
TFE4152 - Lecture 8

Outside world, variability, and current mirrors


Week Book Monday Book Friday
34   Introduction, what are we going to do in this course. Why do you need it? WH 1 , WH 15 Manufacturing of integrated circuits
35 CJM 1.1 pn Junctions CJM 1.2 WH 1.3, 2.1-2.4 Mosfet transistors
36 CJM 1.2 WH 1.3, 2.1-2.4 Mosfet transistors CJM 1.3 - 1.6 Modeling and passive devices
37   Guest Lecture - Sony CJM 3.1, 3.5, 3.6 Current mirrors
38 CJM 3.2, 3.3,3.4 3.7 Amplifiers CJM, CJM 2 WH 1.5 SPICE simulation and layout
39   Verilog   Verilog
40 WH 1.4 WH 2.5 CMOS Logic WH 3 Speed
41 WH 4 Power WH 5 Wires
42 WH 6 Scaling Reliability and Variability WH 8 Gates
43 WH 9 Sequencing WH 10 Datapaths - Adders
44 WH 10 Datapaths - Multipliers, Counters WH 11 Memories
45 WH 12 Packaging WH 14 Test
46   Guest lecture - Nordic Semiconductor    
47 CJM Recap of CJM WH Recap of WH

Goal for today

Outside world (ESD, Latchup)


Current mirrors

Outside world

Electrostatic Discharge

If you make an IC, you must consider Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection circuits

Standards for testing at JEDEC

But I just want a digital input, what do I need?

Input buffer


Logic cells close to large NMOS pad drivers are prone to latch-up.

The latch-up process can start with electrons injected into the p-type substrate.


  1. Electrons injected into substrate, diffuse around, but will be accelerated by n-well to p-substrate built in voltage. Can end up in n-well
  2. PMOS drain can be forward biased by reduced n-well potential. Hole injection into n-well. Holes diffuse around, but will be accelerated by n-well to p-substrate built in voltage. Can end up in p-substrate under NMOS
  3. NMOS source pn-junction can be forward biased. Electrons injected into p-substrate. Diffuse around, but will be accelerated by n-well to p-substrate built in voltage.
  4. Go to 2 (latch-up)


Provide \(I_2 = 1 \mu A\)

Let’s use off-chip resistor \(R\), and pick \(R\) such that \(I_1 = 1 \mu A\)

Use \(\frac{W_1}{L_1} = \frac{W_2}{L_2}\)

What makes \(I_2 \ne 1 \mu A\)?

Voltage variation

Systematic variations

Process variations

Temperature variation

Random variations


Voltage variation

\[I_1 = \frac{V_{DD} - V_{GS1}}{R}\]

If \(V_{DD}\) changes, then current changes.

Fix: Keep \(V_{DD}\) constant

Systematic variations

If \(V_{DS1} \ne V_{DS2} \rightarrow I_1 \ne I_2\)

If layout direction of \(M_1 \ne M_2 \rightarrow I_1 \ne I_2\)

If current direction of \(M_1 \ne M_2 \rightarrow I_1 \ne I_2\)

If \(V_{S1} \ne V_{S2} \rightarrow I_1 \ne I_2\)

If \(V_{B1} \ne V_{B2} \rightarrow I_1 \ne I_2\)

If \(WPE_{1} \ne WPE_{2} \rightarrow I_1 \ne I_2\)

If \(Stress_{1} \ne Stress_{2} \rightarrow I_1 \ne I_2\) …

Process variations

Assume strong inversion and active \(V_{eff} = \sqrt{\frac{2}{\mu_p C_{ox} \frac{W}{L}} I_1}\), \(V_{GS} = V_{eff} + V_{tp}\)

\[I_1 = \frac{V_{DD} - V_{GS}}{R} = \frac{V_{DD} - \sqrt{\frac{2}{\mu_p C_{ox} \frac{W}{L}} I_1} - V_{tp}}{R}\]

\(\mu_p\), \(C_{ox}\), \(V_{tp}\) will all vary from die to die, and wafer lot to wafer lot.

