer is inside the boundary of the toolbar button, the name of the layer represented by the toolbar is printed in the title bar of the window.
Figure 1. The GUI toolbar for the default scmos technology.
The default bindings for the toolbar buttons and the magic commands they invoke are as follows:
see layername
see no layername
paint layername
erase layername
paint layername
erase layername
select more area layername
select less area layername
The toolbar is not present on window startup due to timing problems with several window managers that prevents the correct measurement of window height.
Implementation Notes:
maketoolbar is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the GUI wrapper script.
Create a ruler to measure the distance between two points on a layout.
measure [orient]
The measure command is a script that creates a ruler to measure the distance between two points on a layout. The ruler is positioned within the bounds of the cursor box. The option orient may be “horizontal”, “vertical”, or “auto”, and determines whether the ruler measures a width or a height. Without any option, orientation auto is assumed. Automatic orientation chooses the longer dimension of the cursor box as the dimension to measure. Dimensions are printed in microns.
Implementation Notes:
measure is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “tools” script. The ruler itself is implemented as elements (see the element command), including line elements for the ruler and a text element for the printed dimension.
See Also:
Move the cursor box and the selection.
Key macro m implements the command move (no arguments).
Key macro Keypad-8 implements the command move n 1
Key macro Keypad-6 implements the command move e 1
(and so forth for all 8 compass rose directions).
move [origin] [option]
where option is one of the following:
direction [distance]
Move the selection relative to the original position in the
direction direction by an amount distance.
to x y
Move the selection to the coordinate location specified by the
coordinate pair x y.
The move command erases the current selection from its current position and moves it according to the command arguments. Without arguments, the lower-left hand corner of the selection is moved to the current cursor position (the X11 cursor, not the magic “cursor box”). With arguments direction and distance, the selection is moved relative to the original in the indicated direction by the indicated amount. The default distance is 1 unit (usually lambda; see distance for further explication).
The option origin does not require a selection. It will relocate the entire design such that the origin (coordianate 0, 0) is at the position indicated by option. Note that this is more efficient than unexpanding the contents of the top-level cell, selecting everything, and moving the selection. For very large layouts, repositioning the origin of a cell can be prohibitive (may overrun available memory), and “move origin” is always preferred.
Implementation Notes:
move is implemented as a built-in magic command.
See Also:
Netlist operations for use with the “netlist tool” in a layout window.
netlist option
wher option may be one of the following:
Print usage information
Select the network nearest the cursor
Join the current network and the network containing the terminal
nearest the cursor.
Toggle the terminal nearest the cursor into or out of the current
The netlist command works with the “netlist tool” and is the interface between the layout window and the netlist window as generated by the “specialopen netlist” command. The command options, outlined above, allow interactive creation of netlists from a layout. Note that this is only interface code; most manipulation of the netlist is handled by the netlist window commands (see the section in the table of contents on the netlist window command set).
Implementation Notes:
netlist is implemented as a built-in command in magic. Prior to magic-7.3 revision 61, these functions were only available as built-in button callbacks. They have been changed to command-line commands with the switch to handling buttons like keys, with macro bindings.
See Also:
Open a new (non-GUI) layout window with indicated name, bound to indicated cell
Key macro o implements the command openwindow. This macro is disabled when using the GUI wrapper.
openwindow [cell] [name]
where cell is the name of a cell to be loaded into the new window, and name is the Tk path name of a top-level window (see below). An empty string or Tcl NULL list “{}” for cell will cause the default cell “(UNNAMED)” to be loaded.
The openwindow command opens a new layout window. Without arguments, a new layout window named “magicn” is created, where n is the index of the nth window to be created. Without a named cell, the new window is loaded with a copy of the cell that was present in the last generated layout window.
The use of parameter name is used in conjunction with a wrapper script to attach the layout window to an existing Tk frame window.
Implementation Notes:
openwindow is implemented as a built-in magic window command. It should not be used with the GUI wrapper (invoked with magic -w); instead, the openwrapper function should be used. Note that it is possible to use this command in batch mode, although there is no useful reason to do so.
See Also:
Open a GUI layout window and all of its associated frames.
Menu option File->New window implements the command openwrapper in the GUI layout window.
openwrapper [cellname] frame_name]]
where frame_name is the Tk path name of the top-level layout GUI window frame. By default, this name is .layout1, .layout2, etc., for successive layout windows. cellname is the name of a cell to be loaded into the window. Options behave the same was as they do for the non-GUI openwindow command.
The openwrapper command creates a new layout window in the Tcl version of magic. It is only applicable when magic is invoked with the GUI wrapper, using magic -w, and supercedes the built-in command openwindow.
Implementation Notes:
openwrapper is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the GUI wrapper script.
See Also:
Orient the selection according to the specified orientation.
orient [orientation] [-origin]
where orientation is an orientaton in the form given by the instance orientation command, or an orienation in DEF format (see below).
The orient command orients the selection according to the given orientation, which may be in the same syntax returned by the “instance orientation” command, or according to the syntax used by the DEF format.
Valid values for orientation are: 0, 90, 180, 270, h, v, or any combination of rotation and h or v (e.g., 90h); or the DEF orientations N, S, E, W, FN, FS, FE, and FW.
If -origin is specified, the orientation is around the origin of the selection, not around the lower left-hand corner (see the clockwise command).
Implementation Notes:
orient is implemented as a built-in magic command.
See Also:
Paint mask information into the current edit cell
Key interactive macro p implements the command paint and waits
for input of the layer type.
Mouse button 2 implements the command paint cursor when using the
“box tool” in a layout window.
paint layers | cursor |
where layers is a comma-separated list of types to paint.
The paint command paints layer types in the current edit cell inside the area of the cursor box.
Note that some layers, such as DRC layers, cannot be painted. Elements are painted with the element command and feedback areas are painted using the feedback command.
The “paint cursor” option picks the layers underneath the position of the (X11) cursor and fills the cursor box with these types. However, when no material (e.g., “space”) is present under the cursor, then all material and labels are erased from the area of the cursor box.
Implementation Notes:
paint is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Modify or query magic’s search paths
path [search | cell | sys] [[+]path] |
path [search | cell | sys] [[+]path] |
The path command queries and manipulates the various search paths used by magic. Without arguments, path search is assumed. The three search paths are:
The search path for layout files.
Search path for tutorial cells.
Search path for technology files.
The + option allows the path component path to be appended to the indicated search path. Otherwise, the indicated search path is replaced by the contents of path.
Implementation Notes:
path is implemented as a built-in command in magic. The use path search +path supercedes the addpath command, as the path command is more general.
See Also:
Query the last saved cursor box position
The peekbox command sets the cursor box to the position of the box last saved with the pushbox command. This is like the popbox command except that the box is left on the stack.
Implementation Notes:
peekbox is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “tools” script. It is useful when writing automated layout-generating Tcl scripts.
See Also:
Hardcopy plotting
plot option
where option may be one of the following:
postscript file [layers]
Generate a PostScript file of layout underneath the box.
pnm file [scale [layers]]
Generate a .pnm (“portable anymap”) file of layout underneath the
box. The output size is propotional to scale, where a scale of 1
is one output pixel per magic internal unit. The default scale
value, if unspecified, is 0.5.
Note: Magic version 7.5.45 changed the syntax to
plot pnm file [width [layers]]
where width is the width of the output, in pixels, having a
default value of 1500 if unspecified (which is reasonably
photographic when scaled to the size of a printed page). If the
parameter “pnmplotRTL” is set to true, then output is
filtered into HPRTL or HPGL2 format according to the “color
versatec” style settings. In that case, the filename is optional; if
missing, a temporary file is created.
svg file
Generate an SVG (scalable vector graphics) file of the exact
contents of the layout window. Note that this command has no options
other than the name of the output file: SVG graphics are scalable,
so no scalefactor is necessary, and it is intended as a WYSIWYG
option. This option is only availble when magic is invoked with
the Cairo graphics interface (“magic -d XR”), because the libcairo
library has interchangeable back-end rendering engines and can
quickly swap out the X11 window rendering target for an SVG file
rendering target, something that cannot be done in the straight-up
Xlib or OpenGL interfaces. Note that when rendering to the screen,
no layout can be represented below the scale of a screen pixel,
whereas with scalable vector graphics, all layout is rendered, no
matter how dense. Therefore, for large full-chip layouts, the SVG
output can be very large and very dense. For full-chip rendering,
the PNM plot style is usually a better choice.
versatec scale [layers]
Generate an HPRTL or HPGL2 rasterized rendering of the layout
underneath the box. The scale value is an absolute scale,
according to the physical size of the layout as determined by the
CIF or GDS output style, and the resolution of the rendering device
(i.e., printer or plotter). The device resolution is declared in the
plot parameters (see below).
parameters [name value]
Set or print out plotting parameters (see Summary below).
Print help information
The plot command generates hardcopy plots of a layout. The use of plot for any particular output format requires that the parameters of the format be defined in the plot section of the technology file. However, from magic-7.3.56, the PNM handler will create a default set of output styles from the existing layout styles for the technology. This makes plot pnm compatible with all technology files, regardless of whether or not a section exists for “style pnm”.
