Getting started
Setup tools on linux or mac (or WSL on Windows)
For the analog toolchain we need some tools, and a process design kit (PDK).
- Skywater 130nm PDK. I use open_pdks to install the PDK
- Magic VLSI for layout
- ngspice for simulation
- netgen for LVS
- xschem
- python > 3.10
The tools are not that big, but the PDK is huge, so you need to have about 50 GB disk space available.
Setup WSL (Applicable for Windows users)
Install a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu 22.04 LTS by running the following command in PowerShell on Windows and follow the instructions.
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-22.04
When you have installed the Linux distribution and signed into it, install make
sudo apt install make
Setup public key towards github
ssh-keygen -t rsa
And press “enter” on most things, or if you’re paranoid, add a passphrase
cat ~/.ssh/
And add the public key to your github account. Settings - SSH and GPG keys
Clone the github repo, install, and set up tools
git clone --recursive
You need to add the following to your ~/.bashrc (note that ~
refers to your
home directory $HOME/.bashrc
also works, or $HOME/.bash_profile
on some
newer macs)
export PDK_ROOT=/opt/pdk/share/pdk
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/eda/lib
export PATH=/opt/eda/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
Ubuntu 24.04 or new system
On newer systems it’s not trivial to install python packages because python is externally managed. As such, we need to install a python environment.
#- Find a package similar to name below
sudo apt install python3.12-venv
sudo mkdir /opt/eda/python3
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/eda/python3/
python3 -m venv /opt/eda/python3
Modify the ~/.bashrc
to include the python environment
export PATH=/opt/eda/bin:/opt/eda/python3/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
Make sure you load the settings before you proceed
source ~/.bashrc
cd aicex/tests/
make requirements
make tt
make eda_compile
sudo make eda_install
python3 -m pip install matplotlib numpy click svgwrite pyyaml pandas tabulate wheel setuptools tikzplotlib
cd ../..
Install cicconf
cd aicex/ip/cicconf
git checkout main
git pull
python3 -m pip install -e .
cd ../
cicconf update
cd ..
Install cicsim
cd aicex/ip/cicsim
python3 -m pip install -e .
cd ../..
Check that magic and xschem works
To check that magic and xschem works
cd ip/sun_sar9b_sky130nm/work
magic ../design/SUN_SAR9B_SKY130NM/SUNSAR_SAR9B_CV.mag &
xschem -b ../design/SUN_SAR9B_SKY130NM/SUNSAR_SAR9B_CV.sch &