Process corners

Common to use 5 corners, or Monte-Carlo process simulation

Mtt Typical Typical
Mss Slow Slow
Mff Fast Fast
Msf Slowish Fastish
Mfs Fastish Slowish

Fix process variation

Use calibration: measure error, tune circuit to fix error

For every single chip, measure voltage across known resistor \(R_1\) and tune \(R_{var}\) such that we get \(I_1 = 1 \mu A\)

Be careful with multimeters, they have finite input resistance (approximately 1 M\(\Omega\))

Temperature variation

Mobility decreases with temperature

Threshold voltage decreases with temperature.

\[I_D = \frac{1}{2}\mu_n C_{ox} (V_{GS} - V_{tn})^2\]

High \(I_D =\) fast digital circuits

Low \(I_D =\) slow digital circuits

What is fast? High temperature or low temperature?

It depends on \(V_{DD}\)

Fast corner

  • Mff (high mobility, low threshold voltage)
  • High \(V_{DD}\)
  • High or low temperature

Slow corner

  • Mss (low mobility, high threshold voltage)
  • Low \(V_{DD}\)
  • High or low temperature

How do we fix temperature variation?

Accept it, or don’t use this circuit.

If you need stability over temperature, use 7.3.2 and 7.3.4 in CJM

Random Variation

Mean \(\overline{x(t)} = \lim_{T\to\infty} \frac{1}{T}\int^{+T/2}_{-T/2}{ x(t) dt}\)

Mean Square \(\overline{x^2(t)} = \lim_{T\to\infty} \frac{1}{T}\int^{+T/2}_{-T/2}{ x^2(t) dt}\)

Variance \(\sigma^2 = \overline{x^2(t)} - \overline{x(t)}^2\)

where \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation. If mean is removed, or is zero, then \(\sigma^2 = \overline{x^2(t)}\)

Assume two random processes, \(x_1(t)\) and \(x_2(t)\) with mean of zero (or removed). \(x_{tot}(t) = x_1(t) + x_2(t)\) \(x_{tot}^2(t) = x_1^2(t) + x_2^2(t) + 2x_1(t)x_2(t)\)

Variance (assuming mean of zero) \(\sigma^2_{tot} = \lim_{T\to\infty} \frac{1}{T}\int^{+T/2}_{-T/2}{ x_{tot}^2(t) dt}\) \(\sigma^2_{tot} = \sigma_1^2 + \sigma_2^2 + \lim_{T\to\infty} \frac{1}{T}\int^{+T/2}_{-T/2}{ 2x_1(t)x_2(t) dt}\)

Assuming uncorrelated processes (covariance is zero), then \(\sigma^2_{tot} = \sigma_1^2 + \sigma_2^2\)

\(\ell = \mu_p C_{ox} \frac{W}{L}\) \(I_D = \frac{1}{2} \ell (V_{GS} - V_{tp})^2\)

Due to doping , length, width, \(C_{ox}\), \(V_{tp}\), … random varation

\[\ell_1 \ne \ell_2\] \[V_{tp1} \ne V_{tp2}\]

As a result \(I_1 \ne I_2\), but we can make them close.

Pelgrom’s1 law

Given a random gaussian process parameter \(\Delta P\) with zero mean, the variance is given by

\[\sigma^2 (\Delta P) = \frac{A^2_P}{WL} + S_{P}^2 D^2\]

where \(A_P\) and \(S_P\) are measured, and \(D\) is the distance between devices

Assume closely spaced devices (\(D \approx 0\)) \(\Rightarrow \sigma^2 (\Delta P) = \frac{A^2_P}{WL}\)

Transistors with same \(V_{GS}\)2

\[\frac{\sigma_{I_D}^2}{I_D^2} = \frac{1}{WL}\left[\left(\frac{gm}{I_D}\right)^2 \sigma_{vt}^2 + \frac{\sigma_{\ell}^2}{\ell}\right]\]

Valid in weak, moderate and strong inversion

\(\frac{\sigma_{I_D}^2}{I_D^2} = \frac{1}{WL}\left[\left(\frac{gm}{I_D}\right)^2 \sigma_{vt}^2 + \frac{\sigma_{\ell}^2}{\ell}\right]\) \(\frac{\sigma_{I_D}}{I_D} \propto \frac{1}{\sqrt{WL}}\)

Assume \(\frac{\sigma_{I_D}}{I_D} = 10\%\), We want \(5\%\), how much do we need to change WL?

\[\frac{\frac{\sigma_{I_D}}{I_D}}{2} \propto \frac{1}{2\sqrt{WL}} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{4WL}}\]