Each plot format has its own set of parameters, but all parameters are controlled with the plot parameters option. Valid parameters and their defaults are as follows:
General parameters:
parameter name | default value |
showCellNames | true |
PostScript parameters:
parameter name | default value | explanation |
PS_cellIdFont | /Helvetica | Font used for writing cell use IDs |
PS_cellNameFont | /HelveticaBold | Font used for writing cell definition names |
PS_labelFont | /Helvetica | Font used for writing label text |
PS_cellIdSize | 8 | Font size for writing cell use IDs (in points) |
PS_cellNameSize | 12 | Font size for writing cell definition names (in points) |
PS_labelSize | 12 | Font size for writing label text (in points) |
PS_boundary | true | Whether to draw boundaries around layers in addition to fill patterns |
PS_width | 612 (8.5in) | Page width of the target output |
PS_height | 792 (11in) | Page height of the target output |
PS_margin | 72 (1in) | Minimum margin to allow on all sides of the output page |
HPRTL/HPGL2 parameters:
parameter name | default value | explanation |
cellIdFont | vfont.I.12 | Font used for cell use identifier names. The default font is part of the Magic distribution. |
cellNameFont | vfont.B.12 | Font used for cell definition names. The default font is part of the Magic distribution. |
labelFont | vfont.R.8 | Font used for labels. The default font is part of the Magic distribution. |
directory | /tmp | The directory used to store the temporary output file that is generated prior to spooling for the printer. |
dotsPerInch | 300 | The native resolution of the target rendering device (printer or plotter) |
printer | versatec | Name of the print spool queue. |
spoolCommand | lp -d %s %s | The OS command to use to send the plot to the printer or plotter. |
swathHeight | 64 | The number of lines of output resolution that Magic will generate at a time. Normally it is not necessary to mess with this value. |
width | 2400 | The pixel width of the output device. |
plotType | hprtl | The format of the plot to make. The choices are hprtl (equivalent to PCL5) and hpgl2 for the most common raster plot formats. The two (very!) outdated formats versatec_color and versatec_bw are retained for compatibility. |
PNM parameters:
parameter name | default value | explanation |
pnmmaxmem | 65536 | Maximum memory (in KB) to use to generate output. Larger values allow larger chunks of the layout to be processed at a time. Normally, anything larger than the default will just take a long time to render, so it's better to leave it alone and let the plot pnm routine downsample the image to fit in memory if the size of the layout requires it. |
pnmbackground | 255 | Value of the background, where 0=black and 255=white. White is default to match the printed page, which is where the plots usually end up. A value of 200 is approximately the default background color in magic. |
pnmdownsample | 0 | Number of bits to downsample the original layout. In the first pass, one pixel is generated for each n magic internal units in each of x and y, where n is the downsampling value. Each downsampling bit therefore represents a factor of 4 in decreased computation time. Generally speaking, downsampling causes information to be lost in the translation from layout to the PNM file. However, if the grid has been scaled from the original lambda, then downsampling up to the scale factor will have no impact on the output other than speeding up the rendering (because the minimum feature size is still in lambda, so no feature will be overstepped by the downsampling). For example, for a grid scaling of 1:10 the proper downsampling would be 3 bits. Note that layouts that are too large for the allocated memory blocksize pnmmaxmem will force downsampling regardless of the value of pnmdownsample. |
pnmplotRTL | false | When set to value true, this parameter pipes the PNM plot output through the raster driver used by "plot versatec". This allows rendered, antialiased PNM plots to be sent directly to a printer. The versatec parameters are used to determine what format, printer, spooler command, temporary directory, and printer pixel width and resolution. The filename is optional in the "plot pnm" command when this parameter is set. If the filename is missing, a temporary filename will be generated for creating the file that is spooled to the printer queue. |
PostScript plotting is best suited for drawing small layouts with relatively few components. PNM plotting is best suited for drawing large layouts. For chip-size layouts, the PNM plots are virtually identical to chip photographs. From magic version 7.3.56, plotting PNM files requires no special entries in the technology file. Although such entries can fine-tune the output, this is usually not necessary. Also, since version 7.3.56, magic makes intelligent decisions about memory usage, so it’s generally not necessary to change the PNM plot parameters. Raster plotting in HPGL2 and HPRTL formats are a good alternative to PostScript for printers and plotters that support those formats. The output is not scalable, but the size of the output plot is much smaller and the speed of rendering is much faster.
Implementation Notes:
plot is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Original plot styles versatec and gremlin have been removed, but shells of the code are retained so that magic doesn’t complain when encountering styles for these types in a technology file.
Layout stretching and compaction
plow option
where option may be one of the following:
Where direction may be any valid Manhattan
direction, and causes the plow to be moved in that
Set boundary around area plowing may affect
Print help information
horizon n
Set the horizon for jog introduction to n lambda units.
Reenable jog insertion (set horizon to 0)
selection [direction [distance]]
Plow the selection in the indicated direction
for the indicated distance.
Automatically straighten jogs after each plow
Remove boundary around area plowing may affect
Disable jog insertion (infinite jog horizon)
Don’t automatically straighten jogs after each plow
The plow command implements a sophisticated method of stretching and compacting layout. The cursor box can be used to shove layout in one direction or another, preserving net connectivity through the modifications.
Results of plow are usually messier than most VLSI designers care to cope with. The best cell compaction is realized with careful floorplanning considerations, not brute force pushing and shoving.
Implementation Notes:
plow is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Generate polygons from the command line.
polygon type x1 y1 x2 y2 … xn yn
where type is a tile type to draw, and x1 y1 … xn yn are n vertices of a polygon.
The polygon command allows generation of polygons on the layout from the command line, similarly to the wire segment command. The polygon command automatically generates the proper tile geometry for the polygon as specified by vertices. Vertex points are pairs of X Y coordinates, and may take any dimensional value (default lambda, but may be internal units or metric units). Note that polygons should be convex; the tile generation algorithm is not guaranteed to work with non-convex geometries.
While simple non-Manhattan structures (triangles) can be generated with the “splitpaint” and “spliterase” commands using macros, there is no convenient interactive method for generating complex polygon geometry. The polygon command is best used in scripts to create specific patterns based on known geometry.
Implementation Notes:
polygon is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Retrieve the last saved cursor box position
The popbox command sets the cursor box to the position of the box last saved with the pushbox command, removing the saved position from the stack.
Implementation Notes:
popbox is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “tools” script. It is useful when writing automated layout-generating Tcl scripts.
See Also:
Return from editing a cell that was loaded using pushstack.
Key macro < implements the command popstack.
The popstack command returns from editing a cell that was loaded using the pushstack command, reverting the layout window to the cell that was loaded prior to the pushstack call. This is implemented as a stack, and calls may be nested.
Implementation Notes:
popstack is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “tools” script.
See Also:
Declare a label to be a subcircuit port, or manipulate port parameters.
port [name | index] option |
where option may be one of the following:
index directions
Declare a label to be a port with order number index and with
allowed connection directions specified by the list directions.
This is equivalent to the make option, except that the index and
direction must be specified.
class [type]
Get [set] port class type (see Summary, below).
use [type]
Get [set] port use type (see Summary, below).
shape [type]
Get [set] port shape type (see Summary, below).
index [number]
Get [set] port number
name [name]
Get [set] port name. This is equivalent to setlabel text.
Return the first (lowest) port number used
next [number]
Return the next (higher) port number used after port number if
specified, or after the currently selected port if not specified. If
number or the currently selected port is the last port number
used, then this command returns the value -1.
Return the last (highest) port number used.
equivalent [number]
Make the port equivalent to the (other) port numbered number.
connections [directions]
Get [set] port connection directions
make [index] [directions]
Declare a label to be a port with order number index and with
allowed connection directions specified by the list directions. If
not specified, the index is set to the first unused number, starting
with 1, and the direction defaults to the direction of the label
text. That is, if the label text is drawn to the right of the port,
then connections are allowed to the right side of the port.
Turn a port back into an ordinary label, removing all of its port
Renumber all of the (unique) ports in the edit cell by alphabetical
order of the port label text. This will ensure that the order of
ports in a SPICE netlist generated by “extract” and “ext2spice” will
always be the same and not depend on artifacts of the way the cell
is extracted.
Print help information
The port command turns labels into ports and manipulates the properties of those ports. The port command gives magic some understanding of “standard cells”. A cell definition that contains declared ports is treated specially by the extract, ext2spice, lef, and def commands. All other commands interpret ports as ordinary labels. ext2spice only interprets ports specially if the option ext2spice subcircuits on is enabled. Cells that contain port labels are assumed in these cases to be standard cells, that is, cells which are pre-characterized, and for which the layout is not to be interpreted as a physical circuit. When writing SPICE output, a cell containing port labels that is a descendent cell of the top-level layout is written as a subcircuit call, that is, an “X” record. If the top-level cell in the layout contains ports, then the SPICE output is written as a subcircuit definition, that is, wrapped in a “.subckt . . . .ends” pair. For LEF files, a cell that contains ports is written as a macro cell, and the ports are the declared PINs of the macro. For DEF files, a cell that contains ports is written as a COMPONENT.
The “index” property of the port is used only when the cell is written into a SPICE deck as a subcircuit entry, when the ext2spice subcircuit on option is enabled (which it is by default). In that case, the subcircuit call parameters (nodes) are written in the order of the port indices, which are then assumed to match the definition for the subcircuit. Likewise, if the circuit is written as a subcircuit to a SPICE file, the order of parameters in the subcircuit definition will match the order of the port indices. Note that the actual port numbers are ignored; the port values will be written in ascending order starting with the lowest numbered port and ending with the highest numbered port.
The “direction” property of the port has no particular meaning to magic but may be used by other programs to control the allowed direction of routes into a standard cell. The “direction” value should be a string containing one or more of the compass directions n, s, e, and/or w. The default direction when not specified is all four directions, nsew.
The “class”, “use”, and “shape” properties of the port have no internal meaning to magic but are used by the LEF and DEF format read and write routines, and match the LEF/DEF CLASS, USE, and SHAPE properties for macro cell pins. Valid classes are: default, input, output, tristate, bidirectional, inout, feedthrough, and feedthru. Valid uses are: default, analog, signal, digital, power, ground, and clock. Valid shapes are: default, abutment, ring, and feedthrough or feedthru.
