cicsim is a collection of scripts that I use to simplify my life when it comes to analog simulation.

cicsim is short for Custom Integrated Circuit Simulation (or Carsten’s Integrated Circuit Simulation).

I pronounce cicsim as C I C SIM, while my students sometimes call it ‘sick-sim’.

The commands are

cicsim --help
Usage: cicsim [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Custom Integrated Circuit Simulation

  This package provides helper scripts for simulating integrated circuits

  Check website for more information :

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  plot         Plot from rawfile
  portreplace  Replace ${PORTS} and ${VPORTS} with the subcircuit ports...
  results      Results of single runfile
  run          Run a ngspice simulation of TESTBENCH
  simcell      Create a ngspice simulation directory for a Cell
  srun         Run a spectre simulation of TESTBENCH
  summary      Generate simulation summary for results
  wave         Open waveform viewer

Install stable version

I sometimes release a version to pypi, so you can do

python3 -m pip install cicsim

Install latest and greatest

git clone
cd cicsim
python3 -m pip install --user -e .

Other sources and demos