We must quadruple the area to half the standard deviation

\(1 \%\) would require 100 times the area

What else can we do?

\[\frac{\sigma_{I_D}^2}{I_D^2} = \frac{1}{WL}\left[\left(\frac{gm}{I_D}\right)^2 \sigma_{vt}^2 + \frac{\sigma_{\ell}^2}{\ell}\right]\]

Strong inversion \(\Rightarrow \frac{gm}{I_D} = \frac{1}{2 V_{eff}} = low\)

Weak inversion \(\Rightarrow \frac{gm}{I_D} = \frac{q}{n k T} \approx 25\)

Current mirrors achieve best matching in strong inversion

\[\frac{\sigma_{I_D}^2}{I_D^2} = \frac{1}{WL}\left[\left(\frac{gm}{I_D}\right)^2 \sigma_{vt}^2 + \frac{\sigma_{\ell}^2}{\ell}\right]\] \[\sigma_{I_D}^2 = \frac{1}{WL}\left[gm^2 \sigma_{vt}^2 + I_D^2\frac{\sigma_{\ell}^2}{\ell}\right]\]

Offset voltage for a differential pair

\[i_o = i_{o+} - i_{o-} = g_m v_i = g_m (v_{i+} - v_{i-})\] \[\sigma_{v_i}^2 = \frac{\sigma_{I_D}^2}{gm^2} = \frac{1}{WL}\left[\sigma_{vt}^2 + \frac{I_D^2}{gm^2}\frac{\sigma_{\ell}^2}{\ell}\right]\]

High \(\frac{gm}{I_D}\) is better (best in weak inversion)

(Transistor Noise) more in future years

Thermal noise Random scattering of carriers, generation-recombination in channel? \(PSD_{TH}(f) = \text{Constant}\)

Popcorn noise Carriers get “stuck” in oxide traps (dangling bonds) for a while. Can cause a short-lived (seconds to minutes) shift in threshold voltage \(PSD_{GR}(f) \propto \text{Lorentzian shape} \approx \frac{A}{1 + \frac{f^2}{f_0}}\)

Flicker noise Assume there are many sources of popcorn noise at different energy levels and time constants, then the sum of the spectral densities approaches flicker noise. \(PSD_{flicker}(f) \propto \frac{1}{f}\)

Analog designer = Someone who knows how to deal with variation

Current Mirrors

Input impedance \(r_{in}\)

Output impedance \(r_{out}\)

LF transfer function \(\frac{i_{o}}{i_{i}}\)

Source degeneration





Source degeneration

What is the operating region of M3 and M4?

What is the operating region of M1 and M2?

Source degeneration - \(r_{in}\)

M1 and M2 are in linear region, can be simplified to resistors

\[r_{in} = \frac{1}{g_{m1}}+ R_s\]

Source degeneration - \(r_{out}\)

\(v_{gs} = -v_{s}\), \(v_{s} = i_x R_s\), \(r_{out} = \frac{v_x}{i_x}\)

\[i_x = g_{m2} v_{gs} + \frac{v_x - v_s}{r_{ds2}}\] \[i_x = -i_x g_{m2} R_s + \frac{v_x - i_x R_s}{r_{ds2}}\] \[v_x = i_x\left[ r_{ds2} + R_s(g_{m2} r_{ds2} + 1)\right]\]


\[r_{out} = r_{ds2}[1 + R_s(g_{m1} + g_{ds2})] \approx r_{ds2} [1 + g_{m1}R_s]\]


From source degeneration (ignoring bulk effect)

\[r_{out} = r_{ds4}[1 + R_s(g_{m4} + g_{ds4})]\] \[R_S = r_{ds2}\] \[r_{out} = r_{ds4}[1 + r_{ds2}(g_{m4} + g_{ds4})]\] \[r_{out} \approx r_{ds2}(r_{ds4}g_{m4})\]

One more thing ….

“High speed, high gain OTA in a digital 90nm CMOS technology” Berntsen, Wulff, Ytterdal, Norchip 2005

image ../ip/berntsen.png removed

  1. M. J. M. Pelgrom, C. J. Duinmaijer, and A. P. G. Welbers, “Matching properties of MOS transistors,” IEEE J. Solid-State Cir- cuits, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1433–1440, Oct. 1989. 

  2. Peter Kinget, see CJM