Normally the port command operates on a selected label. However, use of the optional name or index value in front of the command option will cause the command to operate on the given label as determined by the label text (name) or port index (index). In the case of an invalid name or index, the command returns a null value (empty string) and prints an error message. If the command ends with the “-quiet” option, then no error message is printed.
Implementation Notes:
port is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Invoke the load-file widget in the GUI version of magic, prompting for a file to load.
Menu item File->Load layout implements the command promptload
Menu item File->Read CIF implements the command promptload
Menu item File->Read GDS implements the command promptload
promptload magic | cif | gds |
The promptload command handles input of various file formats for the GUI layout window in the Tcl-based version of magic when invoked with the magic -w option. The handling is more sophisticated than the underlying magic calls. The gds read function will attempt to find the top-level GDS cell and load it into the current window. Likewise, the cif read function will name the top-level cell with the root name of the file being read. The magic load will append the path of the indicated file to the search path, so that if the file makes calls to additional cells in the same directory, they will be found and loaded.
Implementation Notes:
promptload is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “wrapper” script. It calls the tk_getOpenFile widget in Tk.
See Also:
Invoke the load-file widget in the GUI version of magic, prompting for a file to load.
Menu item File->Save layout implements the command promptsave
Menu item File->Write CIF implements the command promptsave
Menu item File->Write GDS implements the command promptsave
promptsave magic | cif | gds |
The promptsave command handles output of various file formats for the GUI layout window in the Tcl-based version of magic when invoked with the magic -w option. The handling of CIF and GDS formats merely makes calls to the cif and gds write routines. The handling of magic (.mag) format appends the destination path to the search path. If the destination filename is changed in the Tk file window, the save command is invoked to rename the top-level layout appropriately before writing the output.
Implementation Notes:
promptsave is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “wrapper” script. It calls the tk_getSaveFile widget in Tk.
See Also:
Attach a “property” (string key and value pair) to the edit cell
property [key [value]]
where key and value are any text strings.
The property command implements a general-purpose method of attaching information to a cell definition. Except for a few properties known to the lef, extract, and gds commands (q.v.), properties have no inherent meaning to magic but may be used with other programs or scripts to add additional information about a cell definition.
With no arguments, all properties of the current edit cell are listed. With only the key argument, the value associated with the key is returned. With both arguments, the string value is associated with the string key as a property of the cell. If key is an existing key, then its original value will be overwritten.
Property names reserved by and used by magic:
The value is the name of a GDS file which contains the mask data for
the cell. The cell is then effectively an abstract view, because its
contents are in the GDS file and do not necessarily match what is
displayed (although they might).
If a GDS_FILE is defined, then this value indicates the byte
position of the start of mask data for this cell definition in the
file. If set to value 0, then the file will be searched for the
data bounds.
If a GDS_FILE is defined, then this value indicates the byte
position of the end of mask data for this cell definition in the file.
If GDS_START is set to 0, then this property may be omitted.
If set to TRUE, this cell is an abstract view such as that
obtained from a LEF macro, and should not be used for extraction or
for writing mask data (unless GDS_FILE is defined).
If the file was read from a LEF macro, then this property corresponds
to the LEF PROPERTY block values. All values from the block are
contatenated into the single property string.
If the file was read from a LEF macro, then this property corresponds
to the macro’s SYMMETRY value.
If the file was read from a LEF macro, then this property corresponds
to the macro’s CLASS value.
If the file was read from a LEF macro, then this property corresponds
to the macro’s SITE value.
If defined, then this cell will be written to CIF or GDS output with
hierachical processing regardless of the settings of the command
options “cif *hier write disable” and “cif *array write disable”.
That allows those commands to be used to avoid time-consuming and
unnecessary hierarchical processing of a top-level chip assembly with
mostly correct-by-design components (such as a digital standard cell
layout) while preserving necessary hierarchical processing on blocks
(such as analog circuits) that need them.
This property value is a space-separated list of four integer values
corresponding to the abutment box of the cell, in magic’s internal
units. The abutment box is automatically read from LEF files, but may
be defined for any file and can be used for placement alignment.
This property value is a space-sparated list of four integer values
corresponding to a bounding box to be used when generating a LEF file
abstract view of a cell. The area inside the bounding box will be
entirely covered in obstruction layers (unless cut-outs are required
to accommodate pins). Any set-back applied by the “lef write -hide “
option will be applied to this obstruction box.
This property declares that the cell is a device or contains a single
device that is not a known extractable device defined in the
technology file. In the first case, the device to be extracted is a
subcircuit and the name of the device is the same as the name of the
cell. In this case, the property value should begin with
“primitive”. This may be followed by any parameters associated
with the device that need to be output in the netlist; e.g.,
“primitive nf=4. When the cell is recast as a primitive device, it
is necessary for the port order in the cell to match the port order of
the device as it must appear in the output netlist. In the second
case, the device to be extracted is either a low-level component type
(not a subcircuit), or is a subcircuit with a different name than the
cell. In that case, the value string should be the text of the line as
it should appear in a “device” line in the output .ext file when
the cell is extracted. That includes the names of all ports and any
parameters to be output. As the output device is defined inside the
subcircuit of the cell in which it is defined, the ports may be
reordered between the subcircuit and the instantiation of the device.
The use of either form of the device property precludes the
generation of parasitics associated with the cell. All parasitics are
assumed to be included in the device model.
If, when an instance of the cell’s subcircuit is generated in the
output netlist, the instance should be passed one or more parameters,
then those parameter key=value pairs (as a single,
space-separated string) should be defined as the value to the
parameter property.
The value is a string of consecutive sets of four integer values, each
set representing the bounding box of a rectangle defining the area of
CIF type type, in magic’s internal units. This indicates that magic
will always generate mask layer type in the specified rectangle area
when writing GDS or CIF output. type may be a templayer, such that
type could be defined as the absence of a mask layer, for example.
Implementation Notes:
property is implemented as a built-in command in magic. The property structure itself is implemented as a hash table in the cell definition structure.
Save the cursor box position on a stack for later restoring.
The pushbox command saves the position of the cursor box onto a stack, where it may be retrieved or queried using the popbox and peekbox commands, respectively.
Implementation Notes:
pushbox is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “tools” script. It is useful when writing automated layout-generating Tcl scripts.
See Also:
Emulate a mouse button event.
pushbutton button action
where button is one of left, middle, or right, and action is is one of up or down.
The pushbutton command is a way of invoking the actions associated with mouse buttons from the command-line, or from a Tcl script.
Implementation Notes:
pushbutton is implemented as a built-in window command in magic. However, it is functionally equivalent to calling the Tk function event generate.
This is all backwards! There should be commands implemented to generate the actions that are caused by button pushes in each tool, and these commands should be bound to the button events. Presumably the existing setup is a holdover from pre-X11 days.
Load the selected cell and remember the action for later recall using popstack.
Key macro > implements the command pushstack.
The pushstack command loads the selected cell into the layout window. However, unlike the load command, the pushstack command remembers the action by saving the currently loaded cell on a stack, so it can be recalled with the popstack command. Due to the stack implemention, calls may be nested.
Implementation Notes:
pushstack is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “tools” script.
See Also:
Exit magic
Key macro Control-Shift-q implements the command quit.
The quit command implements a resonably gentle exit from magic, first prompting the user if layouts with changes have not yet been committed to disk.
Note that in the Tcl version, if the magic package is unable to load for some reason, the quit command will not be present, and the Tcl exit command is required to quit the program. The Tcl exit command will always exit magic immediately, without prompting or cleanup or any other niceties.
Implementation Notes:
quit is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
Generate a random number or set a random seed.
random [seed [value]]
where value is any integer.
The random command with no arguments generates and returns a random integer value. With option seed and no additional argument, it sets the random seed value according to the current time. With option seed and additional argument value, it sets the random seed to the specified value.
When used with option seed, no value is returned.
Random numbers are generally frowned upon in layout because they can make certain things non-reproducible from run to run. Magic uses random numbers in only one very restricted circumstance, for GDS output. The use in GDS output is restricted to the single circumstance of writing an entire GDS file due to use of the “GDS_FILE” property in a cell with a “GDS_START” property value of “0”. Because the GDS file may contain cells of unknown names, and these names could collide with names in the database, the GDS file cells are all prefixed with a random two-character string. To prevent the same prefix from being used on any run of magic, the random number generator should be appropriately seeded.
Note that there is no random number seeding on startup of magic, so if needed, the random seed should be set in the startup file or on the command line.
Implementation Notes:
random is implemented as a built-in magic command.
See Also:
Read a SPICE netlist file and use the information from subcircuit definitions in the file to set port indexes.
readspice filename
where filename is the path name of a SPICE netlist file containing one or more subcircuit definitions.
The readspice command is used to ensure that port indexes on port labels in a cell match the port order specified in an existing SPICE netlist for that cell. This is generally used with standard cell libraries to ensure that port order is maintained in cells that are read from GDS or LEF, neither of which declares a port order. It will also create ports from labels in the case where a file read from GDS does not contain layers that are interpreted as ports by the technology file’s cifinput section.
Implementation Notes:
readspice is implemented as a Tcl procedure defined in the GUI wrapper script. It is only available when the wrapper is used, that is, when magic is invoked with argument -w, although the script can be sourced from the runtime library.
See Also:
Redo commands
Key macro U implements the command redo.
redo [print [count]]
where count indicates a number of events to be redone (default 1 event), and must be a nonzero positive integer.
The redo command reverses the effect of an undo command, returning the layout in a specific window to the state it was in prior to execution of the undo command.
