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Mixed Signal Simulation in ngspice

Digital simulation

  • The order of execution of events at the same time-step do not matter

  • The system is causal. Changes in the future do not affect signals in the past or the now

There are both commercial an open source tools for digital simulation. If you’ve never used a digital simulator, then I’d recommend you start with iverilog. I’ve made some examples at dicex.


Open Source

Below is an example of a counter in SystemVerilog. The code can be found at counter_sv.

In the always_comb section we code what will become the combinatorial logic. In the always_ff section we code what will become our registers.

module dig(
           input wire         clk,
           input wire         reset,
           output logic [4:0] b

   logic                      rst = 0;

   always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
        rst <= 1;
        rst <= 0;

   always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
        b <= 0;
        b <= b + 1;
   end // dig


Transient analog simulation

Analog simulation is different. There is no quantized time step. How fast “things” happen in the circuit is entirely determined by the time constants, change in voltage, and change in current in the system.

It is possible to have a fixed time-step in analog simulation, for example, we say that nothing is faster than 1 fs, so we pick that as our time step. If we wanted to simulate 1 s, however, that’s at least 1e15 events, and with 1 event per microsecond on a computer it’s still a simulation time of 31 years. Not a viable solution for all analog circuits.

Analog circuits are also non-linear, properties of resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes may depend on the voltage or current across, or in, the device. Solving for all the non-linear differential equations is tricky.

An analog simulation engine must parse spice netlist, and setup partial/ordinary differential equations for node matrix

The nodal matrix could look like the matrix below, $i$ are the currents, $v$ the voltages, and $G$ the conductances between nodes.

\[\begin{pmatrix} G_{11} &G_{12} &\cdots &G_{1N} \\ G_{21} &G_{22} &\cdots &G_{2N} \\ \vdots &\vdots &\ddots & \vdots\\ G_{N1} &G_{N2} &\cdots &G_{NN} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} v_1\\ v_2\\ \vdots\\ v_N \end{pmatrix}= \begin{pmatrix} i_1\\ i_2\\ \vdots\\ i_N \end{pmatrix}\]

The simulator, and devices model the non-linear current/voltage behavior between all nodes

as such, the $G$’s may be non-linear functions, and include the $v$’s and $i$’s.

Transient analysis use numerical methods to compute time evolution

The time step is adjusted automatically, often by proprietary algorithms, to trade accuracy and simulation speed.

The numerical methods can be forward/backward Euler, or the others listed below.

If you wish to learn more, I would recommend starting with the original paper on analog transient analysis.

SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) published in 1973 by Nagel and Pederson

The original paper has spawned a multitude of commercial, free and open source simulators, some are listed below.

If you have money, then buy Cadence Spectre. If you have no money, then start with ngspice.



Open Source


Tutorial at http://analogicus.com/jnw_sv_sky130a/

Repository at https://github.com/wulffern/jnw_sv_sky130a

Assumes knowledge of Tutorial

The circuit

In design/JNW_SV_SKY130A/JNWSW_CM.sch you’ll find a current mirror, and a 5-bit current DAC.

What we want from the digital is to control the binary value of the current DAC.

The digital code

The digital code is shown below. The clk controls the stepping, while the reset sets the output b=0. When reset is off, then the b increments.

module dig(
           input wire         clk,
           input wire         reset,
           output logic [4:0] b

   logic                      rst = 0;

   always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
        rst <= 1;
        rst <= 0;

   always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
        b <= 0;
        b <= b + 1;
   end // dig

Compile RTL

The first thing we need to do is to translate the verilog into a compiled object that can be used in ngspice.

cd sim/JNWSW_CM
ngspice vlnggen ../../rtl/dig.v

Import object into SPICE file

I’m lazy. So I don’t want to do the same thing multiple times. As such, I’ve written a small script to help me instanciate the verilog

perl ../../tech/script/gensvinst ../../rtl/dig.v dig

The script generates an svninst.spi file. The first section imports the digital compiled library

adut [clk
+ reset
+ ]
+ [b.4
+ b.3
+ b.2
+ b.1
+ b.0
+ ] null dut
.model dut d_cosim 
+ simulation="../dig.so" delay=10p

Turns out that ngspice needs the digital inputs and outputs to be connected to something to calculate them (I think), so connect some resistors

* Inputs
Rsvi0 clk 0 1G
Rsvi1 reset 0 1G

* Outputs
Rsvi2 b.4 0 1G
Rsvi3 b.3 0 1G
Rsvi4 b.2 0 1G
Rsvi5 b.1 0 1G
Rsvi6 b.0 0 1G

For the busses I find it easier to read the value as a real, so translate the buses from digital b[4:0] to a real value dec_b

E_STATE_b dec_b 0 value={( 0 
+ + 16*v(b.4)/AVDD
+ + 8*v(b.3)/AVDD
+ + 4*v(b.2)/AVDD
+ + 2*v(b.1)/AVDD
+ + 1*v(b.0)/AVDD
.save v(dec_b)

Import in testbench

An example testbench can be seen below (sim/JNWSW_CM/tran.spi)


.include ../xdut.spi
.include ../svinst.spi

* Translate names
VB0 b.0 b<0> dc 0
VB1 b.1 b<1> dc 0
VB2 b.2 b<2> dc 0
VB3 b.3 b<3> dc 0
VB4 b.4 b<4> dc 0


Override default digital output voltage

We can override the output dac from digital to analog to ensure that the digital signals have the right levels

*- Override the default digital output bridge.
pre_set auto_bridge_d_out =
     + ( ".model auto_dac dac_bridge(out_low =te 0.0 out_high = 1.8)"
     +   "auto_bridge%d [ %s ] [ %s ] auto_dac" )


You can run the whole thing with

cd sim/JNWSW_CM/
make typical