The print option allows stack tracing for the redo command, printing the top count events on the event stack in excruciating detail.
Implementation Notes:
redo is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
See Also:
Redraw the display.
The redraw command completely redraws the layout window. Normally, magic records regions that require updating and redraws those portions of the layout. However, key and button events are allowed to interrupt the redraw, so on occasion it may be necessary to force a refresh of the display.
Implementation Notes:
redraw is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
Create a top-level GUI frame for handling the 3D display window.
The render3d command creates a Tk top-level window for handling the 3D display window. Currently, the window is rudimentary and does essentially nothing more than the specialopen wind3d command does.
Implementation Notes:
render3d is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “wrapper” script. This is basically a placeholder for a more complete GUI frame for manipulating the 3D view.
See Also:
Resume normal display refresh on all windows.
The resumeall command is a script that invokes the command update resume on all layout windows. It is used in conjunction with the suspendall command and is intended for use in Tcl scripts that perform multiple manipulations on layout in a window, where it is desired to have the entire display refresh at one time at the end of the script rather than for each command within the script.
Because calls to update can be nested, calls to suspendall and resumeall are likewise nested. The resumeall command will have no effect until the same number of resumeall calls has been encountered as the number of suspendall calls made.
Implementation Notes:
resumeall is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “tools” script.
See Also:
Rotate the selection and box clockwise by the indicated amount.
rotate [+ | -][degrees] [-origin] |
where degrees is the number of degrees to rotate, and must be a manhattan amount (90, 180, 270).
The rotate command rotates the current selection by the specified amount, in degrees. The default rotation is by 90 degrees. The amount of rotation can be positive or negative, but must be one of the Manhattan rotations 90, 180, or 270.
If -origin is specified, the rotation is around the origin of the selection, not around the lower left-hand corner.
Implementation Notes:
rotate is implemented as a built-in magic command. It is equivalent to the clockwise command but allows negative values to represent counterclockwise rotation.
See Also:
Route the current cell
route option
where option may be one of the following:
end value
Set channel router end constant. value type is real, and defaults
to 1.0.
Print help information
jog length
Set minimum jog length (integer grid units)
Toggle metal maximization (default is “on”).
netlist file
Set current netlist (default NULL)
obstacle value
Set obstacle constant. value type is real, and defaults to 0.7.
origin [x y]
Print or set routing grid origin
Print and clear previous route statistics
Show router parameters
steady value
Set steady net constant. value type is integer, and defaults to 1.
Show router parameters read from the technology file.
vias value
Set metal maximization via limit (grid units). value type is
integer, and defaults to 2.
Via minimization
The route command performs standard routing of networks in a netlist.
Implementation Notes:
route is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Create ruler markings inside the box with indicated text.
ruler [text [orient]]
where orient is either vertical, horizontal, or auto (the default), and where text is any string. If the string contains whitespace, it must be quoted.
The ruler command generates a “ruler”, a set of lines indicating a dimension. It is used to annotate layouts with the indicated text. If no orientation is given, then automatic orientation it used, in which the presented dimension (the line or lines with arrowheads) is whichever box dimension (width or height) is longer. The ruler may be removed with the unmeasure command. The measure command is a specific type of ruler where the text is set to the presented box dimension.
Implementation Notes:
ruler is implemented as a Tcl procedure defined in the “tools” script. It generates a set of elements (lines and text) with the element add command.
See Also:
Save edit cell on disk
save [filename]
where filename is a new name for the cell as well as the root name of the .mag file to be saved.
The save command saves the current edit cell to disk. If filename is specified, then the layout will be saved to “filename.mag”, and the current edit cell will be renamed to filename.
The save command differs from writeall in several ways: save does not descend the hierarchy, and does not prompt the user for an action.
Implementation Notes:
save is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Set the ratio of magic internal units to lambda units
scalegrid a b
where a and b are integers.
The scalegrid command sets the ratio of magic internal units to lambda units by rescaling the internal database and appropriate technology parameters. The values a and b are interpreted to mean that all positions in the database should be multiplied by the factor b / a. An equivalent meaning is that there should be b internal units per a lambda units in the database. For example,
scalegrid 1 2
means 2 internal units per lambda, or an internal grid that is twice as finely spaced as the default. The grid scaling can be queried using the tech lambda command. Grid scaling is interpreted relative to the current scale, so
scalegrid 1 2
scalegrid 1 2
results in 4 internal units per lambda.
Implementation Notes:
scalegrid is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Scroll the window
The keyboard arrow keys implement the command. Without modifiers, the window scrolls by 1/10 width in the indicated direction. With Shift, the window scrolls by one width in the indicated direction.
scroll direction [amount [units]]
where direction is a valid Manhattan direction, and amount by default is an absolute distance in any acceptable units. If units is w, then the amount is interpreted as a fraction of the screen width. If units ls l, then the amount is interpreted as a fraction of the layout width. Note that units of distance for amount, such as “um” for microns or “i” for internal units, are attached to the value with no intervening space, whereas the two units keywords accepted by the scroll command are a separate argument and separated from amount by whitespace.
The scroll command implements a pan of the layout in the window in the indicated direction by the indicated amount. The interpretation of amount is described above in the Usage section.
Implementation Notes:
scroll is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
Execute a TCL procedure on each tile in the current edit cell definition.
search [layers] procedure
where layers is a comma-separated list of layer types to generate a mask to limit the tile search, and procedure is the name of a predefined Tcl procedure (see Summary, below).
The search command is a method for user access to the magic database search routines. It searches the tile database of the current edit cell definition and its hierarchy of descendents and applies the callback procedure to each. The callback procedure must be defined as described below.
Note that the callback method into Tcl is inherently slow and should only be used for non-compute-intensive tasks. In particular, unless it is known that the cell definition being traversed has relatively few structures, the layers argument should be used to severely limit the scope of the search. This function can be useful in certain situations, such as parsing a layout for layer “pad” to enumerate the number of pads in a design.
The Tcl callback procedure is passed five values, the four coordinates of the tile, and the layer type of the tile. The procedure must be defined to accept these five arguments, as in the following example:
proc tile_callback {llx lly urx ury ttype} { puts stdout “Tile type $ttype at $llx $lly $urx $ury” }
When non-manhattan tiles are parsed, the type $ttype is passed as a list of two string elements, the type on the left side of the diagonal split, and the type on the right side of the diagonal split.
Implementation Notes:
search is implemented as an internal magic command that links to an external Tcl procedure as a callback function. This routine is experimental and subject to change without notice.
As currently implemented, there is no protection against calling a magic command from the callback procedure that will alter the internal tile structures while the tile plane is being traversed, causing a crash. The implementation should be changed to a 2-step procedure that traverses the tile plane first, creating an internal list of function arguments to pass for each tile, and then executes the callback function on each.
There are more efficient ways of executing the callback function than Tcl_EvalEx(). In particular, the procedure should be cast as a Tcl object and Tcl_EvalObjEx() used.
The callback function should allow in-line Tcl procedures and use the standard Tcl/Tk method of “%” escape sequences used as arguments to the callback function that allow the user to specify what arguments are passed to the callback function (as is done for the tag command).
See Also:
Change what layers are displayed in the window
Mouse buttons 1 and 3 pressed in the GUI window toolbar implement the see and see no commands for the layer represented by the toolbar button.
see [no] layers | allSame |
where layers is a comma-separated list of layers in the technology, and may also be the character * indicating all layers but not labels, $ indicating all layers under the cursor not including labels and subcells, labels indicating only labels, error indicating DRC error paint, subcell indicating subcells, and connect indicating all types connected to the type or types preceding it.
The see command allows various layers in the layout to be made visible, including labels and error paint. With the keyword no, the command causes these layers to be made invisible on the display.
The keyword allSame is a special use and indicates that non-edit cells should be drawn in the same manner as the edit cell, rather than being drawn in the “pale” styles.
The keyword connect is only meaningful when it comes after one or more listed types. It will expand the list of types to include types electrically connected to those types.
The special keyword $ is only meaningful when used with option “see no”, as it refers to all layers visible directly under the pointer cursor, and it is not possible to query invisible layers.
Starting with Magic version 7.5, contacts whose residue layers (layers surrounding the cut) are partially visible and partially invisible will show the visible residue when the contact type itself is invisible. That way, the command “see no * ; see m1”, for example, will show all metal1 including that under contacts, preventing the display of gaps in the metal1 layer where contacts are present. Note that this applies only to contacts, where the residue layers are declared in the techfile and therefore known a priori. Other layers, such as metal1 resistor (often appears as “rmetal1” in techfiles), have no relation to metal1 that can be definitively determined from the techfile. Therefore, to see all layers corresponding to a single production mask layer, it is necessary to explicitly call out all such layers int the layers list.
Undisplayed layers generally do not respond to commands such as erase or select. However, network selection will select across invisible layers, and copying or moving such a network selection will alter the invisible layers as well as the visible.
Implementation Notes:
see is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
It should be enforced everywhere in the code that invisible layers cannot be altered. This may require removing invisible layers from a selection after doing a network connectivity search.
Select or unselect portions of the layout according to the options, or create a new cell definition from a selection.
Key macro , (comma) implements the command select clear.
Key macro s implements the command select.
Key macro S implements the command select more.
Key macro Control-S implements the command select less.
Key macro a implements the command select visible.
Key macro A implements the command select more visible.
Key macro Control-A implements the command select less
Key macro i implements the command select cell.
Key macro I implements the command select more cell.
Key macro Control-I implements the command select less cell.
select option
where option may be one of the following:
[more | less] [layers]
[De]select material under cursor, or [de]select a subcell if the
cursor is over space.
nocycle [layers]
Select material without cycling through different tile types when
“select” is called from the same cursor position more than once.
[do | no | simple] labels
Set policy for copying labels during a network selection.
[more | less] area [layers] [pattern]
[De]select all material under box in layers layers. The optional
glob-style matching pattern pattern will select or deselect any
labels according to the pattern.
[more | less] visible [layers]
[De]select all visible material under box in layers layers.
[more | less] box [layers]
[De]select material specified by the boundary of the cursor box
[more | less] chunk [layers]
[De]select a network chunk (largest rectangle) specified by the
lower left corner of the cursor box
[more | less] region [layers]
[De]select a network region specified by the lower left corner of
the cursor box
[more | less] net [layers]
[De]select an entire electrical network specified by the lower
left corner of the cursor box
[more | less] cell [name]
[De]select the cell under cursor, or the cell use (instance) named
top cell
Select the topmost cell in the window, which does not have an
instance name and therefore cannot be selected with the select
cell command.
save cell
Save selection as cell named cell, which is also saved to disk as
intersect [~]layer
Keep only the selected paint that intersects with layer. Used with
“~” or “!” in front of the layer, keep only the selected
paint that does not intersect with layer.
Clear selection
Remove the selection from the layout, but retain the selection
buffer for interactive processing.
Flatten the contents of the selection buffer.
Copy the selection from the layout into the selection buffer, and
keep the selection buffer for interactive processing.
move x y
Move the selection buffer to position x y, relative to the cell
definition origin.
Return the bounding box of the selection.
feedback [ style [ text ]]
(From Magic version 8.1.35) Copy the selection into a feedback area
for permanent display (until removed using “feedback clear”). The
selection will be displayed in style “style”, which is one of the
styles defined in the graphics style file (e.g, colors like
“orange”, “white”; layout styles like “pwell”; or technical styles
like “vert_highlights”). The text is attached to the highlight
for querying using the “feedback why” command.
short label1 label2
(From Magic version 8.0.105) Find the path that electrically
connects (shorts) the nodes labeled “label1” and “label2”. Note
that this is a simple tile-based search, so the highlighted path may
show only parts of wires, and may extend past points where the path
turns, but it will find a valid path if one exists.
Print help information
The select command changes what material is in the current selection. magic maintains a separate cell definition that represents the current selection. Without the options more or less, the selection is cleared prior to executing the new selection command. Otherwise, more adds to the existing selection and less subtracts from it.
Network selection differs from other types of selection in that magic uses a sophisticated algorithm to determine what is electrically connected together throughout the layout. A chunk is the largest rectangle containing a single layer type. A region is the largest network area containing a single layer type. The region stops where the net connects to a different layer type. The net is the entire electrical network.
The select labels option sets the policy for the selection of labels when doing a region or network selection. The options are select do labels, which is the default behavior, select no labels, and select simple labels. The default behavior is to copy all labels into the selection, but create hierarchical names for any labels found in subcells by prepending the subcell instance name in front with a slash (“/”) character separator, in the same way as hierarchical net names are generated in flattened SPICE output. This allows a network selection to be copied without causing name collisions among labels in subcells, and is the “safe” option. However, such labels are often long and clutter up the layout. The no labels option selects a network without selecting any labels at all. The simple labels selects labels in subcells but does not expand them into hierarchical names.
The select save option differs from the rest in that it does not alter the current selection, but creates a new cell definition from the current selection. Note that this cell is created as a top-level cell, and does not replace the current selection as a use in the edit cell. To do that requires “select save cell” followed by “delete” and “getcell child 0 0 parent 0 0”. The last command syntax is used because the bounds of the selection may differ from the cursor box.
The select intersect function allows the manipulation of the selection using boolean operators that are much like the ones used in reading and generating GDS files. select intersect layer computes the value of the selection AND layer and replaces the selection with the result. select intersect ~layer computes the value of the selection AND-NOT layer and replaces the selection with the result.
The select short function finds an electrical connection between two labeled points. It works by starting a “select net” net search at the first label, continuing until it reaches the second label, and then pruning back any branches of the search not directly connecting the two points.
The select bbox function is useful when some command that only operates on the contents of the cursor box needs to be applied to the area of a selection. It returns the coordinates of the bounding box of the selection. The cursor can be set to this using the Tcl command box values {*}[select bbox]. select bbox returns values in internal coordinates, so be sure to set the snap spacing to snap internal before doing this.
The remaining options such as pick, clear, and flat all operate on the selection buffer without clearing the contents of the buffer. They are used primarily by the “pick tool” for interactive copy and paste functions. The following command sequence creates a new cell from the selection and replaces the selected material with the new cell:
select pick
select save cellname
getcell cellname
The following sequence flattens cells within a layout. This differs from both the “flatten” and “dump” commands by being able to flatten a group of cell uses, and being able to directly replace the existing cell with the flattened paint. In effect, it is the reverse of the operation above.
select pick
select flat
select keep
Implementation Notes:
select is implemented as a built-in command in magic. The select keep, select move, and select pick are interactive functions used by the “pick” tool.
See Also:
tool (#Tcl script version)
To be consistent, select save should be a separate command, since like other commands it operates on the selection rather than alter what is in the selection.
Manipulate rendered font labels
setlabel [-default] option
where option is one of the following:
box [llx lly urx ury]
Report the bounds of the attachment box for all selected labels, or
set the coordinates of the attachment box to the indicated values.
font [name [scale]]
Report the font of all selected labels, or set the font to the font
named name, where name is one of the known fonts returned by the
command “setlabel fontlist”. If the named font is not in the
list, magic will attempt to load it, if the font vector list can be
found (the font vector list should be in an unencoded PostScript
Type3 font format). Magic scales all fonts such that label size can
be specified in database units. Unfortunately, fonts tend to have
characters (accents, for example) well above the height of a
standard capital letter, and these characters result in the
inability to extract the font height from the font metrics. In such
(common) cases, the optional floating-point scale value specifies
the difference between the character height and the font height
reported by the font metrics. Typically, this number is around 0.6.
font number
For number zero or larger, this option returns the name of the
font that is index number into the list of loaded fonts. No other
action is taken. For number equal to -1, the font of the
selected label is reset to the default X11 font, and properties such
as scale, offset, and rotation are ignored. Justification is
Return a list of the known, loaded fonts.
justify [position]
Report the justification of all selected labels, or change the
justification to position, which may be any compass direction or
layer [name]
Report the layer type to which the label is attached. If the
optional name is given, and is a valid layer name, then the label
is modified to be attached to that layer type. Note that if the
layer is not also declared “sticky” (see below), then it is likely
to be reattached to the original layer during certain operations.
offset [x y]
Report the offset of all selected labels (in x y pairs), or change
the offset, which is the spacing between the point marked by the
label and the label text. In the case of a rectangle identifying a
label, the spacing is measured from the center of the rectangle.
rotate [value]
Report the angle of rotation of all selected labels, or change the
angle, which is measured in degrees counterclockwise. Any integer
angle is acceptable. Labels are always drawn upright, so labels
rotated from 90 to 270 degrees undergo an additional 180 degree
rotation within their bounding box to ensure that the text always
remains upright. Likewise, rotations and reflections of subcells are
applied to the label bounding box, with the text rotated within the
bounding box to ensure an upright orientation. If this explanation
is a bit obscure, then the rule is: if a label is drawn on a cell
such that it occupies a specific place with respect to the cell
layout, then it will always appear in that same place regardless of
how the cell is oriented in the hierarchy of a layout.
size [value]
Report the size of all selected labels, or change the size of
selected labels to value, which may be given in units of lambda,
or a metric measurement (e.g., “1um”). The text will be adjusted
so that the height of capitalized text from the text baseline is
equal to the requested value.
sticky [true|false]
Report the status of the “sticky” flag for the label. Labels which
have the “sticky” flag set can only attach to the assigned layer
type. Such labels may be placed over a layer that exists only in a
subcell, unlike non-sticky labels, which will reattach to any
available layer or else be assigned to “space”. Value returned is 1
(true) or 0 (false). If “true” or “false” is specified, then
the sticky flag is set or cleared, respectively.
text [string]
Report the text string of all selected labels, or change the text
string of selected labels to string.
The setlabel command manipulates selected text labels. In versions of magic prior to 8.0, labels could not be manipulated, but could only be changed by removing and replacing the label. Labels were drawn in an X11 font that was scaled relative to the window, not the layout. setlabel not only allows text strings to be modified on any labels, but also allows labels to be drawn in scaled fonts, rotated and offset to a specific position. Fonts are read from simple, ASCII-encoded PostScript Type-3 font files, such as provided by the Freefont project.
If -default is specified, then the given option is set as a default, if a value is supplied. If no value is supplied, then the value of the default is returned. The default values are applied when the “label command is issued without the full set of values. The -default option may be used with any label property except for text and box.
The default values, if not changed by using the -default option, are as follows:
default Fixed-width X11 bitmap font.
-1 Default justification, automatically determined.
0 Size is determined by the default font.
0 0 Text is not offset.
0 Text is not rotated.
-1 Default layer type, automatically determined.
0 Labels are not sticky by default.
Implementation Notes:
setlabel is implemented as a built-in command in magic version 8.0 (or higher) only.
See Also:
Set the value of the cursor reference point in a specific window.
setpoint [x y [window_id]
where x and y are screen coordinates and window_id is the identifying number for a layout window.
The setpoint command forces the reference point for a specific window. Each command that executes relative to a window must be able to translate from the pointer position to a layout coordinate. Commands that are executed from a script or from the command-line may not have access to the pointer, but can set the reference point with this command so that the effect of the command is predictable.
Normally, in interactive this command is not used. However, scripts that open more than one window need to specify which one is to take the action of the command. In the Tcl/Tk version, this can be done by using the tk_path_name command to pass a command to a specific window. The non-Tcl/Tk version, and the Tcl/Tk version using the “-dnull” option on the command line (i.e., no graphics package initialized) must use the setpoint command to track windows. Although possible, it is generally a bad idea for a script running in batch mode (“-dnull”) to create and access multiple windows, since the window structures have no useful function outside of a graphics environment. Nevertheless, it is important to realize that the openwindow command will generate multiple virtual windows in a batch-mode environment, and these can only be separately accessed using the setpoint command.
Implementation Notes:
setpoint is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
The use of the window ID number is unique to this command and should be a window name like every other window-related command. Likewise, scripts would best make use of this command if the position were in layout coordinates, and magic translated them back to screen coordinates in the indicated window to set the reference point.
Execute a command in a UNIX subshell
shell [command]
where command is a valid UNIX command-line command.
The shell command allows UNIX commands to be executed from the magic command line. This use is superceded by the Tcl interpreter, which executes shell commands directly from the interpreter prompt. Differences between the two uses is noted below.
Implementation Notes:
shell is implemented as a built-in command in magic. This is similar to the Tcl interpreter execution of shell commands directly from the Tcl command-line. The primary difference is that results from the shell interpreter are printed to the calling terminal with shell, and are printed to the console when invoked directly from Tcl. For example, note the difference in the output target for:
ls -l
shell ls -l
Flip selection and box sideways
Key macro f implements the command sideways.
The sideways command flips the selection from left to right. Flipping is done such that the lower left-hand corner of the selection remains in the same place through the flip.
Implementation Notes:
sideways is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Sleep for a number of seconds
sleep seconds
where seconds is the number of seconds to sleep.
The sleep command implements the UNIX system sleep() call to suspend the process for a number of seconds. This function is only particularly useful for demonstration purposes. In the Tcl version of magic, it is effectively superceded by the Tcl after command.
Implementation Notes:
sleep is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Cause box to snap to the selected grid when moved by the cursor. Also, cause distance measurements to be interpreted by default as measurments in the selected grid.
snap [internal | lambda | user] |
The snap command causes the cursor box to snap to the selected grid when moved by pointer button events. The selected grids are internal, the size of the internal database, lambda, the lambda grid based on the technology minimum feature size, and user, based on the value given by the user to the grid command.
In addition to changing the behavior of the box to mouse button events, the snap command also changes the way that distance measurements are interpreted in commands that take distance arguments, such as move, copy, and stretch. An integer number with no other identifying units is interpreted as a measurement in the current snap grid. All other measurements must have an identifying unit: i for internal units, l for lambda units, and g for user grid units (as well as the usual metric units). Even when snap is set to the larger lambda or user grids, it is possible to move the cursor box to finer grid positions from the command line. See the reference page on distance measures for a complete description of distance values.
snap with no arguments returns the current snap grid type.
By default, the internal and lambda grids are the same. However, CIF, GDS, or LEF/DEF input on a finer scale can cause the internal grid to be set finer than the lambda grid. Also, the scalegrid command can be used to separate the internal and lambda grids. Note that the use of “lambda” is merely a convention. Traditionally, scalable CMOS rules were based on units of “lambda”, equal to one-half the minimum feature size of the technology. Many technology files are still based on lambda rules, which are usually more conservative than vendor rules. However, some technology files may be based on exactly implementing vendor rules, and may set the internal grid spacing to a finer resolution, such as 0.1 micron or smaller. In such cases, the use of the term “lambda” is a misnomer.
Implementation Notes:
snap is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Open a window of a specific type.
specialopen type [arguments]
where type may be one of the following:
Open a layout window. Equivalent to the openwindow command.
wind3d tk_path_name
Generate the 3D window. Only available when using OpenGL graphics
(“magic -d OGL”). The tk_path_name argument allows the
window to be inserted into a Tk frame instead of generated directly
on the desktop.
Open a window allowing layout colors to be edited.
Open a window allowing interactive definition of netlists.
The specialopen command opens one of several special-purpose windows known to magic, as well as the default layout window. Each window has a set of commands associated with it. The layout window commands are listed in this reference guide along with the general-purpose commands, because the layout window is the most common type. For the command sets of the other special-purpose windows, see the sections on the colormap, netlist, and 3D rendering.
Implementation Notes:
specialopen is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
See Also:
Paint into the cursor box, splitting the box diagonally with one layer forming a right triangle in one corner and space or another layer in the other.
spliterase dir layer
where dir is a valid non-Manhattan direction indicating the direction of the right angle corner of the right triangle to be erased. Any paint of layer type layer is erased from this triangular area.
The spliterase command implements a form of non-Manhattan geometry that conforms to the corner-stitched tile database format used by magic for painting and searching operations in a plane. It lets a rectangular area, as defined by the position of the cursor box, be split diagonally, with one half containing one layer type, and the other half containing another. While the splitpaint command generates non-Manhattan areas by adding paint in a triangular area, spliterase creates non-Manhattan areas by subtracting paint from a triangular area.
Note that spliterase, like splitpaint, is somewhat cumbersome to use; to generate diagonal wires, use the wire segment command instead, which is also able to compute mitred joints between segments at different angles.
Implementation Notes:
spliterase is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Paint into the cursor box, splitting the box diagonally with one layer forming a right triangle in one corner and space or another layer in the other.
splitpaint dir layer [layer2]
where dir is a valid non-Manhattan direction indicating the direction of the right angle corner of the right triangle to be painted. This triangle is painted with layer type layer. If specified, the opposite triangle is painted with layer type layer2; otherwise, it is unpainted.
The splitpaint command implements a form of non-Manhattan geometry that conforms to the corner-stitched tile database format used by magic for painting and searching operations in a plane. It lets a rectangular area, as defined by the position of the cursor box, be split diagonally, with one half containing one layer type, and the other half containing another.
Note that splitpaint is somewhat cumbersome to use; to generate diagonal wires, use the wire segment command, which is also able to compute mitred joints between segments at different angles.
Implementation Notes:
splitpaint is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Start magic from inside the Tcl interpreter.
The startup command is not a user command. It is called by Tcl packages that wish to use magic from the interpreter. The procedure for starting magic is as follows:
- Load the object file.
- Call initialize with arguments passed to magic on the command line.
- Call startup
Implementation Notes:
startup is implemented as a built-in command in magic, but only defined by the Tcl version.
See Also:
Straighten jogs by pulling in direction
straighten direction
where direction is any valid Manhattan direction in magic.
The straighten command attempts to straighten jogs in wire paths. It is part of the plow method, and helps to clean up areas that have been altered using the plow command.
Implementation Notes:
straighten is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Stretch the cursor box and the selection.
Key macro M implements the command move (no arguments).
Key macro Shift-Keypad-8 implements the command stretch n
Key macro Shift-Keypad-6 implements the command stretch e
(and so forth for all 8 compass rose directions).
stretch [direction [distance]]
where direction is any valid direction specification in magic, and distance is any valid distance specification.
The stretch command moves the current selection from its current position according to the command arguments, and fills in behind with material such that electrical connections are maintained across the area in between the original and final positions.
Without arguments, the lower-left hand corner of the selection is moved to the current cursor position (the X11 cursor, not the magic “cursor box”). With arguments direction and distance, the selection is moved relative to the original in the indicated direction by the indicated amount. The default distance is 1 unit (#usually lambda; see distance for further explication).
The stretching algorithm fills in with the material that crosses or touches the cursor box in the opposite direction to the direction being stretched. If two different materials are on opposite sides of this boundary, the effect depends on the material types. Contact types will not be stretched unless the contact material is on both sides of the cursor box boundary. If two different contact types are on opposite sides of the boundary, then the material that electrically connects those two contacts (if any) will be filled in the stretch area.
Implementation Notes:
stretch is implemented as a built-in magic command.
See Also:
Suspend normal display refresh on all windows until the invocation of a corresponding resumeall command.
The suspendall command is a script that invokes the command update suspend on all layout windows. It is used in conjunction with the resumeall command and is intended for use in Tcl scripts that perform multiple manipulations on layout in a window, where it is desired to have the entire display refresh at one time at the end of the script rather than for each command within the script.
Because the update command can be nested, calls to suspendall and resumeall are likewise nested. resumeall does not resume the window refresh until it has been called the same number of times as suspendall was called.
Implementation Notes:
suspendall is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “tools” script.
See Also:
Register a tag callback command.
tag command_name [procedure]
where command_name is the name of any magic command, and procedure is any valid Tcl procedure.
The tag command is registers callback procedures to be executed after the indicated magic command has been executed. The primary use of the tag command is to register procedures that update the GUI window in response to commands that are typed on the command line or generated from macro calls.
In keeping with standard methods for Tcl callback functions, certain “escape sequences” beginning with the percent (“%”) character are allowed to be embedded in the callback function procedure, and are substituted prior to execution, with the substitutions defined as follows:
Substitute the Tk path of the layout window from which or in
reference to which command_name was invoked.
Substitute the previous Tcl result string, but do not reset the Tcl
result of the execution of procedure.
Substitute the previous Tcl result string and reset the Tcl result
from the execution of procedure such that the the result of
command_name becomes the result of procedure.
Substitute the zeroth to fifth argument to the original command.
Substitute a single percent character.
where char is any character not defined above: No action, print
exactly as written.
When a tag callback is used, the return value seen by the interpreter is the return value of the function procedure, not the return value of the tagged command command_name. The escape sequence %R can be used to force the result of command_name to become the result of procedure (unless procedure produces an error condition, in which case the error is returned). The escape sequence %r passes the result of command_name as an argument to the procedure, which may choose to return it as a result, or not.
If no procedure is present, then the tag command returns whatever procedure string is attached to the indicated command_name, if any. This can be used as a way to prevent infinite recursion inside a tag callback; for example,
set savetag [tag callback command]
(procedure calls, which may include a call to command)
tag command $savetag
Another way to avoid infinite recursion is to check the procedure depth from within the tag callback procedure using the Tcl command “info level”, to avoid executing the callback procedure if the level is not zero.
Only one tag callback is allowed per command name. However, only one is needed as that procedure may call as many other procedures as it wants to.
Implementation Notes:
tag is implemented as a built-in command in magic, but only in the Tcl version.
Query properties of the current technology, or change the current technology.
tech option
where option may be one of the following:
load filename [-noprompt][-nooverride]
Load a new technology from the file filename[.tech].
Display help information
Show current technology name
Show current technology filename
Show current technology version and description strings
Show internal units per lambda
Show defined planes
layers [layer]
Show defined layers
layers lock|unlock [layer]
Lock or unlock layers. When locked, a layer cannot be changed on the
layout. Paint of that layer type cannot be copied, moved, deleted,
or operated upon in any manner that would change the geometry of
that layer. This is useful, for example, to prevent mask layers from
being modified when working on modifications to a process back-end.
Note that layers can be marked locked in a tech file by prefixing
the layer name with “-“.
layers revert
Return the set of locked and unlock layers to the state subsequent
to reading the tech file (available from magic version 8.0.183).
drc option
Query the DRC ruleset, where option is one of the following:
width layer
Return the minimum allowed width for the indicated layer type.
spacing layer1 [layer2]
Return the minimum allowed spacing between layer1 and layer2, if
layer2 is specified, or between layer1 and itself, if not.
The tech command queries aspects of the current technology, and can also be used to change the current technology. The tech load command completely replaces the technology. Normally a call to tech load generates a dialog window asking the user for confirmation, since the tech load command is potentially destructive and can cause loss of an existing layout. The -noprompt option forces a technology load without presenting a dialog. This is particularly useful to put a “tech load name -noprompt” command in a .magic startup file in the directory of a project, so that it is not necessary to specify the technology on the command line when invoking magic. However, occasionally one may want to run magic from the same project directory with a different technology. The -nooverride option prevents the tech load command from overriding a technology name entered on the UNIX command line when starting magic.
Technology file reloading is especially useful when developing a technology file, to immediately see the results of a change made to the file. The current technology can be reloaded with the simple Tcl command “tech load [tech filename]”.
Note that there is a slightly different meaning between the command “tech layers” and “tech layers “*“”. The former prints a formatted list of layers, including all aliases for each layer, to the console. The second returns a Tcl list of all layers, with only the primary name for each layer.
A few aspects of the technology must be queried from other commands. The CIF/GDS input and output styles are given by the cif istyle and cif ostyle commands, while the extraction style is given by the extract style command.
The drc option is intended for use by Tcl scripted procedures that wish to place layout while satisfying the DRC rules. The two accepted rule options are spacing and width.
Implementation Notes:
tech is implemented as a built-in command in magic. The command replaces the original techinfo command, which no longer exists.
tech drc may not return the correct value in all cases.
Generate the technology manager GUI window.
Menu item Options->Technology manager implements the command techmanager.
The techmanager command generates the “technology manager” GUI window (see Figure 1 below). This window shows the current technology along with its version and description strings shows the internal grid scaling, the current and available CIF/GDS input and output styles, and the current and available extraction styles. It also shows the known technology files by searching the system search path (see the command path for more information). It allows a new technology to be loaded, or the CIF/GDS and extraction styles to be changed, as well as allowing internal grid rescaling by specifying the internal units per lambda.
Figure 1. The technology manager GUI window.
Implementation Notes:
techmanager is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “wrapper” script.
Short summary.
Key macro k implements the command command_name option.
command_name option
where option may be one of the following:
The command_name command is. . .
Implementation Notes:
command_name is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Execute a window command in the indicated window.
Key macro : (colon) implements the command tk_path_name by prepending the window name to the command typed on the command line when the command is executed. This action is, however, transparent to the end user.
tk_path_name command_name
where command_name is any valid window command for the type of window indicated by tk_path_name.
The tk_path_name command is unique for each window that is created in magic. The name of the window is registered as a command name with the Tcl interpreter. When the window name is used as a command, the arguments of the command are passed to the magic command interpreter to be executed in the context of that specific window. Effectively, it is the same as typing the macro “:” (colon) in a layout window, and then typing the command on the command line.
For example, the default first window that is created in the Tcl GUI version of magic is .layout1.magic. Upon creation, the command name .layout1.magic is registered with the Tcl interpreter. Subsequently, any command on the command-line will be executed in relation to that window if it is specified as an option to the .layout1.magic command:
.layout1.magic box 0 0 10 10
which is exactly the same as putting the X11 pointer cursor in the layout window, typing the “:” (colon) macro, then typing the command box 0 0 10 10 into the command line and hitting the return key.
Similarly to layout windows, windows created with the specialopen command have their Tk path names registered as commands with the Tcl interpreter, and can be passed commands recognized by the specific window type (e.g., netlist commands in the netlist special window).
The tk_path_name commands effectively implement the command “send” as it is used in the non-Tcl-based versions of Magic. For example, the command “send netlist shownet” can be written, in Tcl-based Magic, as the following:
[windownames netlist] shownet
Note here the nested command “windownames netlist” that returns the Tk path name of the netlist window, which is then evaluated as a command.
See Also:
Implementation Notes:
tk_path_name is implemented as a built-in command in magic which is registered with the Tcl interpreter when the window is created and unregistered when the window is destroyed.
Change layout tool or print information about what the button bindings are for the current tool. This page describes the tool command as implemented in the non-Tcl version of magic.
Key macro space implements the command tool.
Key macro shift-space implements the command tool box.
tool [name | info] |
where name may be one of box, wiring, netlist, or rsim.
The tool command selects or queries the mode of operation of the mouse buttons in the layout window. Each tool type has a unique set of button bindings.
Without arguments, the tool command selects the next tool type in round-robin fashion. With a tool type as argument, the button bindings switch to those for the indicated tool. With the info option, a summary of the mouse buttons is given for the current tool.
The mouse bindings for each of the three tools is as follows:
- Box Tool
Move the box so its lower-left corner is at cursor position
Resize box by moving upper-right corner to cursor position
Paint box area with material underneath cursor
In addition, you can move or resize the box by different corners by pressing left or right, holding it down, moving the cursor near a different corner and clicking the other (left or right) button down then up without releasing the initial button.
- Wiring Tool
Pick a wiring layer and width (same as “wire type”)
Add a leg to the wire (same as “wire leg”)
Place a contact to switch layers (same as “wire switch”)
- Netlist Tool
Select the net containing the terminal nearest the cursor
Toggle the terminal nearest the cursor into/out of current net
Join current net and net containing terminal nearest the cursor
- Rsim Tool left
Implementation Notes:
tool is implemented as a built-in command in the non-Tcl version of magic.
See Also:
Undo commands
Key macro U implements the command undo.
undo [print [count]]
undo enable | disable |
where count indicates a number of events to be undone (default 1 event), and must be a nonzero positive integer.
The undo command reverses the effect of the last executed command (command-line, script, or macro-invoked), returning the layout to the state it was in prior to execution of that command.
Certain commands in magic disable the undo mechanism, thus preventing the command from being undone. These include layout reads and writes, CIF, GDS, and LEF/DEF reads and writes.
The print option generates a stack trace of the top count events in the undo stack, in excruciating detail.
The undo disable option disables the command queue and prevents all following commands to be undoable until the undo enable command option is given. This can save time and memory for operations in a batch file where commands will never be able to be undone.
Implementation Notes:
undo is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
See Also:
Unexpand everything inside or touching the cursor box.
Key macro X implements the command unexpand.
The unexpand command unexpands the view of subcells to hide the contents of the subcells and show the bounding box outline only. The unexpand command unexpands all subcells that touch or intersect the cursor box in the layout window.
Implementation Notes:
unexpand is implemented as a built-in magic command.
See Also:
Remove a ruler generated with the measure script.
The unmeasure command is a script that removes a ruler that was created with the corresponding measure command. Any ruler that is found within the cursor box will be removed.
Implementation Notes:
unmeasure is implemented as a Tcl procedure in the “tools” script.
See Also:
Force display update, or suspend/resume updates
updatedisplay [suspend | resume] |
The updatedisplay command allows the display redraw to be suspended and resumed. The main situation where this is useful is inside a script or series of commands, where it is not desired to have the display refresh at each step. Areas needing to be redrawn will accumulate and be processed all at once when updatedisplay resume is called.
Calls to updatedisplay suspend can be nested, so that the display will not update until the same number of calls to updatedisplay resume have been encountered.
Without arguments, updatedisplay forces an immediate display redraw.
Implementation Notes:
updatedisplay is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
See Also:
Flip selection and box upside down
Key macro F implements the command upsidedown.
The upsidedown command flips the selection from top to bottom. Flipping is done such that the lower left-hand corner of the selection remains in the same place through the flip.
Implementation Notes:
upsidedown is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Print version and revision info
The version command prints the version number and revision number of magic, and the compilation date and time.
Implementation Notes:
version is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Zoom window out so everything is visible, or zoom window to the specified area bounds.
Key macro v implements the command view.
view [get | bbox | llx lly urx ury] |
view [get | bbox | llx lly urx ury |
where llx lly urx ury are layout dimensions to become the screen view limits.
The view command is most often used without arguments to center and scale the screen view of the layout window to fit the layout.
view bbox returns the bounding box dimensions of the layout, in the coordinate system of the layout.
view get returns the coordinates of the screen limits in the coordinate system of the layout (internal database units).
view llx lly urx ury sets the view so that the corners of the screen are at the indicated positions in the coordinate system of the layout. Where the dimensions do not match exactly to the screen aspect ratio, the view will be centered on the indicated coordinates.
Implementation Notes:
view is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Print out information about what material is in the current selection. Short summary.
Key macro / (slash) implements the command what.
what [-list[all]]
The what command queries what material is in the current selection. This includes a report on layers, labels, and subcell instances that are selected.
In the Tcl version of magic, the -list option returns the result as a Tcl list containing three sub-lists. The first sub-list contains the types found, the second contains the labels found, and the third contains the subcells found. Each label in the second sub-list is itself a list of three items: The label text, the layer the label is attached to, and the cell def containing the label. Each subcell in the third sub-list is itself a list of two items: The subcell instance ID name, and the cell definition name.
-listall is a variant of the Tcl list, in which the first sub-list contains the types found, where each entry is itself a list. Each list entry first item is the name of the layer, and the second entry is a list containing the names of all subcells where that type is found.
Implementation Notes:
what is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Toggle border drawing for new windows
windowborder [on | off] |
The windowborder command turns the drawing of the window border on or off. Normally, this will be on in the non-GUI version of magic, and off in the GUI version, where the border area is handled by the Tk frame window. Note that the command does not affect the current layout windows, but takes effect for all windows created after the command has been called.
Implementation Notes:
windowborder is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
Toggle title caption for new windows
windowcaption [on | off] |
The windocaption command turns the drawing of the window title area (caption) on or off. Normally, this will be on in the non-GUI version of magic, and off in the GUI version, where the title area is handled by the Tk frame window and the caption procedure.
Note that the command does not affect the current layout windows, but takes effect for all windows created after the command has been called.
Implementation Notes:
windocaption is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
Get name of current or all windows
windownames [all | type] |
where type is one of the window types known to the specialopen command, which are: layout, wind3d, color, and netlist.
The windownames command returns a list of magic windows as specified by the command options. No options is equivalent to option all, and prints the names of all existing windows. Otherwise, windows can be listed by type, where type is the type of window as understood by the specialopen command.
The Tcl/Tk version of magic returns the full Tk path name of each window, including any parent frames. The non-Tcl/Tk version of magic returns window IDs (the ID is an integer number used by the setpoint command.
See Also:
Implementation Notes:
windownames is implemented as a built-in command in magic. The Tcl version returns a Tcl list of Tk path names for each window. The non-Tcl version of magic writes the window list to standard output.
Toggle scroll bars for new windows
windowscrollbars [on | off] |
The windowscrollbars command turns the drawing of the window scrollbars on or off. Normally, this will be on in the non-GUI version of magic, and off in the GUI version, where the scrollbars are handled by the Tk frame window and the GUI “wrapper” script.
Note that the command does not affect the current layout windows, but takes effect for all windows created after the command has been called.
Implementation Notes:
windowscrollbars is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.
See Also:
Generate wires from the command line.
Mouse buttons in conjunction with the wire tool implement various wire commands (see the tool command reference).
wire option
where option may be one of the following:
Print help information
Add a new horizontal wire leg
Add a new horizontal or vertical leg
switch [layer width]
Place contact and switch layers
type [layer width]
Select the type and size of wires
add a new vertical wire leg
segment layer width x1 y1 x2 y2… [-noendcap]
Paint one or more wire segments
segment layer width filename [-noendcap]
Paint one or more wire segments taken from the text file filename
containing two coordinates X and Y per line, one line per path
Determine where the next wire leg will be according to the rules for
wire leg, but place the result in the selection buffer rather
than directly on the layout.
increment layer
Change the layer type used for wires to the wire type on the plane
above the plane of the current wire type.
decrement layer
Change the layer type used for wires to the wire type on the plane
below the plane of the current wire type.
increment width
Increment the width of the current wire by 1 internal unit.
decrement width
Decrement the width of the current wire by 1 internal unit.
The wire command allows quick generation of wires on the layout. Some of these commands are bound to mouse button events in the wire tool, making a convenient interface for fast wiring where full netlist routing is not required. Due to the presence of the wire tool, most of these commands are not typically called from the command line.
The wire segment command can generate non-Manhattan segments. All other wiring commands generate only Manhattan routes. This command places wire segments in relation to the centerline coordinates specified by x1 y1, x2 y2, and so forth. By default, wires are drawn with an endcap extension of one-half the wire width. The -noendcap option causes the wire to end at the coordinate, with no extension. The wire segment command is intended to be used from Tcl scripts for automatic layout generation.
The first format for wire segment has coordinates specified on the command line. For wire segments with too many points, this command may overrun the internal limit on either number of command-line arguments or the total number of characters in the command line. To work around these limits, the second format of the command specifies a filename in place of the coordinate list. The file is a simple text file, with one line per coordinate pair. X and Y values must be separated by whitespace. The syntax for each value is the same as for the command; e.g., one can use integers which will be interpreted relative to the current snap setting, or one can specify the units, such as “100um”.
When generating path points from a script, the most convenient method is to create an empty list (“{}”), then use “lappend” to add coordinates to the list. Once the list is complete, it is necessary to use “eval” to decompose the list.
Incorrect: wire segment m1 50 $pointlist
Correct: eval “wire segment m1 50 $pointlist”
Implementation Notes:
wire is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Write out all modified cells to disk
Key macro w implements the command writeall.
Key macro W implements the command writeall force.
writeall [force|modified|noupdate cell1 cell2…]
The writeall command generates a popup dialog prompting for action on writing each cell definition in the layout hierarchy to disk. As shown in the figure below, the popup dialog presents five choices:
Writes the single cell and continues the prompting for the next cell.
Reverts the cell to what was originally on the disk, like the
flush command. Continues prompting for the next cell.
No action for the indicated cell definition; continue prompting for
the next cell.
Stop all writing and terminate the command with no further prompting
or processing.
Write all the cells, with no further prompting.
Figure 1. The popup dialog of the writeall command.
With the option writeall force, the command writes all cells in the hierarchy with no prompting. If one or more cell names follows write force, the cells listed will be written (action “write”) and all other cells will be ignored (action “skip”).
With the option writeall modified, the command writes all cells in the hierarchy which have been modified, ignoring those cells marked as needing only a bounding box or timestamp update.
With the option writeall noupdate, the command writes all cells in the hierarchy like it would for write force, but it does not update timestamps.
Implementation Notes:
writeall is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Load a cell into a window unexpanded
xload cellname
where cellname is the name of a layout cell in the database memory or on disk.
The xload command works exactly like the load command, but keeps the top-level cell cellname unexpanded. This can be useful for large layouts where the expanded view takes a long time to redraw.
Implementation Notes:
xload is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Perform exclusive-or between the current cell and the indicated destination cell. The destination cell is overwritten with the result.
xor [option] cellname
where cellname is the name of a cell definition to be compared against, and into which the compared geometry will be placed. option may be one of -nolabels, -nosubcircuit, or -novendor, similar to the “flatten” command.
The xor command compares the current edit cell against the target cell cellname by flattening and exclusive-or, replacing the target cell paint as it works. The result is an empty cell if the two cells have exactly the same geometry; otherwise, paint remains in the target cell where the geometry of the current edit cell does not match the geometry of the target cell.
The target cell is assumed to be flattened already. That is, to compare hierarchical layout layout1 to hierarchical layout layout2, one would normally do:
load layout1
flatten dest
load layout2
xor dest
This will result in cell dest containing geometry mismatches between cell layout1 and cell layout2.
The options allow selective flattening, as follows:
Prevents magic from copying labels into the flattened cell. Otherwise,
magic flattens labels by prepending the cell hierarchy to each label
as it copies it into the flat cell.
Prevents magic from flattening cells declared to be subcircuits (by
the presence of ports in the cell). These cells are retained as
subcells in the flattened version.
Prevents magic from flattening cells that are vendor cells, that is,
cells that are generated by reading GDS using the gds readonly
option, or which have the appropriate property values set.
In effect, xor is just the command flatten called with a special paint translation table that erases paint in the target when painted with the same type from the source.
Note that cellname is a top-level cell but is not displayed or saved subsequent to the xor command. The usual procedure is to follow the command “xor cellname” with “load cellname”, to view the new compared layout.
Also note that a technology file’s paint and erase tables can interfere with strict XOR function results. Typical paint and erase rules will tend to generate a result that is useful for a yes-no answer (cells either match or not), and for finding places in mismatched cells where differences occur. But it may not be possible to determine exactly what the difference is from the xor output. For a “proper” XOR function, use a techfile that does not have interacting types and planes, and draws contact cuts on separate planes rather than using magic’s contact types (which automatically have interacting paint and erase rules).
Implementation Notes:
xor is implemented as a built-in command in magic, available from magic version 8.1.64.
Change the view in the current layout window so that everything is visible but unexpanded.
The xview command changes the view so that the layout fits the window, as in the view command, but ensures that all cells are unexpanded. This is useful for large layouts where the full view can take a long time to refresh.
Implementation Notes:
xview is implemented as a built-in command in magic.
See Also:
Zoom window by specified magnification factor.
Key macro z implements the command zoom 0.5 (zoom out by a
factor of 2).
Key macro Z implements the command zoom 2 (zoom in by a factor
of 2).
zoom factor
where factor is any real value. Values larger than 1 indicate a zoom in, while values smaller than 1 indicate a zoom out.
The zoom command implements view scaling in the layout window in and out by the indicated magnification factor.
Note that several other commands effect a change in the view scale factor, including findbox zoom and view with coordinate arguments.
Implementation Notes:
zoom is implemented as a built-in window command in magic.